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Everything posted by martinist

  1. Couldn't sleep last night so I went for a walk at 4am this morning. Walked into a playing field next to the bowling club and there was twenty or so wild rabbits running around the field. Didn't have my camera or phone with me though. b00h
  2. Best thing ever...I'll see ya when you're comming back up whenever that is

  3. Happy hangover day
  4. I finally did it...I bought all the One Piece volumes so far. Just finished Water Seven last night moving onto Thriller Bark. I think its volume 46. Another 24 volumes and I'll be all caught up.
  5. I just found out Rik Mayall died this morning. That was a real kick in the balls for me.
  6. That was seriously Reggie? I just thought it was some random guy with a Reggie mii 0_0 ...I beat Reggie at mario kart...My life is complete. By the way is anyone else getting alot of communication errors and disconnects? I've been getting a load of them today. It worked perfectly on Thursday and the day after that. But today the servers seem to have gone tits up.
  7. This happed to me on the last race of the last cup I had to do to get the gold kart. I got first place on the first three races then N64 Rainbow Road comes around and I'm out in front for pretty much the entire race. Then I get to the last corner and along comes a blue shell. But oh wait! whats this? A red shell also? why thank you sir...and whats this? Mario overtaking me at the last second to put me down yet another place? By then end I wound up in 7th. I didn't get my star...I raged...I raged harder than I have ever raged before. THEY TOOK MY GOLD KART FROM ME!!! I got the gold kart eventually, allong with the gold wheels. So Its not so bad, might upload the video of the replay later. It was complete fuckery. Complete and utter fuckery.
  8. I've been pulling my hair out all day trying to get a star rank on 150cc special cup >_<
  9. Tickets for Lee Evans on July 27th
  10. ...Fuck, well Tuesday it is then.
  11. My copy was sent out 4 hours ago. Doubt it'll turn up tomorrow though. Monday for sure.
  12. One Piece volumes 41-60. Won't post pictures, would take up too much space
  13. I downloaded the season pass for this about a week ago. Had some trouble importing my save from the first season but I got it in the end. Just finished playing episode 3 a while ago. Not alot of gameplay compaired to the first two but what was there was pretty good.
  14. The only time chat is even kinda populated is during the E3 conferences. Most of the year its totally empty.
  15. So I was in the hospital and a cardiologist has strapped a heart monitor on me for the next month or so since I've been having these palpitations and fibrilations for the past few years. b000h
  16. I'm all for that as long as wimmins (and yer ma) are involved.
  17. Why didn't you tell me the Roman's had a god of wine!? Where and how can I worship him?
  18. First physical stars catalogue purchase i've ever made
  19. I've been browsing ebay buying old GC games for the past two days. Stuff I used to have when i had my gamecube and other games I never really got a chane to play. I had a load of Resident Evil games on my gamecube. code veronica, 0, 1 and 2 I played through them but I sold my gamecube before really getting into RE2. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes was good, again never really got into it before selling my old gamecube. I still have it in a plastic crate in my closet though.
  20. The trophy won't ping once you get past 200. The trophy pings once you collect the sigil from the chest outside the travel agency. You'll still have to count the strikes out in your head or something.
  21. I've been slowly working my way through Breaking Bad on Netflix. Just finnished watching the fourth season. Also been watching Bob's Burgers once I saw it was airing on E4 at 2:00am or so.
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