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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Steam is seriously fucked at the moment. You go to the store and it takes you to random territories and you go to your account details and it takes you to a random persons account page with all their details.
  2. Happy Christmas! I'll be having an early Christmas dinner and the heading off to the hospital to visit my Nan....fun
  3. The quality is an odd one. You can still see the pixels on the phone but only really if you start focusing on them. Watching tv/movies tends to be on a big screen infront of you so it just feels like you are in a normal room and you stop noticing the fact that its VR. One of my favourite things is the fact that using the Oculus Cinema you can change where you are viewing content so it can be a full on cinema screen surrounded by seats, a home cinema, on the moon, shrunk down to ant size watching on a phone or just in a black void. Its the little stuff that really makes it though, like sitting in the cinema and looking around at the seats and seeing the colours actually changing from the light being produced from the movie, just like it would in a real cinema. I havent managed to try any games yet really, its mostly just been the video and 360 "experience" stuff at the moment but I'm gonna get myself a cheap controller that I can use and really start testing them out. I havent felt ill once yet, we'll see if that changes though when I play some games. Closest I got was looking down over a rope bridge lol. It uses the Oculus store so its compatible with all the stuff on there plus you can side load tons of other apps/games apparently. The Gear VR isnt one that connects to a PC though as it runs through Samsung phones so I wont be playing any big games through it. Feel free to ask away, I'm loving messing around with it and talking about it.
  4. I know this is just the excitement over new technology talking but at the moment I'm feeling the need to watch all my Netflix and Youtube etc through VR now and dont want to go back to the boring normal way! I'm absolutely loving my Gear VR.
  5. I've ordered myself a Samsung Gear VR this morning to go with my Galaxy S6 Edge. Really looking forward to giving it a try over Christmas. I expect I'll still get the Playstation VR when it comes out but the Gear VR being such a low price in comparison and me already having a Galaxy phone I figured why not.
  6. Just ordered my first VR headset, very excited!
  7. I keep thinking I should get back to Terraria. Maybe I'll try again over Christmas.
  8. I love it, pretty much use it all the time now. Pen works really well for drawing and it's still more laptop than tablet. Only thing I really need to do now is get some more brush types for Manga Studio as I'm not a fan of the defaults.
  9. I think thats just last weeks sales numbers
  10. I think they've said it will pretty much cost the same as a new system so I would expect around there, maybe a bit higher.
  11. I got the job. I'll be starting in January but still staying in the School Office and doing my current job as well until they can find my replacement. Gonna be a busy month I think!
  12. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-12-15-report-kojima-starting-up-new-studio-in-talks-with-sony
  13. Had my interview for the Development Assistant job today. Went ok (was never going to be brilliant as I'm just not the most confident person in the world). Should probably hear if I got the job tomorrow I assume. It was going to be today but its been so manic at the school as its the last week of term that nobody had a chance to sit down and talk about it.
  14. Voyager was never particularly popular but I dont think it did any particular damage to the universe, maybe weakening the Borg but thats it. Enterprise even with all its faults wasnt terrible. Plus its still the only old Trek thats still canon.
  15. Well the doctor is really happy with how my Nan is responding to the antibiotics and doesnt think she will need the surgery after all. The reason this is still in the bad thread is because they have now found another blood clot in her shoulder which could potentially travel down into her lungs/heart and kill her. To stop that they need to do a simple procedure to insert a filter to keep it from happening. This is an incredibly low risk procedure that doesnt even have to be done by a surgeon but my Nan is refusing to have it, claiming they want to experiment on her and shes asking to be moved hospitals. We are going to visit her again tonight to try and convince her as its basically this or she could very well die. This is exactly the kind of stuff that lead to my Nan going back into hospital to begin with, she is incredibly arrogant, thinks she knows best and ignores doctor's advice.
  16. Ah there we go, my complete lack of platinum trophies lol
  17. Thank god you posted the new information so we could all be excited with you
  18. I never played FFXI but I loved playing XIV. Im in a bit of a lull at the moment after finally unlocking the Black Mage but I do plan on going back again.
  19. Hated the last movie, hated this new trailer. I'm still just done with Star Trek now until the next reboot or a return to the proper universe.
  20. I think the movie looks like it could be good. My only real disappointment is:
  21. Better trailer http://www.comicbookresources.com/article/watch-first-trailer-for-independence-day-resurgence
  22. My Nan's had to go back into hospital with various infections and a blood clot after her hip operation a few weeks ago. At the moment they dont want to operate on her because she is too weak but even if she's stronger its still a risk. My mum seems to be hopeful that all the antibiotics will help and then we can just control it by drinking a lot of water (which to be fair did work the last time, its just because after she broke her hip she wasnt well enough to keep drinking regularly) but ive got to say, I'm starting to get that feeling that she might not come out of hospital this time.
  23. Trailer
  24. They weren't found, they were included in the special edition as videos. It wasnt some big secret that was found out. Either way though, it was the entire game that was light on story, not just the ending.
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