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Everything posted by martinist

  1. I watched the playoffs last year with that NBA League pass thing, didn't have it renewed for this year though. Might get it going again once the new season starts.
  2. I'm getting pretty sick of call of duty games. Then again, I said the same thing when black ops 2 came out and I still bought it. I'm not gonna screw up this time!
  3. I might have gotten drunk and met a gay guy online, then I might have done some less than reputable things with said gay guy on skype....drunk martinist is bi-sexual martinst....i'm ashamed...so ashamed >_> being drunk is fun, then realizing what u did when drunk isn't so fun....sad martinst
  4. I have a bottle of white wine and a laptop filled with tunes and i know how to use them both to their full extent!
  5. Dungeons and Dragons and Bitches
  6. I'll just wait untill they dub it and release it over here. Thats how i've been watching it so far anyway.
  7. Only Daft Punk album I have is Alive which I bought a few years ago. Once this new album comes out I might pick it up I guess
  8. Just finished it this afternoon, pretty good twist ending. When I read about the ghost battle I thought it was only one time, I was sadly mistaken. I died...alot
  9. Woke up next ot a naked girl this morning....its been a good day so far although my head feels like its in a vice >_>
  10. I'll have you know my mother is Catholic sir, I was told never to associate myself with those heathens! :P
  11. I got an apology on facebook from a girl i had to carry home a few weeks ago because she reached a state of such inhebriation that she was unable to walk or form a coherent sentence. It also seemed to cause a rather large number of mood swings. One minute she was saying thank over and over again, the next she was spitting in my face and calling me a pathetic waste of a human being. Then when i finally got her home she puked on my lap and passed out. Fun times were had by all.
  12. Higurashi no naku koro ni and Umineko no naku koro ni if you're just looking for a kinda bloody, lets kill every character off as violently as possible murder mystery sorta thing. Might wanna watch all three seasons of Higurashi if u wanna understand it though.
  13. guess whos shitfaced! that right! im shitgfcaced! deal with ti! like yer ma did laster night!
  14. I ate yer ma last night
  15. Time to get shitfaced
  16. Well my hearts been screwing up alot lately, getting alot more arythmia then usual for some reason, atleast its not bad enough to make me pass out so i guess thats good. I doubt going to the doctor will do anything since i've already been down with this and they said i was perfectly fine, I'll probably just end up with the same result if I go down there again with it. I guess I'll see how it goes for a few days and hope it doesn't end up killing me :P
  17. But my local HMV just closed down yesterday b00h
  18. Moniaive....nothing really special, Alex Kapranos has a house here and the booze is cheap as hell, i suspect you'd be able to drink yourself to death on £30 here, not that i've tried, i usually black out around £20. Other than that? nothing, 2 pubs, a shop and a primary school, thats about it.
  19. So I just marathoned Angel Beats, it was alright, had a few good moments. Turned into a blubbering 3 year old girl by the end of it though, I don't deal well with emotion, it was Clannad all over again. OVA cheered me up though. Might leave it a while before I even attemt to re-watch it.
  20. I'll be impressed when i start to see some actuall gameplay instead of this pre-rendered stuff
  21. Just won £55 on sky poker....i'm a happy man, i bet the guy i won it off isn't though :P
  22. Ah this happened to me last night, woke up and i couldn't feel my right arm and when i tried to move it, it was totally dead. So i picked it up and started flopping it around a little untill the feeling and movement came back. The first time it happened i freaked out because i thought i was having some sort of heart attack, its happened about 5 or so times since.
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