Guess what? I'm sober
not really, i'm compkletely off my face, and i'm ciomming fdor yer ma
Also dfhurry up and ewrite xzombie aids Arthur! for fuxk sake! Write it!!! you pirommised me!!!!!! I swear you bdetter write it!
Well I've been playing this for a while and it seems alright. My approch shots and my putting suck balls though. Always end up undershooting or overshoot the green or land a good few meters from the hole ending up in a 2 putt par >_>
I bought world tour super cheap when GAME were having their "We're probably going out of business sale" loved the crap out of it so I guess I'll pick this up when it comes out.
I could have gotten a new house today but some pricks from the next town over got it....I feel like going down there and stare into their window in a threatening manner for taking my house.
I just qualified for the Nuts Poker League champion of champions tournament in Dumfries. Also qualified for the Nuts regionals in Glasgow. I'm a happy Martins.