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Everything posted by Cookyman

  1. Nice! - I won't need to go around with 3 swords now. Nearing the end now (first time) and have all items to access the 3 DLC packs.
  2. Just kidding man, it's a bit of a pain. I just go everywhere with 3 swords, one lightning, one fire fire and one magic.
  3. Stop being a wuss (enjoy the challenge) - I'm currently level 151!
  4. Me too!
  5. I'm not dissing Bloodborne (far from it) I'm just saying if you liked Bloodborne and haven't played Dark Souls 2 then I'd say it's well worth getting that too.
  6. I was enjoying Bloodborne until I got Dark Souls 2. Been playing the crap out of it and totally loving it, must be getting near the end now but still have the 3 DLC packs to get through. If you like Bloodborne and haven't played Dark Souls 2 yet then get it too, its ridiculously good value for money.
  7. In other news there's a new Driveclub free theme on Sharefactory which I dabbled with below.
  8. Another free car for everyone.
  9. @Goron_3 remember The Last of Us not only has the DLC but also a deep, strategic and very satisfying multiplayer game too.
  10. KINKY
  11. I'm up for it.
  12. About to start episode 4 - It's very moreish
  13. Now your saving all this money - get the season pass for Driveclub too!
  14. Some good advice there. Here's a helpful video I posted last week.
  15. Hmmm seems like I'm the only one on here who so far has picked this up. I've had to put Bloobborne on hold as this has me hooked all over again. Some great changes and improvements are detailed below.
  16. I didn't realise Bloodborne had hardcore porn action in it until now.... In other news, if you love Bloodborne and haven't played Dark Souls 2 then I'd strongly recommend picking it up. Its absolutely brilliant, came across a new enemy they added yesterday...
  17. Trade it in for Dark Souls..................oh wait!
  18. Never finished this on PS3 so gonna try again on PS4. It despatched today, so should have it tomorrow.
  19. Wow Daft was playing Driveclub - at last!
  20. If anybody can, you can! However getting the N-europe PS4 community to play together is a tall order, the only success so far has been Destiny.
  21. Loving Bloodborne, it's hard as all hell but totally fair too. Heres Father "Gazza" Gascoigne getting his arse handed to him.
  22. Buy a PS4 and join us!
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