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Everything posted by Cookyman

  1. I agree, mind you I do like a twin stick shooter. Loved Dead Nation and can't wait for Alienation so should tide me over until then.
  2. Finally got my Fighter Squadron Trophy - get 10 kills in a single game today. Thanks to @Eenuh for advising me to try using the A Wing - got it first time doing that!
  3. Hmmm or it could be bush!
  4. full list...
  5. "Alright, alright...............keep your lid on!"
  6. William McPinch is back!
  7. Don't worry @Tales start yacking with us lot and you'll be a cunning linguist in no time! Good games again tonight, I think I have a slight addiction to this game and I'm getting more and more excited about the upcoming dlc.
  8. Well last night I ended up partnered with one of those dickheads so it was quite easy to tell as if I spawned next to them camping I shot at them, melee attacked them,threw grenades at them and actively got the enemies attention to kill them! It was hilarious the dickwad I was was getting really pissed of with me another tip is just stand next to them and spam with the " I have a really bad feeling about this" gesture! The best part was despite camping behind boxes on a bridge in the hangar level for most of the game- he came last, I hope my efforts contributed to that
  9. Too bad you missed us myself @Eenuh @Blade & @Fierce_LiNk were all playing tonight -good times !
  10. We should organise a team...........oh wait!
  11. I've played lots of games online too! What I'm talking about was actively trying to get members of the community to play together I tried and failed to do so with all these games. Im suggesting we try again with Worms, like I said I'm an optimist
  12. Panicked nun Lol
  13. Hope this will help. Well I've just bought it. It's only £4 so why not eh? Worms games are stupid fun and I can imagine if we got a group of us all playing on here it could be hilarious! I say imagine because trying to get this community to play with each other is like pulling teeth unless it's Destinzzzzzzzz. Everybody's Golf - nope Last of us online - na Driveclub - no chance Grand Theft Auto Online - it's a no from them But I'm an optimist and its only fucking £4, I've bought it, question is will anybody else and will we actually do the impossible and play online together? Come on you muppets prove me wrong and let's play!
  14. I didn't realise we'd played this online together. : peace:
  15. No worries, I've still never played as the falcon or slave 1 grrrrr
  16. I'm only 20 years older than you! Damn I'm old!
  17. Sent you an invite earlier, welcome aboard!
  18. Get off my lawn and go and play some games!
  19. Some words for @ReZourceman after seeing trailer...
  20. Agreed! Its should be a plastic trophy.
  21. Yes I know this isn't all Fallout 4 but it mainly is and it's laugh out loud funny, so enjoy!
  22. Very appropriate! I'm hoping we see more of PS4 Everybody's Golf. Then like the PS3 and VITA versions I can moan when no fucker plays it. That's right bitches I'm going for the trifecta! Seriously though I hope we see something about it!
  23. I'm the firestarter lol Great start to a cracking game also "its me, Mario" Comedy gold! Explosive launch video!
  24. I got the despatched message from Shop To today as well. I'm at work so hopefully it's been delivered today and it's sitting waiting on me!
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