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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-12-07-capcom-announces-devil-may-cry-hd-collection
  2. Luke is Han's father! I don't know when I'll see it either. I might drag myself to the cinema but I didnt bother seeing Force Awakens until it was released on blu ray so that could just happen again.
  3. I think thats going to be the problem for them. Once the initial excitement over a powerful new console has warn off they're still left with the same problem they had before this, lack of interesting software (and a fucking terrible dash!).
  4. I havent actually seen numbers for the X so far. If it is selling well I've got to admit I can see it having a large drop off soon.
  5. Is it wrong that I keep looking at the attitude era replica WWE belt and almost ordering it? lol
  6. No I don’t think I played that one. Might look up a YouTube video on it.
  7. Just listening to Giant Bomb chat about the latest Megaman announcements and they brought up Megaman Battle Network. I think I might have to track down a copy of the first game again. I remember really liking it when it first came out.
  8. It would be interesting to see what a Tarantino Trek movie would be like but as its still the Kelvin universe I doubt I'll watch it.
  9. Yeah I had it for the Vive and its really fun. Also available in non VR as well if people want to try it.
  10. New HDMI splitter arrived today so I can finally plug my Switch back in.
  11. Specific ones for me would be a proper new Animal Crossing game for Switch and an Ace Attorney game (maybe getting the old games re-released as well). Other than those I'll just see what comes along.
  12. Not part of the movie universe but I dont think it particularly needs its own thread just yet. The first photo of Robin from the Titans tv show has been released and I think it looks alright.
  13. Probably wont as people think its a misprice. Apparently its coming out as a 3DS game on the receipts.
  14. Very hyped for this. Sitting here listening to the Avengers soundtrack, started re-reading Infinity Gauntlet and I think I'm gonna have to watch the first Avengers movie again tonight!
  15. Just finished watching all 4 parts of Crisis on Earth X and thought it was great. Maybe a bit too much relationship drama thrown in at odd moments but apart from that and a bit of an anticlimactic final battle I really enjoyed it. Much better than the Justice League movie! Lol
  16. My current top 10 at the moment. This may change though if I manage to get through anymore games in December. I do want to try and play Horizon and more of Nier, I could easily see both of those getting onto the list. Yakuza 0 Destiny 2 Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds Mario Odyssey Injustice 2 Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sonic Mania Persona 5 Yakuza Kiwami Tekken 7
  17. I'm still slowly working my way through One Piece. I think I'm on episode 325 so still quite a way to go!
  18. Make sure you let us know what you think then. Yakuza is one of my favourite gaming series and so far I think Yakuza 0 is still my game of the year.
  19. I've found the game pretty dull so far, lacking in the usual Animal Crossing charm. I feel no urge to play it everyday. I expect I'll just uninstall it and wait for a full Switch game.
  20. I havent tried it with motion controls yet but with a controller its pretty good. Only real complaint is how blurry everything looks in the distance but the PC version would hopefully be better there. Its definitely the reason I bought a VR headset again after getting rid of my Vive and I'm not regretting it yet.
  21. Digital Flash Sale on PSN https://store.playstation.com/en-gb/grid/STORE-MSF75508-DIGIFLASH17/1
  22. I think the majority of games can just use the DS4 if you want to. The only ones I’ve come across so far that asked for the move controllers were the Spider-Man Homecoming experience and Rec Room.
  23. Been playing the PSVR today. Seems pretty good so far. The headset itself is more comfortable than my old Vive and while I expect my Vive was overall more impressive, just having the PSVR on a closed, more focused system really helps. Mostly been playing Skyrim so far but as my Move controllers haven’t arrived yet I’m just using the DS4. It’s fun to play and nice being in that world. The only thing that lets it down is just how blurry/low res the world looks unless you are right up against something. It’s not ruining the experience for me but it is very noticeable.
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