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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I gotta say I prefer Blazing Saddles too.
  2. Holy shit is all that comes to mind.
  3. I'm not sure we quoted the same movie then...
  4. Actually I was quoting a movie.
  5. Okay, now this is creepy, because the teacher I mentioned taught Physics also.
  6. Actually one of my teachers played the Banjo. He was pretty good. He mananged to do Dueling Banjos by himself, it wasn't perfect but it was decent enough. I don't have any sort of MP3 player either, I just use my Car Radio and Laptop. Actually, my phone can do music but I don't use it.
  7. Yup, my radio stations are all local. Satellite radio is the opposite though, but I don't have that and probably won't. Hell I don't even have a CD player.
  8. He said snipers get picked on not scouts. He also said they missed most of the time.....well if they were missing that's just him sucking since aiming is a player action not automatic.
  9. I know of Morissette from Dogma and I think my parents have Jagged Little Pill lying around somewhere. Tori Amos I only know about from this forum, Bjork and PJ Harvey.....nope. I don't doubt that you're correct in saying I have heard songs from them but I don't know the names and artists of many songs I like. You guys also need to take into account that here in the states what's on the radio is gonna be different. /crappy excuses
  10. Ninja's, they're everywhere.
  11. I gotta agree with Cube, no ones heard them. Hell I haven't even heard of them until now. Then again I'm a tone def musical reject who only listens to the radio.
  12. Sarcasm is the refuge of losers
  13. 40 posts per page for me, only 4 pages so far as opposed to your 6 pages with 20 posts per page. As far as I'm concerned 40 ppp is the only way to view a forum outside of forums that don't allow it.
  14. I never really thought of the main character as being all that androgynous and whiny. If Yhatzee really thinks that's how all the main characters of JRPGs are though, he needs to go back and play games pre-FFVII, you know, before androgynous and whiny was in.
  15. You crazy, there's only 4 pages. I won't accept any other number.
  16. Nolan

    Killzone 2

    My shooter experiences...well when I was real young I started with Wolfenstein 3D, and progressed to Doom (on the SNES, ahem a nintendo system :p) At some point there was also all the Duke Nukem 3D games on PC, never really got much of a chance for the consoles ones on N64/PS1. Goldeneye, Quake,and the Turok series. Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Halo's, Metroid Prime, Firewarrior, Chaser, Red Faction, HL series, Killzone, TFC TF2, L4D, Timesplitters, The Darkness, Ghost Recon/GRAW series, R6V, Bioshock, System Shock 2, Fallout 3, Killzone 2. I think despite being on a Nintendo forum I have adequate enough experience to judge the game. I'm probably missing games(like CoD), and imo TPS, should count since they're essentially a FPS. It's not really that good of a shooter. A shooter needs to have good shooting mechanics Killzone 2 doesn't. Oddly though, despite that it is fun to play. Also, the graphics...they do need work. Mostly they are good, but some parts just....bleh. A few textures, the heal gun using a paper sprite.....Choze, this is not an invitation to post a crap load of screenshots like you do anytime any ever mentions some about KZ2 graphics. The MP is fun, but I still prefer me some good ole TF2. STALKER 2 is on CE3 and has been announced? I don't believe it. They only just announced Call of Pripyat a sequel to SoC. Plus I think they like having the Deferred Rendering that their X-Ray engine provides allowing for what I think is the best lighting in a game period. Crysis may look the best, but I think Stalker has the best lighting.
  17. It almost seems intentional, but I'm fairly certain it isn't. As, it slows down for a deathblow, but that's before any blood slowdown.
  18. I guess that could maybe be it, but that only happens when killing 4-6 people at once which is generally everyone about you so it doesn't affect anything lasts maybe a second and I don't really notice it.
  19. Nolan

    Killzone 2

    Wait wait wait, people don't use the defualt controls? Now I just feel weird. The only change I made was Aim Toggle On. Holding down L2 and then trying to do anything else is ungodly hard for me to do on the Dualshock. Since the inception of the DS, I have never been comfortable while using any combination of shoulder buttons.
  20. I'll tell ya, the blood adds to the game. Also, as I remember it, during the first bits of revealing, it was bloody across version, then they decided to remove it in all but the US version.
  21. I love the 30, 60, 90, Triangle. You don't know how many uses it has when trying to do an isometric drawing of a house. A 30 to the left a 30 to the right a verticle line, and you've started an isometric drawing. I don't remember what the 60 is good for right off hand though. If I had to do a drawing I'm sure I'd remember. Now the 45, 90 Triangle, not as useful as you might think. It has them, but I prefer the 30,60,90.
  22. That's a pretty epic typo.
  23. Nolan


    No I didn't think he was being serious. If I thought he was serious I'd probably go into something about the 'graphics' of the picture rather than just making the point that the picture doesn't really allow for any worthwhile speculation.
  24. Nolan


    It's not humor failure if the joke isn't funny.
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