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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. All of the awesome made my eyes water. This was immediately after I laughed at the title "Epic Yarn". It really is epic yarn.
  2. Well....Nintendo just won, everyone else can go home.
  3. I'm just gonna watch it on TV rather than stream. Bigger screen and all. Too bad G4 is too cheap to have a non SD channel.
  4. I want it just for the wireless.
  5. Well I certainly don't plan on getting it twice. But yea, I plan on getting it. Hopefully with B-day money, or as a pre-ordered present off Amazon.
  6. He's also Scott Evil in Austin Powers.
  7. Yea, really looks like WET done right.
  8. Did Michael Cera manage to play a different character finally? He seems a little stuck in the role of being George Michael but with a different name. The Blindside First viewing, excellent movie. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. Quit reading this and go watch. Zombieland First viewing as well, great, and funny. Though I don't think it lends itself to repeated viewing as well as Shaun of the Dead does. However, it does have a very good looking Emma Stone (just don't look at the eyes) which bumps it up.
  9. Crying....tears of joy. Manly tears of joy.
  10. Nolan


    Seeing a score counter on the HUD just makes me thing this will aim for fast paced re-playable levels ala S&P, but less rigid.
  11. I had to thank this because of Fucking Bidoof. I hate it....so much. Just....everything about it it's design the sound it makes how bloody often the damn thing appears.
  12. I like Audioslaves music, but I really am not a fan of Chris Cornell's singing. As a result there are only a few of his songs I can even listen to.
  13. Can't find a single legit track on youtube, there are plenty of videos labeled as such for views though...and I did come across one that was removed.
  14. Huzzah! Survived the tornado (well, it was a couple miles away and tore through town) and survived without power for 2 days. Lots of damage, and lots of tornadoes through a few states. One went through a school actually, and also managed to kill the Valedictorian's Father.
  15. Nolan

    Killzone 3

    My immediate thought was "Blue Jungle, that's retarded, jungles are green." That was followed immediately afterwords with "This is Sci-Fi, no reason a jungle can't be blue, that'd be awesome to see."
  16. Heat and Power draw are why not, and price. Tegra 2 is pretty much the best mobile GPU you'll come across, high performance in a small efficient package. They've demoed it using UE3, which shows a small room and graphics about as advanced as the original halo, but in HD, so the textures are a bit cleaner. That isn't exactly close to the 360/PS3, and I doubt Nintendo has come up with some miraculous solution to show otherwise. They aren't creators of Microprocessors after all, and ARM's (their chips where in the GBA/DS) Cortex A9 (newest fast ARM CPU) is actually part of Tegra 2, so no surprises will come from them. Don't even think about using an actually GPU like what a laptop would have, those can still reach 90C with a fan and airflow when trying to run an intensive games....the low end cards that is.
  17. It's dumb things like that, that make me hate IGN. In no way is such a device feasible. You'd get 3rd degree burns on your hands assuming the case just didn't melt, the price would be astronomical, the power draw would be huge, and probably have a power brick, and battery life would be non existent.
  18. Nolan


    Looking pretty smooth other than cutscenes/plot. And, unprecedented attack on the US starts with......San Francisco? Really? There's nothing there, hell I'd be willing to call it the US just cleaning house.
  19. HTDA has released a free 6-track EP. I'm listening to it now, and I'm liking what I hear that isn't the songs previously released (The Space In Between and A Drowning). Also, the name is far to metal sounding for what the music is.
  20. Nolan

    Killzone 3

    Teaser reminded me of the menu screen for MGS3. Didn't particularly care for it other than it gives a bit of insight that apparently we'll be undercover at some point.
  21. From what I've been hearing (from other fans of Obsidian) is that it's pretty much terrible and the reviews aren't joking. I still want to play it myself and hope that perhaps some patched make it more workable. Glad to hear you're enjoying it though Aimless, and that it's helped your opinion of New Vegas.
  22. Go to friends house. Get Drunk. Ask friend's mom if her boobs are real. Reply, as real as your 9 inch Dick. I guess they're pretty real eh?
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