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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Can't watch on my wii. anywho...,yea it gets bad reviews but its fun.
  2. I'm with pit, in the lousy u.s. The worse thing about bailouts is that the money just seems to be going to the already rich ceos in charge. As oppose to supporting the dieing company.
  3. I'll third the 4670 nom. I can't really look around to find you deals and other components though due too wii browsing limited capabilities.
  4. I almost got this last night just to see for myself.....then I said fuck it and grabbed CoD:WaW.
  5. Doubtful, the only games I can think having trouble would be crysis except that it scales well for medium settings. And stalker clear sky, but thats due too doubts of the dev. Killzone proves deferred rendering(same as stalker) works fine. Other than that though...
  6. Check out audioslave then, basically ratm minus Zach de la rocha and less politics in the music. slightly different style too.
  7. I feel Chrono Trigger to be a bit overrated, I liked it, but never felt a connection to it. Definitely never felt like playing again for other endings.
  8. The confused dog looked back to it's master trying to remember what to steal. Incidentally, the dog never fully remembered and got a carton of menthol smokes instead of the desired milkduds.
  9. Idk about the rest of you, but I already play via brainwaves.
  10. north and south bridge are on the motherboard, but yea. PSU is needed, but sound card isn't ......if you don't mind onboard sound that is.
  11. I think I like where this story is going.
  12. Nolan

    Killzone 2

    Actually PC FPSs are doing decently. Crysis has many mods (since alone it ain't much) stalker clear sky is phenominal. Cryostasis has an interesting look too. Plus there are the non-exclusives that well. I'd prolly type more but the Wii browser is limited and exhausting.
  13. yes. or at least should be.
  14. Am sad. My laptops hd broke like 20 minutes ago..... at least i can browse via Wii.... barely.
  15. This is a good question, if you like Micheal Cera at all you need to watch it noa. Plus it has a few other actors who played their parts perfectly. Once again.....stupid Fox.
  16. Just checked Game and it seems the Wii version is available the 27th for £24.99 while the 360 version is £29.99 which respectively, according to Game, is £5 ans£10 off.
  17. Take a can of mace, and prepare a safe word early.
  18. Makes sense to me.
  19. Watched TDK on Blu-Ray last night, and played Rock Band enough that doing drums made my arms hurt. I do em pretty good on easy, but can't do normal at all.
  20. Meeeh. It's all wack. 1. FFVI 2. Secret of Mana 3. No More Heroes (complete fail that it's not up there at all) 4. Zelda A Link to the Past 5. Star Fox (Lylat Wars I think) 6. F-Zero 7. Metroid Prime 8. Tales of Symphonia 9. Resident Evil 4 10. Okami FYI that is no real order, just numbered for the hell of it and likely to change on a whim. Also, I think that Beyond Good and Evil can go crawl in hole and die. I know I'm one of the few though(but not the only), but that game is just so blehghrd.
  21. It doesn't seem to flow well, like the order of vehicles and where everyone is at, going to, coming from. I've seen the scene probably 5 or 6 times, once in HD, but I still only have a basic grasp of that scene. I can generally pick out all the events of a high paced scene with a few views, but this one...
  22. Nolan


    As far as I can tell, there is no pre-order bonus/collectors edition stuff here....so color me jealous.
  23. The only hard to follow part of TDK for me is that damn scene on Lower 5th when they're transporting Dent.
  24. Honestly, I hardly even pay attention to the near nakedness of the girls, it's just too much fun effortlessly slaughtering zombies. Although I do suppose I'd be slower on the purchase if it was Fat Speedo Zombie Slayers...
  25. The Dark Kniggit On Bloo-Ray Still pretty good. I don't find it as great as everyone else (ie watch it 6 times in theaters). Towards the end I had an odd thought for the third movie, they go something similar to Batman Beyond (?) the animated one where Bruce is aging and some punk kid basically becomes an apprentice. I know it won't happen and would most likely be really stupid, especially since this trilogy would end up skipping so much of the batman lore. It just randomly struck me though.
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