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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. What about games like Fallout 3 and Killzone, with their wonderful color palate of Brown and Grey. With hues of other colors. AC is lots of White with browns but still more vibrant than either of those.
  2. That actually annoyed me more than the repetition in AC. If you're walking like a geriatric old man, no matter how many weapons, you are innocent. If you're walking like a normal human or god forbid running, you must be upto something.
  3. Do Waaant Unfortunately I can't start downloading hte demo for a few days
  4. Today's youth, the future is in their rude little hands.
  5. My grandpa raced in the Daytona 500, back when it was fairly new....or soemthing like that, idk. That's about it for me.
  6. That preview doesn't seem to terrible. Terrible framerate, that gives me a headache, but I doubt that'll really be in the broadcast. All the characters seem to be intact still, Rimmer is the most noticeably older to me, They all look like they've put on weight though.
  7. Perez Hilton was on Family Guy with Seth Green Seth Green was in The Italian Job with Edward Norton Edward Norton starred in Fight Club alongside Brad Pitt Brad Pitt was in Ocean's 11/12/13 with Matt Damon Matt Damon was in The Departed with Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio and Nick Frost
  8. What Jonnas said. @Dyson, I think Pikmin is about as close as they're getting to RTS at the moment. Also, for 3rd person shooters, they have Battalion Wars, which is a bit RTSish in itself. At one point (In 05 I think) they were making Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball, but it was cancelled.
  9. It's old, but they try and make sense of the ending of the game. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=175552&site=xbw
  10. It's alright I didn't come, I just too a peek.
  11. Sorry, it was just so inviting.
  12. Zach Braff was in Arrested Development(and Scrubs) with Jason Bateman Jason Bateman was in Smoking Aces with Ray Liotta Ray Liotta was in Goodfellas with Joe Pesci Joe Pesci was in Home Alone with Macaulay Culkin Macaulay Culkin - Andre the Giant
  13. You stink like pooh pooh.
  14. Spam thread, or Drunk thread. Either one can and probably will generate conversations.
  15. I hadn't really noticed. I don't post super often, but I'll follow a topic for quite a while, as in like 30 posts in and I'll interject my opinion. I do it with most of the threads, others I just ignore if they're not pertaining to my interests. Some I'll ignore until they've gotten a few posts then I'll check them out. Like I did today with the AC2 thread.
  16. It's made by Ubisoft, meaning, not USA. IRRC ubi is mainly based in Canada and France. I quite loved the first game, I played and beat it in probably what was 2 weeks (Don't fully remember). Then I started playing it again, the repetition never got to me. I can see where it's repetitive, but I just couldn't be bothered by it. I loved every bit of the game, goty 07.
  17. 1 in every 4 babies is Chinese, this one is in the process of deciding.
  18. I've read nor seen nothing truer all day.
  19. She's stealing all the Fried Chicken and Watermelons for herself! Oh dear, that's terribly racist isn't it?
  20. Maybe 20 years ago Doobie would be acceptable, generally Joint is the slang, or a Fatty. Unfortunately, one of our group is on Probation so he can't be around that.
  21. Spliff? I'm guessing a drug of some sort?
  22. Urrrgh Unngh Soo Tired. Dicked around with my friends last night, we got our selves a titload of beer (mostly Guinness) then decided to go to a cigar store, but they were closed so we went back home and to a gas station and got some cigars. Went home walked around the block all five of us smoking Cigars. It's funny cause it was like 9:30pm small town america where no one is roaming around. Then we went back to the store for strawberry pucker. Then we watched Borat, and 4 episodes of Spaced. I owned spaced and was the only one who had seen it, but they all loved it too. They're surprised that it got canceled. At that point it was like 2 in the morning, so we all crashed. I had to head home though, and didn't sleep till 3. My damn cat woke me at 8 though the fucker. I feel like shit though, I need more sleep.
  23. Actually......I wanted to steal that joke too. But seeing as how it is Dannyboy's joke, and he already used it 3 times, it just felt wrong.
  24. Bluey's ex-boss is a fink
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