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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. The game definitely has a Mario Galaxy feel to it thats for sure.
  2. I stuck with the pro controller. Was disappointed to see that there are moves unavailable unless you use motion controls like some initial reports claimed.
  3. Not to be negative right off the bat but does anyone else think the grass textures look terrible? Apart from a few tufts here and there they are just flat images.
  4. My copy just arrived.
  5. Looks like Fox are working on an X-23 spin off from Logan http://comicbook.com/marvel/2017/10/24/logan-x-23-spinoff-x-men-movies/
  6. Looks like people are receiving their Simply Games copies of Mario today so they did actually post them yesterday.
  7. I never really fault Amazon for that. They have their own delivery options so never really should have issues getting preorders to people on release day and not have to send stuff out early.
  8. Yeah its happened to me twice now. Both really obvious when you looked on twitter and NeoGaf () that everyone who ordered with them had their copies dispatched on the same day and nobody getting it in the next few days so it wasnt just an issue with Royal Mail.
  9. The biggest replacement board looks like it'll be ResetEra. That's the one I'm planning on switching to.
  10. Patrick Klepek managed to talk to EviLore: https://waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/qv384d/inside-the-sexual-misconduct-allegations-rocking-neogafs-last-48-hoursd?utm_source=wptwitterus While we may never know the truth, he comes off really badly in this interview. If he stays in charge of Neogaf, I'll be happy not to go back.
  11. Looks like the official gaf Discord chat have already started making a new forum called ResetEra and they expect to launch it sometime today. Seems it has the biggest group of Gaf members and some of the old moderators behind it.
  12. Despite saying in my last post that I was going to sign back up to the WWE Network it took until today for me to do it. I was interested enough in watching Kurt Angle's first WWE match in years that I decided it was worth it. After that I plan on going with my original WCW plan that I spoke about. Figured I would just start at the first Nitro and work my way through.
  13. Looks like Discovery has been renewed for season 2
  14. I just use Reddit on my iPad in this mornings, basically just looking at the front page for stupid gifs etc. I've added a few sub reddits to that but its never felt the most intuitive site to use, especially if you want to actually have a conversation in the comments.
  15. Yeah I remember seeing the post pop up on Reddit earlier this week. Some people saying EviLore turned down a 10 million offer for Neogaf recently, something I bet he's now regretting. My only real exposure to EviLore was on a Giant Bomb E3 after hours show one year. They had him as part of a roundtable discussion but never really got around to talking to him. He moaned a lot after that about it but when they have actual devs and other journalists to talk to, why would they care what a forum owner has to say? Never really liked him after that. The forum itself I found it was so big that it was easy to just walk away from discussions that got toxic and still enjoy talking elsewhere. I'll be sad to see it go if this is how it goes.
  16. Im still trying to work my way through all of Uncanny X-Men at the moment from the very beginning. So hard going through the early style of writing. I get whats happening, please stop explaining it in excruciating detail!!!
  17. Nothing I want to buy there. I’ve had KOTOR on PC and iPad for years so it’s nothing exciting for me. Give me a shout when the first Buffy game is announced. That’s the only one I can ever think that I want to play.
  18. I didn't realise that the Xbox One X is out in a few weeks. Feels like there's no buzz for it at all.
  19. I feel like I hear more complaints than praise for them these days.
  20. My final (for now!) red mask arrived!
  21. I can see an edit button on the first page of this thread for my post from June. What theme are you using?
  22. Those Klingon raiders look fucking stupid...
  23. https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/307546/Humble_Bundle_has_been_acquired_by_media_giant_IGN.php
  24. Why would you need two copies?
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