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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Just started playing the game. First death came from Boba Fett, the second from a Tie Fighter crashing into me lol First of all this game looks and sounds incredible. The thumping of the lasers as they leave the gun is really satisfying. I lost my first battle but it was still really fun. I played Supremacy which is 20 on 20 I think. Got nuts when I ran over a hill and just saw about 10 stormtroopers charging at me lol I did a bit of the single player training as well and the dogfighting. Thats pretty great. Did still make me wish they would release a new Rogue Squadron game though
  2. Hmmm. Despite having just bought this on PC I may have to get it again on PS4....
  3. I feel like this is one of those situations where as you guys have played the game, of course you realise there are spoilers in the image. Having only played maybe the first hour, barely anything on that cover means anything to me.
  4. We'll be starting in 10 minutes! Webcam feed: https://gaming.youtube.com/user/happenstanceuk/live Gameplay streaming Happenstance - http://www.twitch.tv/happenstanceuk Goafer - http://www.twitch.tv/ukstumpy Mike - http://www.twitch.tv/mike1988uk We'll be starting with the traditional Sonic Adventure race between Goafer and Mike. Who wins? You decide! (Your decisions will mean nothing in the outcome....NOTHING!)
  5. If they do allow for regular controls then I expect I'll probably get the game. I do already have the Wii version but I still just cant stand motion controls.
  6. I havent watched any of the stuff on this yet, did they say what controls could be used with it?
  7. Finally got the Ctrl Alt Del webcomic collection that I kickstarted!
  8. Just a reminder that the team of @Goafer, @Mike1988uk and myself will be streaming our 24 hours next Saturday so Extra Life isnt quite finished yet! I'll post a link closer to the time. I expect I will be alternating between: Persona 4 Golden Persona 4 Dancing All Night Fallout 4 GTA V Online Final Fantasy XIV Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Guilty Gear Xrd -sign- WWE 2K16 I'll see about some retro games as well but it depends on how much extra stuff I want to lug to @Goafer's house.
  9. Just got done playing Cibele. I decided to buy it after seeing Nina Freeman on Giant Bomb's Extra Life stream yesterday and thought the game sounded interesting. I knew the game was based on real life but I didnt expect it to get so personal. You basically play as Nina, viewing photos and documents on her computer and playing an MMO with a boy she gradually falls for. Its a short game which is telling a very specific story but I thought it did it really well, both through the parts where you are just talking while killing mobs and the FMV shots that follow. Got to admit as well, I actually felt uncomfortable at times going through the files on her computer, like I was somehow violating her privacy. I expect the game wouldnt be for everyone but if you go into it knowing you are in for this very personal story which is basically about someone's first love then I think you could enjoy it.
  10. You realise you'll be back next year if we have to drag you kicking and screaming
  11. Interesting. The new Mass Effect: Andromeda trailer is narrated by Commander Shepard.
  12. The PS3 thing I mentioned took quite a while to fix but they were working on it as soon as they found out about it. As for other stuff, you wont always get fixes for it. As I said its just a complex world that will have stuff break every now and again. I expect its probably too hard to patch out all that stuff.
  13. Basically this. The worlds are very complex which leaves room for a lot of things to go wrong. Most of the time the glitches arent that bad. Only time I had a real issue was last gen with Skyrim on the PS3. The further you got into the game, the larger your save file got and the slower the game ran. Personally I wouldnt listen to people talking shit about it just yet. They are making assumptions and it could run perfectly fine.
  14. Felt like getting a new fighting game for Extra Life
  15. Seems to mostly be people who preordered using Paypal and as the payment authorisation runs out after a month it isnt allowing preorders to go through.
  16. Played an hour or so of Persona 4: Dancing All Night I'm actually pretty impressed with it so far. Yes the excuses they make to include the song and dance aspect into the story are a bit dumb but its Persona-dumb at least which I appreciate. What I wasnt expecting though was for this to be so story heavy. I've only actually done 2 dances so far, the rest has been talking etc. The game/story is also basically treating itself as the final chapter in the P4 saga and you are getting nice small references and character growth that seems to be leading towards what we saw at the very end of P4 Golden. Also, so far with both songs I have finished them with a big, dumb grin on my face. This series has such amazing music!
  17. Time for yet another Persona 4 game! I was planning on saving this for Extra Life but I want to play it now!
  18. Oh I got rid of my Xbox One a couple of months ago.
  19. Little? :p
  20. I've said before that I wont buy anymore Pokemon games but I figured as this one was on sale and the original Pokemon Sapphire was the last time I actually enjoyed one of the games that it might be worth getting, even if it is just to play during this year's Extra Life.
  21. Its going to completely depend on what continuity they base it on for me. If its just a spin off from the current movies then I'm not bothering with it.
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