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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I have the issue of my One S just being shitty. Turn on the TV switch it to the input turn on the console.....no signal through multiple restarts. The controller just flashes the button like its connecting (not the fast syncing flash). Even if it's plugged in. It's fucked.
  2. Yeah. Fuck battlefield but get Titanfall 2. The gameplay is ace, hell you might even enjoy the multiplayer as well. It's a nice silky 60fps. (I think? Pretty sure it's about 30 at least) Oh and it's a PS4pro title. Runs at 2560x1440 I believe and downsamples to 1080.
  3. Hells yes. My body is ready
  4. Been playing Orcs Must Die Unchained. Still as top notch as ever, and being free is just great.
  5. Nolan

    Destiny 2

    Played the opening. Sure is more destiny, and definitely a total nerfing. But goddamn has bungie created a pretty and vibrant game.
  6. Nolan

    Destiny 2

    I downloaded the beta but I honestly don't know if I'll get around to playing it. Maybe towards the end of the week if I have friends on it. The comments in here aren't exactly inspiring.
  7. Prime day had season 1-6 of Game of Thrones for $75 so....I'm now binge watching it. Never seen past season 1 previously but have read most the books.
  8. Eh. I'm sure I've heard the "Humans are terrible, but also great" trope before. Doesn't seem that astounding to me. Having not seen the movie I can't really comment on the patriarchal gaff and that being the reason he explodes. Personally, I've never watched Marvel movies for meaningful messages. So I can't say it'll hurt my enjoyment of Spider-Man if I ever get around to watching it.
  9. My problem with that trail was usually that the two asshole ravagers would end up being too far apart.
  10. I installed my copy last night. And then decided I wanted to nap instead of playing it and went ahead and just left it on the title screen looping the music. Then I woke from my nap and just went to bed. I am an old man
  11. Yep. Gotta knock the cargo off their backs. Which is a good method of distracting them too as they'll occasionally go to pick it back up.
  12. Nolan


    I blitzed through it yesterday. It was enjoyable but basically just a tease. On the plus side Netflix has already picked up Season 2 for a further 8 episodes.
  13. Me too!! This is infact the right placw to tell the internet your drunk! Im a half bottle into some qhite rum now. Playing Game of Thrones on PS4. Literally first telltale game ive played since like Sam and Max season 1. Frabkly outrageous given that i own walking dead and borderlansa was also on PS+. Basically i suck.
  14. Cheeky fucker
  15. Wait really?? Also @bob the blazing sun trials are kinda tough if done as they're found but at the end of the game most of them are pretty trivial to do.
  16. Yeah. I mean correct me if I'm wrong but haven't Achievements been syncing automatically for like a decade now?
  17. At the very least disc installations should be faster than downloading the entire game. But yeah they're basically installation discs/copy protection as then you need the disc to play. Hopefully none of them decide to start going the PC method of literally just having a link on the disc to the steam (PSN in this case) download link.
  18. PS4 downloads quicker when in sleep mode as opposed to running. It's stupidly by design. And I'm almost certain that disc based games install from the disc. At least in my experience they all have. The drive is actually loud as hell during install from disc and silent the rest of the time.
  19. Halo 5 all around felt pretty poor. I never even finished it. Which is par for most my Xbone games. Recore is definitely a solid and fun game though, and Sunset Overdrive probably has most of my actual playtime.
  20. It does not. Your money is objectively useless outside the odd purchase. The items you pick up, also useless outside of crafting/purchases I ran into the same issue of just always being flush with random useless bullshit. 90% I could've sold but never did.
  21. Woah. Accidentally went to the first page/post. A rumor about dropping the Dualshock controller....ha. Shitcanned Crash Remake. Going to trade it in soon. I just don't think it's good and don't enjoy playing. Alternatively picked up Cryptark and Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus. Both currently on sale. Cryptark is a rougelikeun which you're a salvage team going through derelict ships. The ships still have active systems though. Bit of resource management and plenty of action. Fun game. Chronicles of Teddy was dirt cheap so I went ahead and bought it. It's a sidecrolling pixelart aRPG. Sorta Zelda (opening scene has a Zelda 1 poster...and Goku vs Vegeta figures) inspired I think. I'd say it's worth looking at though. Edit: forgot I also gave Life is Strange a quick try. I hate the protagonist. She is obviously brain damaged. A couple things annoyed me, what broke me was when she refers to Victoria making fun of her. For fucks sake the teacher asked her a question she didn't know the answer, the teacher straight up said she should know it and then Victoria gave the correct answer. How the fuck is knowing the answer making fun of her?! Fuck that game and it's piss poor writing.
  22. I actually wanted to play Until Dawn since release (thanks to Jim Sterling's review) but I just couldn't see myself putting the money down for it. Which frankly is just dumb on my part considering some of the sales I've blundered into and games I've yet to play because of. @Ronnie I feel like you're being contrary in this thread with your last post, but at the same time I know how you feel. I'm usually mildly interested in the free titles but that doesn't mean I play them. And for online I often go months without even playing. I'd honestly be smarter to just purchase months as I need. If you aren't getting what you feel is worth your money, definitely cancel it man. Put that year sub money to something you know you want.
  23. I uhhhh...well, I don't think Crash is a particularly good game. Even back when it was new. Honestly it makes me think of the "Runner" games that were big on phones for a while. Short linear levels with platforming that feels a bit odd/off. Just not as tight as I expected. Its perfectly playable all the same and a decent game. I guess I just expected something a little more substantial as a 3D playformer post Mario 64. Maybe it just hasn't quit clicked.
  24. Having not seen the previous reply, this new one reads like you changing your mind about the tearblaster. Which frankly is absurd because it is fantastic.
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