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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Old news at this point, but great news nonetheless Oddbox. Oddworld Munch's Oddysee and Strangers Wrath are both being ported to the PC, and the Oddbox also includes Abe's Oddysee/Exodus.
  2. ZoE is pretty damn sweet. I never got to play the second (or finish the first). Not having a PS2 for ages sucks.
  3. You know, he brings up valid points that other reviews touch on. Reading the comments though, he just comes off as a complete moronic dick. Although, I suppose I'd be a huge twat if I had a following of people that hated every one of my reviews.
  4. When a product hits the market the rich and the enthusiasts are the purchasers. New products with new technology are high priced, as the components become cheaper the price comes down as demand grows. Adjust for inflation, and people paid quite a lot back in the day, and most people didn't get into gaming then, and generally had a single console. People are making more now, and what I've noticed is a lot more people own 2 or 3 consoles, and nearly everyone has a PC now. PCs were a rather rare thing for quite some time.
  5. "Perfectly lined up headshots can still miss" Huh...sounds like real life. I can't help but feel they were comparing it to Mass Effect, because Mass Effect's mechanics are rock solid you know. Bugs, unfortunate, but unsurprising knowing that Obsidian is Black Isle v2.0 and Black Isle always shipped with bugs. Honestly, if I can point and shoot at people (which is looks like the game does fine to me, better than Fallout 3 without VATS even) then it's playable enough for a good story. There seems to be a deficiency of good stories.
  6. The only way to describe this thread, The Fuck & Nice Cake.
  7. This makes me wonder...with all the variety of user backgrounds. Are there any French members, living in France?
  8. Far too many actors seem to be dying in recent times.
  9. Being rather too lazy to check, but shame on everyone(including myself) if no one else has thought to mention Star Wars Republic Commando. Republic Commando is the best thing to come out of Star Wars since Jedi Outcast II....in 2002. Plus the game is just perfect for todays type of gaming, rescue/replace (rescue would be better) Sev somehow and you've got a perfect candidate for 4 player co-op of tactical awesome.
  10. Died not Dies.... RIP
  11. Nolan

    Killzone 3

    Apparently, it's not White, just a really really light gray. White would be to much of a change.
  12. Mind getting me a NTSC copy while you're at it?
  13. It's not out here until the start of June, but I really want to get it. I won't be able to for a while, but I want it (along with other things).
  14. Go to, http://speedtest.net/. About in the middle of the page on the left side is your IP address, copy and paste than into your address bar to access your router. If you haven't fiddled before the name and password should be the defualts (which outta be documented somewhere) but with some fiddling you can add wireless security like WEP/WPA. My router is literally 1 click to get to security settings, choose one, set a passphrase and apply. It may or may not be that simple for your current router, but I'm sure it's possible and you can likely find online manuals from the manufacturer by googling the model number. DO NOT however start messing with anything you don't understand... Also try calling your ISP up and seeing if it's something on their end. I've had slow speeds before because of something on Verizons end and we had to call them to get them to fix it. Although I think they claimed not to see a problem at first, but found it shortly after during the same call. Just remember if you add security you'll have to change the settings on you Laptop and PS3 to reflect those changes.
  15. Also on that page is this, which appears to serve as a guide for performing a clean install with upgrade editions.
  16. I'd say try and check for driver updates for both Video and Sound.
  17. Silly question...It's not just a blank screen saver popping up is it? This is assuming of course you aren't giving the PC input for a time when this happens. Other wise, sounds like it maybe a loose connection on either the PC or monitor, check that. Dunno bout the sound thing though.
  18. Nolan

    Killzone 3

    I wouldn't be bothered about glasses if only I didn't have to wear prescription lenses. I want contacts solely for the fact that then I can wear sunglasses and 3D glasses without extra hassle.
  19. I've always been a compulsive saver in games. Every chance I get pretty much, it's why I never attempted Resident Evil in my youth, I figured I would just run myself out of Ink Ribbons. I think it was on FF7 where a save file got corrupted, and that's when I always made sure to have multiples. I know some people that have lost files, and still don't ever think to use more than just one slot. Of course, the trend now seems to be going towards autosaving at preset points, which can create some nice saves just before death or while trapped in a room...hurray for replaying back to that point >_>
  20. http://extreme.outervision.com/PSUEngine Plug everything into that, or just believe me when I say minimum 291W recommended 341W. OCZ is a good brand, and that one is 80+ certified, 80% comes out to 320W of reliable constant power. So it's in between min and rec, but likely fine.
  21. Token based wat? Also, when applicable, these reasons are all why I use multiple save slots in everything.
  22. Yeeeah....me too. The animation is just so terrible in this day and age, and I doubt it'll change (as it's part of the engine) but I really hope it improves.
  23. I really doubt it's going to look much better than Fallout 3. It's the exact same engine, and they're likely putting most of their time into creating the game rather than prettying it up. Just looked at the linked pic.....god some of those buildings look worse than Perfect Dark. Still, I don't see it getting better than Fallout 3. I just hope they can make animation not look so robotic like all of Bethesda's games.
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