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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Well my mom came home that night, has some different prescribed drugs and is going to work today. I still have a distinct lack of details on WTf.
  2. Thanks And very odd @ the other thing Lean really far over so the leakage will run to the tip of your nose as opposed to into your mouth....although, brushing your teeth is cleaning them so if it runs into your mouth you are cleaning it anyways right?
  3. Went to my friends Dad's Funeral today, somber is the theme. Also my mom is in the hospital now, her Kidneys are probably failing since she's had chronic back pain for who fucking knows how long now, basically she's been taking at least 3 Advil and 2 Extra Strength Tylenol nearly every night for probably 2 months now like a dumb cunt. I think she also takes advil during the day too. Much better than just going to a hospital to fix what's wrong, or losing weight (she's obese, and I'm sure that doesn't help her back/ankle/hip/neck problems). Basically though she was in unbearable pain the trip to the hospital and crying the whole way, and hurt with every little bump accelerating/decelerating turning. Fun day. Fun day indeed.
  4. Relative to what? A 5 year olds piece? A Masterpiece?
  5. Unless you clear your cache, then the browser will forget to auto-sign in.
  6. http://n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=888006&postcount=33 If that doesn't help, you'll just have to read it yourself or try to find a better synopsis. I typed that up a while ago, so I'm not entirely sure what parts I go over, but if you have specific questions I can try to help.
  7. Wut? you want a synopsis from me, or did you read a synopsis and it appeased you?
  8. Ha, you wanna see the source material be raped? Read Ilium. Luckily, it rapes the most awesome way possible.
  9. You poke fun at Orlando Bloom, but not dumbass Brad Pitt??! It's his fault that I never finished and never will try to finish Troy.
  10. Are you sure you're not confused with the game. It releases then, afaik I've heard nothing about more riddick movies other than it's a possibility.
  11. Nolan


    I got my copy 6 days ago.
  12. Why thank you WeeYellowBloke. It's amazing what one can find with a simple google search...
  13. Well if you ever feel like a challenge, sell everything but the pistol Actually....it may be more challenging to keep everything and only use the pistol since that will affect ammo drops and instead of mostly getting pistol ammo you'll get ammo for everything you have.
  14. I was holding it, it does nothing.
  15. Blasted american style keyboards....I can't do any of that. I have no Gr key, and Alt just goes to the toolbar.
  16. I too would prefer lucy liu to a child molester, but that scene really did nothing for me.
  17. You're just looking at the situation all wrong, he's not trying to molest you. It's all just a compliment, he's really trying to say you're too sexy for your own good Actually no, it's weird. Keep an eye on him, but don't look like you're interested, or it'll only make matters worse.
  18. How odd for us to wish a happy b-day to such a waste of Oxigen, precious precious oxygen. Perhaps that little hindu child wouldn't have died if oxigen hadn't been wasted.... Ahh who am I kidding, you're a great guy. That and there's plenty of air to go around.
  19. Exactly why it has a higher chance of clearing the place out. Nice to know your headshots were getting some good crowd reactions.
  20. Well, as soon as puberty hits:wink: I'll say I don't like FCs at all, but I could tolerate them if they were at least unified into one code in a similar way that XBL/Steam/PSN have one profile. They all have codes linked to the profile too, it's just hidden and taken over by the computer rather than user, hell steam even allows you to change your name at a moments notice, in-game mid match even. I've done it. Sadly I think they're here to stay, but I do think they'll be refined in some way.
  21. Throw a huge hissy fit, the kind that'll leave everyone wanting to be very far away from you for a few hours. Then you can play in peace. Also, the fit must be over something trivial, like leaving peanut butter on the counter, or the leaving doors open.
  22. Well I didn't mean literally copy and paste, so much as take the working idea and implement it. And no, an industry standard being subjected to all platforms isn't copying, ala analog sticks. I'm actually like you in that I don't like the sound of my voice, but even so talking to others online is nice. Getting a group of friends together and chatting wile playing, right now though, to do that would require use of either a wiispeak game (AC is the only one I know of...) or everone using something like Ventrillo or Skype.
  23. I want nintendo to look at XBL and PSN, and take all the good features that work and implement them copy/paste style. A single online account with which you can play online and add people you like. Voice Chat! Game demos, Hard Drive. Improved netcode, downloading a couple megs should not take long enough to make you think back to the age of 56K.
  24. Ya know....even my Dad has beat RE4....he did it about 9 times in a row for some odd reason.
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