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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. It was just an incredible amount of detail put into what seemed to be a simple view change. So much so that it really did feel like a whole new game when playing with it compared to third person. This wasn't just switching to a first person view to aim. It honestly is hard to explain how impressive it is without playing it which is probably why I'm coming across more defensive than I mean to.
  2. "As far as I can remember something like that hadnt been done before on that scale."
  3. GTA introduced a first person mode months (maybe a year, I cant remember) after release, basically giving people a whole new feeling game to play with the exact same content. As far as I can remember something like that hadnt been done before on that scale. It was very impressive and by definition, innovation.
  4. I dont think its a "Lets be honest" situation at all. Rockstar added in something as simple as a change from third to first person and it completely changed the game.
  5. Don't see why there should be a difference just because he makes more. If I was missing out on a million pounds I should have been owed then I'd moan as well.
  6. Why though? I hate him as much as the next guy but he wasnt lucky, he still worked to get where he is.
  7. I dunno, first person mode being added in later was just nuts and basically made it a whole new game that was a completely different experience to the first time you played it.
  8. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2015/10/30/playstation-plus-in-november-the-walking-dead-season-2-magicka-2-more/
  9. Bolding the ones I actually owned from that list
  10. I never played the Earthworm Jim games too much. I think it was one that I would watch friends on from time to time but that was about it.
  11. Not a brilliant day at work today. One of the women I work with has been having trouble with her daughter who is suffering from depression. Its got to the point now where she actually tried to take an overdose recently so they cant leave her alone. As its Half Term she's had to bring her daughter into work but she was having one of her bad days so there was a lot of crying and she ended up wandering off twice. So basically I spent a lot of my morning worried that the daughter was going to go do something to herself or avoiding the office trying to give them some space. Im really glad I've got next week off work as I dont think I could handle many more days like today. I feel absolutely terrible for both of them but also not entirely sure the daughter should have been brought into a workplace where it became a bit disruptive (not the bit I really minded) and got us worried (the bit I minded!). Anyone who read my posts in the Job thread, this is the person I've been covering for that I was talking about the other week which is why I would never just refuse to cover for her.
  12. Pretty good list. I probably would have had some higher than others but overall I'd say its a good showing of the best Mega Drive games.
  13. I think I've only used my Wii U for Mario Maker this year. I dont plan on buying the NX when it comes out.
  14. As I said, I hope I'm wrong but even with me not being a massive fan of DC's movies, especially compared to their TV shows, I still tend to enjoy them on a base level. This one is just doing nothing for me and I do like a lot of the characters. Plus I still think the Joker looks crap :p
  15. I didnt think it was a bad conference at all, I just thought the GT announcement sucked the life out of it.
  16. This is a terrible, long-winded GT announcement
  17. I hope im wrong but all I seem to feel about this movie is a similar vibe I felt for the new Fantastic Four. Thats not a good vibe.
  18. I think Sony getting behind games like The Witness and No Man's Sky has been a bit of a blessing and a curse for them. They're still Indie developers and are much more used to just releasing when the games are ready but these are being treated like AAA games and everyone wants them out as soon as possible.
  19. I would expect we'll get a couple of new announcements, the usual news & videos and then I'm hoping we'll get price and release date for Playstation VR.
  20. I think they are now advertising it for 4:45pm instead of 5.
  21. Im glad its happening during half term as it means I'll finish work at 4pm so I can get back to watch the conference live. Im expecting the Shenmue IV kickstarter to get announced.
  22. First time I've loaded Elite: Dangerous since I installed the Steam version this weekend. Think I need to sort out these errors!
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