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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. No need to be a jerk, it could be the file it could be the wrong application of the file.
  2. Yup, the 4850 is a fine upgrade from the 2600XT, by a very long shot.
  3. Not necessarily, if you go about something wrong the file may not seem to work when really it's you. Of course I'd need specifics.
  4. From Ash's info and a bit of help from Google. I'm guessing this is the config. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?client=opera&rls=en&q=Xps+420&sourceid=opera&oe=utf-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=10307403177879862791&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&resnum=3&ct=result#ps-tech-specs Which would mean a 2400 Pro.... Of course if it's newer, looking at Dells site and the three q6600 builds. One them can only have a 3650 another can only have a 3450 and a third can go 3450 2600XT 3650 9800GT That on starts with 3450 and is the only one that mentions the PSU, which is listed at 375. :/ If ash had the 9800 GTAIV would run, so I doubt that's whats there. the 4850 is an upgrade from any of those, especially the 3450/2600/3650.
  5. Yup, you can run 32 or 64 bit. That's dependant on the CPU and afaik all modern CPUs have 64 bit capabilities. And yea, 375W won't cut it, well it may but not for long and it could fry things if taxed too much. 650W is more than plenty, but it doesn't hurt to have extra, and it gives room for later expansion. Happy to help.
  6. Here seems to be a decent PSU http://www.ebuyer.com/product/141006/show_product_overview And this Video Card is the best bang for the buck. It won't be maxing GTAIV, I don't think, but it shoult play it at least as well as consoles. http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/512MB-Palit-HD4850-PCI-E-20(x16)-1986MHz-GDDR3-GPU-625MHz-800-Cores-2x-DL-DVI-I-HDTV-HDCP Together they come in about ~175 There are ways to drop that lower if the need arises. A Radeon 4830 is 10-20 cheaper. And only performs slightly lower than the 4850, and can be Overclocked to approx. 4850 performance.
  7. I think a comparison for Wii games is XBLA games. Back when MS was talking about games rated 65% or lower being considered for deletion. I didn't look into personally but I remember someone making a big deal out of the majority of the games being at or below that number despite being XBLA hits and loved by most everyone except apparently the reviewers. Or something like that, it was a while ago and I don't fully remember. It's a combination of opinions and psychological bias. One may not mean to compare an XBLA game to a large big budget game, but they may do it anyways and it will affect the score. The same can easily be said for Wii games, multi-plat and otherwise. Edit: @ Gizmo, just because someone is reviewing games for a living does not mean they know more about the medium. Look at Gametrailers as a perfect example. The reviewers there are just horrid. There is one guy who came right out and said that he hates PC gaming, and I think he reviews PC games on occasion. If he blatantly says he hates it I highly doubt he'd keep that from affecting his scoring. They also like marking games down for being too difficult ala STALKER.
  8. Alrighty, you have PCI-E x16. That basically means that any modern card will be accepted by your motherboard. I don't know about spacing though, the top cards take up two slots and are quite long. A top card can also run you £400+ Luckly you don't really need to go that route. There are much better options. Before I go off making recommendations I'd like to know your price range. Also you need to consider that your Power Supply isn't going to be upto snuff for a high-end card. To find out your PSU you have to pop open the PC case and look at it and find out the Wattage output (it's probably something like a 425W)
  9. What about the CD-i versions? Are those also amazing? You did only say bar 2.
  10. http://www.cpuid.com/download/cpuz_149.zip Click that and run CPU-Z, if you can post a screenshot of it on the first tab and the tab that says Mainboard. If you can't get a screenshot, tell us what it says at Graphics, bus. Or check our GPU-Z which does the same as CPU, but won't tell the motherboard. Also, GTAIV is bad PC port and needs a fair bit of power to run, and the more cores the better (ie quads are better than Dual)
  11. I've always been partial to ALttP.
  12. Renee Zellweger from the shoulders up.
  13. I'm still in my Pajama bottoms, they're plenty warm actually.
  14. Drew Barrymore isn't pretty, but she is by no means ugly.
  15. I know just how to back this up Renee Zellweger!!
  16. Ahh, I wish I could get the Phenom II. And if your think the 3870 is noisy, then you haven't heard the 4870, crank that baby upto 100% and and put 4 360s to shame. Although 60% is isn't too bad and works fine to keep cool. Defualt is a low low 20....
  17. So it's about the same as here I think. We're both below freezing that's for sure.
  18. SNOW! From the last 2 days, it stopped yesterday. Backyard Bit of the front, can't tell it but there is a pond right there. inbetween the bush and chairs. Porch, cat on top of a 4x4 leaning on the porch. I tried to let her in but she took off. Garden Gnome off in the distance too. Driveway, with snow covered vehicles. Here is my house in the fall (few years ago I think) as seen from Google maps. Idk why they have a picture of my house but they do.
  19. So, how cold is cold? No one has mentioned temps yet.
  20. I think it's a rather lovely day to stay inside and watch a movie.
  21. Well, I watched Appaloosa. I liked it, of course I like Viggo and Ed Harris which may be an influence. Some people felt the pacing was too slow and it dragged on, I didn't get that. I did watch it in two sittings, but I never felt that it was dragging on. A decent story, and a good western. For being only Harris's second time directing, with the last being Pollock in 00, I felt it was pretty well directed. Even before considering that. Of course what do I know? I'm not you after all. 7.5/10 Also, WTFFF is wrong with Renee Zellwegers face??! Was she repeatedly slammed into a wall all her life?! I'd never expect something that ugly to become a semi successful actress, much less keep that face after coming into money!
  22. Nolan


    As far as stores are concerned. Is that also the official date from Capcom or not?
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