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Everything posted by Cookyman

  1. If you felt a disturbance in the force its because I have no willpower and I succumbed to the dark side and bought this whilst at Asda's tonight!
  2. Free DLC for both cars and bikes went up on Tuesday. The cars dlc is really easy as it's to give non season pass holder a taste of some of the content on offer (easy trophies!) Very little interest in Driveclub Race nights it seems - disappointing
  3. A wee edit for you there Jim.
  4. This interests me I've never played any of them.
  5. Wow the character creator is fantastic check these out!
  6. I've had the radio off most of the time to be honest. When I have had it on it's just been more of your oldie style music.
  7. from Neogaf decisions........decisions........
  8. Won't that make your screen dirty?
  9. Nope!
  10. Same here got email yesterday but sadly no game today. Hardly surprised to be honest.
  11. So who's interested in a Driveclub League? Hmmm I wonder if @lostmario would be interested in helping organising things since he's had experience of this with Mario Kart?
  12. The Sadly can't take time off work but very very excited for this, my most anticipated game of the year!
  13. Your welcome, I was multitasking. Fair enough I'll reign it in. So is that a yes/no from you both for N-europe Drive club race nights?
  14. *Sighs* ok here we go... Er um - Google perhaps you've heard of it? That's why I assumed you'd know. Also the new patch today is 1.24 that means 23 patches prior to this one. Season pass implies you are eligible to all future content? It's not "as simple as that" - it's as simple as this (you sure you've not heard of Google? Oh and I've bolded dates so you don't miss them. Evolution studios actually gave away some of the season pass events free and then added and extended the season pass due to the network issues they had when the game launched. Your not wrong there! Clearly people on Neogaf haven't heard of Google either. Glad surprised and disappointed that's some major mood swings. Please take a slice (I hope your not ethically disappointed with it).
  15. How do you feel cheated? did the season pass not give you enough content? Have Evolution not added loads of patches, updates and free stuff for you? Free bike stuff coming on November 17th I'd hardly feel cheated - I'd feel more cheated paying £100 for Destiny and it's DLC which a lot of people on here have. But hey, what do I know?
  16. Now we have private lobbies we can finally have N-Europe Driveclub race nights - who's interested?
  17. Loved it, if you liked Resi 4 then you owe it to yourself to buy it.
  19. I just did a sex wee! *EDIT* Loving the bikes they handle great! Here's a wee video I cooked up!
  20. Hnnnnnnnnngggggggggg
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