Get a group of friends online, make a private game, play golf, tennis, and just generally fuck around. Oh and have your mics on, turn on non stop pop and have a sing along!
I guarantee a unique gaming experience and a damn good time!
@Choze I wish you'd make your mind with regard to Driveclub one minute you like the game then you hate it. LBP3 on the other hand is a superb game despite the fact you've only played it for a few hours - you probably hate that now though too.
It's just you. I'm up to my wrist in KY Jelly and arse : peace:
It's a brilliant arcadey/sim hybrid with beautiful graphics regardless of the weather which encourages you to push each vehicle to its absolute limit. It's fast with top notch handling fantastic sound and in depth social connectivity. It's on my personal shortlist for GOTY but what do I know eh?
You get free tracks every month and the odd free car. DLC gives you cars, liveries and events.
As for a new country you'll get Japan soon.
I'll be getting the season pass next week for the DLC.
Just in case you don't know, challenges are now working on Driveclub - so all features are now fully functional. I've sent a few challenges out.
The weather update will be out in a week or so.
I'd imagine the PSPlus edition will be coming soon, probably early next year along with the replay feature.
So if you haven't played in a while - now's the time to get back on.