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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Can....can I nominated This thread as being an Awkward Moment?
  2. Meh. Naruto Manga is getting interesting though.
  3. Although, Microsoft owned series have been known to appear on the DS. Mechwarrior and Viva Pinata spring to mind.
  4. An in-engine cutscene can look better than in-game cutscenes. Look at FFXII, there are 3 types of graphics you'll see, CG which looks great, in-engine cutscenes which look nice, and gameplay which is lower than the rest.
  5. The guy comes off as a total twat to me. He makes good points though, games are violent and at times needlessly so. The Manhunt series springs to mind, and Postal. They revolve around killing and often in rather gruesome ways. However, when the guy says he couldn't stomach Bloodomen because of the innocents (not necessarily imo) you kill for life. In fits within the story, and it's not trying to go OTT like say Bulletstorm or Madworld.
  6. I know in Dirt 2 and I think Grid hitting puddles you certainly feel the change in handling. I'd expect something similar out of this.
  7. DPI is Dots Per Inch, or Dot Pitch is the measurement of the space between sub-pixels (3 per pixel). A high DPI+ a small screen size gives a high PPI (Pixels Per Inch), higher PPI gives sharper images. It's a balancing act though. On a screen this small fine details will be lost while on a larger screen with lower PPI the details are there even if the image isn't as sharp. Of course, the larger screen you don't notice that the image isn't as sharp. Also note that Resolution has more of an effect on developing the games. It's easier for hardware to run at such low sizes regardless of the DPI/PPI.
  8. Changing the chapter would kinda ruin the story in a way. They all sort of do their own things. My choice would be Grey Knights because their models are much nicer, of course they specialize in demon killing....which could make the campaign really silly if they're sent off to stop the Orks from stomping on squishies.
  9. Beast mode sounds awesome.
  10. I think he means he prefers the input method specifically built as a method of playing games, rather than a keyboard designed for computer use with games working with it.
  11. What? I...you leave me speechless.
  12. How contradictory. Besides the implication of the PS3 as some grand thing certain to usher in the tech, if Market Penetration stays so low that we won't even hear about Nintendo's next console at 2012, the PS3 will have hardly done it's job.
  13. I have a theory that the Zelda timeline really just doesn't fucking matter in the least. Drop it.
  14. That sir, is Sexist. And Funny. It appears that Kinect is surrounded by a glass wall that the people were viewing through. I think the brown thing is stuck to the glass, and just looks like it's on Shigsy's head. Bill's face is like, visible disgust. You can see the WTF written right on it. Shigsy's face, is a stonewall. Ain't no reading that.
  15. Over here Gamestop has the adaptors listed as $40 and $50 (g/b and N respectively). Which is as much as a 120GB HDD ($40). I can get the slim down to 135-165(depending on if I swipe a 20GB HDD from a mostly broken 360 that isn't mine). Still a little steep, and the deal only goes into the second week of July. I'm not willing to pay quite that much just to get built-in wireless (my laptop handles it fine) and a quieter system.
  16. I'm trying to remember if he was behind Elebits/Eledees. I know it was Konami at least.
  17. Actually on that note...without knowing how the 3D is actually being handled we have no idea how much extra processing it takes to put these games in 3D.
  18. What? I'll grant you the touchscreen, as that is a fact but the rest of that...what? At the very least it matches the PSP if not exceeds it graphically. As for the iPhone, it's powerful, but I'd say it's interface detracts from the experience. It's just like Kinect in that regard.
  19. Why, it's almost like you just always love the newest game in a series. Newer is better after all. But we know better than to think something like that.
  20. There is already a petition with over 12000 (as of last night) signatures for it to come to PC. It's surprising that it isn't slated for PC since it's a PC franchise (mostly, very few console Warhammer games) and a PC developer. The 40K MMO has some trailers too, and it looks pretty great as well.
  21. Two-tone Black/Charcoal for me.
  22. He's just awesome.
  23. Great. That link was very impressive looking as well.
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