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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Shoe decided to fall apart at work today. Walking around a school making a clip-clop noise like a horse is nice and embarrasing! Had to go down to the DIY place and buy some super glue.
  2. I know the feeling. I keep meaning to go back to Mario Maker as I've still only unlocked 3 days worth of stuff but playing Final Fantasy XIV on my PS4 has been sucking up all of my time.
  3. I've never liked Mourinho but just kind of accepted his crap. It wasnt until the medical staff stuff that I properly started to despise him.
  4. I've been liking the look of the S6 Edge. Was tempted to get one myself but I think I should wait at least a year before upgrading my current phone. Dont want to fall into old habits and swapping phones way too often!
  5. Been playing a lot of Final Fantasy XIV since completing MGSV and really enjoying it. I've tried quite a few MMOs over the years but never really stuck with them for all that long but I think it might be the way FFXIV lets you change your job really easily and already liking most things Final Fantasy. I was planning on trying to get back into GTA V Online this weekend but I haven't been able to pry myself from FFXIV yet.
  6. Taking on Ifrit in FFXIV:
  7. I just checked as its out now and it looks like the spoilercast is in the Giant Bomb Presents feed http://www.giantbomb.com/podcasts/giant-bomb-presents/
  8. Subtitled version of the trailer
  9. I think they do still appear in the Giant Bombcast feed
  10. @Hero\-of\-Time looks like Giant Bomb have a Spoiler Snakecast on their schedule for tomorrow so I guess we'll be getting a full on spoilercast now for MGSV, maybe even the entire series.
  11. I'd completely forgotten it was originally end of 2014. That was back when it was PS3 only.
  12. Oh yeah definitely, thats the worst part. I want to play it now!!! lol
  13. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDIT: I do think they've left it a bit late to tell people, they must have known for a while given its such a big delay and to be honest, having a big streaming event to tell people bad news kind of sucks!
  14. Im not necessarily against the TV license but I do hate the fact that there seem to be so many stories around of people being harrased when they decide they dont want to pay it or watch TV in the traditional way. I know I would be happy with just watching all my programs via streaming.
  15. Saw this in a shop today, got all nostalgic and wanted to see what it was like these days. I used to love the Beano as a kid!
  16. There are ladies on this site??? *Straightens bowtie* Why hello there...
  17. I really like the Danganronpa games so its pretty awesome that 3 is coming, especially now I'll be able to play it on my PS4.
  18. Gonna have to leave for work soon
  19. Not the best translator this year
  20. It's worrying when you think any goal is a good thing, even the oppositions.
  21. Well this Man U v Liverpool match is pretty damn crap so far...
  22. Here's mine: C98B-0000-0014-3513
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