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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Oh, I didn't realize that it didn't release in the UK. Although, a used GC and the game here is less than a new 360/PS3 game. So depending on shipping it might not be too much. It may be cheaper to just get a freeloader and a PAL GC though.
  2. Have you played the second one (prequel) it's just as good. The battle system at first seems simplified and not as fun, but with a bit of experimenting it's quit fun and a good evolution over the first game.
  3. Snake eater has the above camera, Subsistence has a over the shoulder camera or above view.
  4. Battlefield Heroes Beta.....terrible needs mucho work still but has potential. A point blank shotgun shot should do more than a measly 2 damage.
  5. SA thinks they're better. In some ways they are in other ways they aren't. They're much more elitist which is annoying...but generally they have a higher average intelligence than the average 4channer.
  6. He created 4chan after SA didn't want that kind of retardedness on SA.
  7. I always thought that /b/ wasn't a personal army...
  8. Are you sure that's where the third ball went?
  9. oh, I did forget to mention that the FOV is adjustable in options and you won't have to mess with the console to do it.
  10. HF2? HL2 or TF2 I just can't tell:laughing: The reason you're getting Motion Sickness is likely that Valve has a Field of Vision, default is 75 which is kinda smallish but you can bump it up to 90 which may help with the sickness. A higher FOV does require more redering power iirc. I vaguely remember a interview making mention of if a dev is having trouble getting a game to run at 30fps FOV90 they'll take it to a lower value to increase FPS stability.
  11. A decent trading site that's based in the US I think, idk if it does trades in the Canada or not. To get to the point, MGS Twin Snakes is 350 points there, which is equal to approx. $17.50 (I think 1000 points is $50 but maybe $60) http://www.goozex.com/trading/games/9380-Metal_Gear_Solid_The_Twin_Snakes-Game_Cube Other than that, which it'll be used and may or may not contain all packaging material and possibly be scratched, it'll cost quite a bit. The Rogue Squadron games are both ace, although 3 has annoying on foot missions, but does come with the entirity of 2 in Co-op. Time Splitters 2 is oddles of fun especially if you get friends over to play. Prince of Persia SoT is excellent, WW I really liked but it's different and not as loved, and TT strikes a nice balance between the two but doesn't quite reach the platforming greatness of SoT.
  12. Do you have both Baten Kaitos games? The second game is just as good as the first. Killer 7 is a trip. Eternal Darkness will give you some scares.
  13. I watched the making of the baseball scene and dear lord those 5 minutes alone made me want to break things.
  14. Oldboy is also a very good film. It's only in Korean though, so be prepared for some reading. A Raisin in the Sun (I think that was the name, it's the one about a black family moving into a white neighborhood and has a very young Lou Goussat Jr. in it) One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (I remembered this one after Oxigen Waste posted) The Day the Earth Stood Still (original only)
  15. iirc Episodea 1-3 essentially were suppose to be HL3....
  16. I looked for Dodgers but the closest I came was Dodgy.
  17. Pulp Fiction American History X Some of the others mentioned previously.
  18. Did you notice the Cameo parts that Simon Pegg and Nick Frost had?
  19. Two hands is probably my guess. I would love to have a qwerty phone, but alas I only have T9. I do know someone who thinks T9 is too slow/complicated so he does abc.
  20. That game is kinda creepy in it's way.
  21. Bio-engineering (but I doubt it) and/or evolution.
  22. I thought it was a great deal at it's (now) normal price. This is otherworldly of a deal.
  23. That's right, starting now and going through this weekend you can get TOB for only 9.99 which is a 66% discount and absolutely fantastic for anyone who doesn't own it yet. (MetalGearShadow) Even if you only need a game or two from the collection it would still be cheaper to buy the pack, and then you could give the extras to friends. Edit In retrospect, I have no clue how these prices translate for you guys since Steam has atrocious exchange rates, and idk if they do weekend deals or not or if they're even the same ones.
  24. Oh right, i forgot about restriction, I'll take out the gif. Better no?
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