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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Puck Off. :p
  2. The Musical? With David Bowie as the Goblin King? Tis indeed a great movie. Haha, perhaps I should have looked at the previous posts.
  3. Urrgh 9 hours of work, rarely seeing another human, and being stuck with a bunch of dogs. Takes alot out of ya, even though all I did was read the better half of a book, and play abit of GTA:VC and watch Trainspotting. I did get paid for the month(A whopping 42 hours....) though, $310.80 idk what I'll buy, probably gas and maybe end up helping with my parents taxes(way to go Obama, your plan's working great, The working class are still getting screwed).
  4. The lead spoon compliments my dish very well.
  5. The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters. (I really have nothing to add.)
  6. sorry but I don't follow.
  7. Building off of what flameboy said (Which is pretty correct really) Wut? That would mean running the game once, then somehow miraculously "X" amount of users all hitting new/load game and the game making multiple worlds in one program. I think running multiple copies of Crysis per machine at once would be a simpler task.
  8. Trainspotting Just a great film, everyone should watch it. 9/10
  9. This whole thread makes me tear up.
  10. I see two red ones and a shitton of blue ones... A pic from google maps, since they have a street view.... My trucks the silver one furtherest from the camera, my mom drives the white one, and the little blue Honda is my dads. Was my dads, it got totaled a year ago when he hit a slick spot on the road and went into a culvert.
  11. Road Head, a great yet dangerous creation.
  12. Total People who definitely will buy the Conduit (assuming it is quality): 5 Total People who definitely will buy (or have bought) MadWorld: 3
  13. I'd just like to point out, I don't think your foot needs to be sweaty at all. I've done this before, and the success depends solely on how many little fuzzy's are on the sock. Freshly washed and dried socks are usually quite good.
  14. Did you know? Vin Diesels only live action role, everything else he does is just a clever use of CGI and Green Screen. No seriously, not joking Kay, you got me I lied.
  15. DO A BARRELROLL I'm sorry for that. Okay, the first thing to suggest is, turn off your router/modem (usually modem rather than router, but both won't hurt) wait approx. 10 secs and turn it back on. Test the results and post back here. IDK if your router/modem has a on/off switch, but if not just unplugging the AC adapter is fine.
  16. I didn't think the fashion sense was terrible, leaps and bounds beyond the 80's at least. Also, Ryan Phillipe is a bit douchey looking. I do like the film though. Apparently it has a sequel.....I don't even want to know how bad that turned out.
  17. I've just got my Truck, it's pretty generic. I do however have horses, but dislike them and don't use them for transportation(not that I would even if I liked them.)
  18. Went to a bar to watch some bands play tonight. The only good band was the last to play It started off with Splitter which was okay....then it went to industrial metal......and it was terrible! Then some thrash that was ehh, the last group was good though. All in all a decent night.
  19. That was quite possibly the best movie ever.
  20. When Cats give up Catnip! The new hit reality TV show.
  21. Unfortunately the strain on Servers could be immense. There's also the problem of our current broadband, many places don't get superb speeds and even then have a bandwidth cap. Effectively ruining this device for them. The other fact is many PC enthusiast like to upgrade and tinker with their parts, so the market will never completely die...I doubt it would change much tbh. Right now there are plenty of people that just get a PC and use it for general whatever. Workstations will be pretty much unaffected though. Idk time will tell.
  22. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    Egads! That's not good.
  23. Later mechs open the screen up more too and you'll be able to see alot more. I'm still hoping they make a sequel, and perhaps BC....and perhaps an adapter to make current controllers work for the sequel....dreamworld is a wonderful horrible place.
  24. My brother-in-law has it. Great game, at the start, controls do feel sluggish and unwieldy buuuut after you start getting use to everything and further into the game, everything really gets better especially with the newer mech that are faster and more agile.
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