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Everything posted by martinist

  1. Where the hell did you get that?!?! I look terrible
  2. Another huge jar of Jelly Beans Hyrule Historia
  3. I've had an absolute bastard of a cold for the past week or so. started with a tickle in the throat then my throat got really really sore. Then my throat got better, then i started coughing, sneezing, runny nose all that crap. Then that stopped and now I'm coughing really badly pretty much all day and night for the past few days. My throat feels like I've been brutally face fucked by a guy with a barbed wire dick that cums razor blades >_> sick Martins is sick >_>
  4. indeed I do.
  5. One Piece volumes 24-31
  6. Cxalm the fduck doewn mr muppet man, pklay trhe fucking drums or somthiung. I locve it when you dcall me big papa, throw yo hsands in the air like you a rtrue playa' you should be proud of thyourself man, you're the fucking man of that store now. Don't talke no shit from nobody, if an employee gets in yo face you put them in tyheir place like the fucking boss you are!!
  7. Finished both FFXIII and FFXIII-2. Had this on pre-order sine it was announced. The first game was really pretty linear but XIII-2 was allot better. I even went back to XIII-2 and got all that extra stuff. So I'll defiantly by buying this for sure. If only to see how the story winds up.
  8. Shredder noooo!!!! Who will kidnap girls in yellow jumpsuits and fight mutated turtles with a ninja clone army now?!?! Who I say! Who?!?!
  9. I live in a rural area.. The fastest connection I've had is 1.5 megs at any one time. Maybe even just 1 meg at times or even less than that. It hangs around 700-800 Kbps. We really need fiber optic lines installed here >_>
  10. HaPpY nEw YeAr!!!
  11. Well my aunt died around ten minutes ago....that sucks.
  12. So I've read a few volumes of One Piece and its pretty good I guess. At first the art style kinda put me off a bit but I got used to it after a few volumes. Went out and bought four volumes of the TV series after a while. So I say I've spent around £200 on this so far. With the other 40-ish or so manga volumes I still need to get, it'll amount to way more. This better be a damn good series!
  13. One Piece volumes 1-23 £130, came in yesterday
  14. Merry Jesus birthday day!
  15. huge jar of jelly beans
  16. So my aunt's cancer has gotten so bad that they are moving her into St Andrew's Hospice permanently. She will most definitely die in there. Sad Martins.
  17. Wind Waker HD limited edition guide. Kind of only bought it because there was only one left in stock over at amazon. Also got all 4 Cardcaptor Sakura omnibus volumes.
  18. Thinking about getting a tattoo next week. Not sure if this is a good thing since it might hurt like hell, but whatever. If it goes well I might get another down the line.
  19. Yeah its the cannibis burning scene...
  20. Anybody want a download code for a 7 day trial of Wii Karaoke U? Lord knows I'm not going to use it.
  21. I finally figured out how to get US Netflix. So much stuff....Netflix UK just seems to be ripping me off with the amount of stuff they have on here compared to the US >_>
  22. So i was adding friends on miiverse on Wednesday and everything went fine. But when I tried adding more people in Thursday and today it just seems to hang up. I'll search for their name, go to their profile, tap friend request then on send. Then the screen glazes over and I get a blue spinning circle in the top left of the screen and it just stays like that untill i hit the home button and back out to the home screen. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me?
  23. The console was £248 with a free download code for Wind Waker. I went and got some extra stuff with it so I paid £299.
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