Well...firstly, it's much to small to truly be comfortable for me. If the controller was bigger I wouldn't care about the joysticks being on the same plane, but at it's current size....well idk if offsetting them at it's current size would help. Another issue is that in the 12 years that I've used PS controllers, I have never ever felt comfortable with the shoulder buttons. I was absolutely pissed when I read about the 360's controller doing something similar, which incidentally, the way they did it (larger controller, Offset shoulders from triggers(since my main thing was the dual buttons)) I'm fine with.
Oh, incase you haven't guessed by now, I was talking the whole controller in general rather than just the stick. The whole thing just feels wrong to me when compared to GC, 360, or either (yes the big one and small one, I loved the big one) Xbox1 controllers.
Idk if it truly deteriorates my abilities, but it still doens't feel right.