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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I think the majority of games can just use the DS4 if you want to. The only ones I’ve come across so far that asked for the move controllers were the Spider-Man Homecoming experience and Rec Room.
  2. Been playing the PSVR today. Seems pretty good so far. The headset itself is more comfortable than my old Vive and while I expect my Vive was overall more impressive, just having the PSVR on a closed, more focused system really helps. Mostly been playing Skyrim so far but as my Move controllers haven’t arrived yet I’m just using the DS4. It’s fun to play and nice being in that world. The only thing that lets it down is just how blurry/low res the world looks unless you are right up against something. It’s not ruining the experience for me but it is very noticeable.
  3. The story thoughout the entire Yakuza series is brilliant, as are the characters. I high recommend getting them. Zero is a good place to jump in, especially as we are starting to get these Kiwami remakes.
  4. Thanks, just ordered the Skyrim bundle for collection tomorrow.
  5. Still got some CEX credit left over after getting that PS3 yesterday so I'm thinking about using it on some retro games for my collection. Just need to decide now if I get a load of cheaper titles or go for one to two rarer games as I'd feel less guilty using credit than real money lol.
  6. If the PSVR deal is still around next week when I get paid then I'll probably get it just so I can replay Skyrim in VR.
  7. Wow....Justice League was a bad movie!
  8. Got myself a PS3 to replace mine with the broken blu ray drive and Yakuza 4 to finish off my collection.
  9. In my first playthrough years ago I went with one handed sword and destruction magic in the other. You might get banged up occasionally in battles but its a lot of fun. Just make sure you have a good companion to draw people off.
  10. I still watch and enjoy Arrow and Flash. Legends was a bit too cheesy for me and I never really got all that into Supergirl.
  11. Got to admit, I was surprised to see that Skyrim VR charted higher than Skyrim for Switch in its opening weekend.
  12. Same as Sonic Forces..... not looking good lol
  13. I loved what I played of the first game but I remember getting stuck on a mission I just couldn't get past and quit out of frustration. I'll keep an eye on this one though as the design, world and story from the first game were brilliant. No idea what platform I'll get it for yet though.
  14. Yes you can
  15. If the PSVR bundle is still available in December after I get paid I might be tempted to get it. The reason I got rid of the Vive was more for lack of space so I didn’t use it. I wouldn’t mind a cheaper, more focused bit of hardware and I quite like the idea of playing Skyrim in VR.
  16. Didnt realise Iron Galaxy did a lot of the work on this port.
  17. I need to try and get a new PS3 soon so I can carry on my playthrough of the whole series. I can play 2 on PS2 if I cant be bothered to wait for Kiwami 2 and have 4 & 5 digitally so those can be played on my PS3 with the broken blu ray drive but I still have no way to play 3
  18. I'll go see it next week I think but I'm not expecting much.
  19. I started off playing XBConnect instead of actual Xbox Live. Playing PGR2 on a dial up connection!
  20. So Discovery just had its midseason finale this week. What do you guys think of the show so far? I thought it got better as the season went on with episodes feeling a lot more "Star Trek". I still dont really like any of the crew though apart from Tilly. I'm glad we got the announcement that for season 2 they were doing a time travel season and swapping in the crews from TNG, DS9 and Voyager.
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