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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Mine shipped yesterday and should arrive Tomorrow. Never got to play the originals much.
  2. They aren't standard because publishers/ shareholders erroneously believe that demos are lost sales. They don't even take quality into the equation, they just see that games with demos don't sell, must be because the person got the full experience they wanted from that half hour. There use to be a more comprehensive article I believe but I can't find it but this quote kind of makes the point. From here, just a small blurb People told him don't release a demo you'll lose sales. He's an outlier but he's demo gained him sales.
  3. Do you have Nier Automata yet? Slightly Garbage PC port without the FAR fix (change global illumination values to levels that run).
  4. So what's the new equivalent to the "New Posts" button? Really hoping it isn't Activity, because seeing a marker for every post in a given thread as opposed to just that a thread has new posts seems extremely tedious. I've been browsing mobile (nontapatalk) for a few years now, and this Switch has made it hard to parse which threads I want to focus my attention towards. Especially given that only a couple are displayed per screen size. Edit: just noticed the condensed version. And that I was reading things wrong and though activity showed per post. Oops.
  5. A decent keyboard won't go amiss either. I've got a Sidewinder x4 from Microsoft but I don't think they make that anymore. Doesn't have to fancy and expensive to be good. Mouse wise I have a Razer....uhh deathadder I think? Find a wired 360 pad. Plug and play ease of use. Xone pads are all wireless and if I remember correctly the USB power cord is literally only for power. Meaning getting the additional MS wireless adapter, AND the rechargeable battery pack for the controller lest you want to use disposables (or your own rechargeables).
  6. https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/ It includes compatibility filters so when picking parts you won't get items that will conflict. They also have build guides and such all. Ryzen 5 or a Corei5 coupled with a card like a AMD480 or Nvidia 1060 is a very capable 1080p PC. Plus motherboard case, a quality PSU(I'd say 500W don't skimp) and RAM.
  7. Glad he's using a powerful engine. The creation of a new engine is extremely time consuming and expensive. And to be fair about the comments of Kojima having long cycles. MGS1-2 was two years, 2-3 was three years, 3-4 was four years (and a new engine on a different console), The longest time was after 4 until Ground Zeroes/5 (6 years). During which was the creation of Fox Engine (5 years from conception to a released title), and also the development of Revengeance. For the most part I'd say the development times have been rather reasonable. Especially since he has directed other games inbetween Metal Gear releases.
  8. It better have Adventure is all I'm saying.
  9. Yep. Took 3-4 refreshes just to get this page to load.
  10. Jesus Christ have they decided to just stop compressing shit?! I know 4K textures are large and all, but that is ridiculous for a racing game. At least if it was Horizon that's open world and could have more variety.
  11. Eh. A real list would require more knowledge on my part. I don't even know half of what was shown. Definitely Horizon DLC God of War Wolfenstein II Probably, Spider-Man Shadow of the Colossus Monster Hunter World Maybe, Ni No Kuni 2 (never finished the first ) Sea of Theives Metro Exodus If I ever get a Switch at MSRP... Mario Metroid Xenoblade Splatoon
  12. Does this ever happen to anyone else? I turn off the console. Hours later, I come back home and it has turned itself on, the controller won't connect(even through cord), the console won't send a video signal to the TV. It's happened a few times I've had to hold the power button to force it back off. Go figure I've actually had similar issues with the PS4 and have had to unplug the power to fix its issues. Anyways, first time playing anything in months and about to dig into Phantom Dust...because I only play older games and not new ones on this console it seems like. (Also phantom dust artwork is kinda sweet.)
  13. Edgy. Just like Overwatch, I miss Team Fortress 2...
  14. Why are we throwing around political terms like democracy in a console discussion? Totalitarian is the only way to describe any business. They do what they want when they want and get away with as much as they can. Sony made a shitty excuse but their stance is hardly a bearing democracy. You use any console and sign up for any online service and you are tenuously bound by their EULA. The same EULA that often for most games says that they can terminate the servers at any point leaving you up shit creek. Don't like it too bad, it is not a democracy. That is everyone in the industry. Tldr they're all "anti-democracy".
  15. I'm at work and bored though. Arguing is fun.
  16. I can tell you 100% that at least 3 of those games have incredibly different playstyles regardless of the fact that they are 3rd Person perspective. This is the same type of bitching as first person shooters being too common, except at least then the core fucking mechanic (point and shoot your gun) was the same. Hey, that image is missing Spider-Man, it's another 3rd Person action game too. I've already played Horizon so I doubt I'll bother with it though.
  17. Honestly my thought while watching the trailer is that they've taken a lot of cues from Horizon Zero Dawn. And personally I think that is a good thing. Not sure I'll get into this though. I tried getting into 3/3ultimate a couple of times but I grapple with the controls a bit too much, and I don't have anyone to do online with conveniently.
  18. I don't disagree with what you said in the other thread about the conference, but I do disagree to say the games are similar mechanically. 3rd Person action is a type of game, but mechanically most seem to me to have variety.
  19. They better be allowed to have a conference next year. That shit was great.
  20. Nice to see an hour and half in, and this place is lit up with grand information
  21. I'll probably be to busy to watch. Though I'll say I've joined the group of people lately that turn on their console to see a waiting update.
  22. Maybe it'll be a masseur?
  23. Negative. Far as I can tell it's still DRM, or at least Apple Music is. I suppose I haven't downloaded straight from iTunes in quite some time.
  24. I never even entertained the idea of registration. Signed into my gmail account and called it good and started playing with settings.
  25. Wouldn't really help for listening while gaming, but if you have a soundbar with Bluetooth it could play the music. Alternatively I think the only method would be to use a program to convert the files to something DRM free and play them that way.
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