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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. You choose Tintin fancy dress over Zelda? Get the fuck out.
  2. I already told him that.
  3. It's not as if day is coming anytime soon.
  4. Plus a banging buy 1 get 1 free offer on Durex rubbers too.
  5. Funkytown?
  6. "let me see tits" Gotta admire his directness. Especially when faced with an Abra.
  7. Did anyone else think of the running style of Juan Sheet with this?
  8. Here are the final uploaded designs. After an amazing loadsa months. I'm intending on making a series of Zelda Sage shirts, Sage in the foreground, medallion in the background.
  9. With a name like that?! C'maaahn. I shall have to investigate in November.
  10. How many special editions does this game have? Nice video on that link: Solomon Grundy... Born on a Monday. That's cute.
  11. This looks well dodgy in the modelling stage, but here is what Charizard is looking like at the moment.
  13. But we got rid of our last one so there's a space there. JAY. YOU'RE HIRED. Your first conspiracy: Toilet rolls are the same size because the Government uses them for mind control. Go.
  14. Isn't the ancient alien the shizzle that Scientologists believe?
  15. So we had a delayed fuse type mafia hit?
  16. So can we get the free games tomorrow?
  17. I hope so, since it was Joel Schumacher's Batman which had the nipples.
  18. To be fair to her it didn't sound like floor to begin with. Always sounded like "Get on the Flooooow"
  19. Dunno, may get my Mii to wear a Link hat for the streetpass shizzle everyone is on about. Other than than I may just wear my Link To The Past t-shirt. Don't want to look too much of a geek at the meet n' greet with the orchestra people.
  20. Have a good one mate.
  21. Yep. It was a grand forum conspiracy and I am honoured to have been at the head of it, and have everyone's support in keeping it alive. You'll have to wait until after the next meet to find out. Assuming ReZ doesn't become a whiny little bitch before hand :p There's actually a bit in one of the videos, where ReZ is asking about Prov Donk, where you can see Retro_Link and I think some others look off camera. This is because I was throwing Prov Donk around in the air. Good times.
  22. If he's working on an album I suggest we ensure he never returns. Prov Donk never worked, not even in his own abduction There's always the next meet. If you were ever wondering ReZ when I took him, it was under the bridge when you were showing Rummy the 3DS, I just walked up, in a big elaborate gesture hid him under my coat and walked off. I was quite surprised when you didn't ask for him. I'll even point something sexy out when I get home from this quiz.
  24. Even though I didn't post this. I did it. I took Prov Donk. Pretty much everyone at the meet saw it and I thank them for their silence. He's with one of my fellow conspirators at the moment and shall be returning to ReZ soon. Sadly it wasn't as awesome as we planned (we had some pr0 ideas), with the weather messing us about and account going active too soon which has resulted in ReZ turning into a blubbering wreck.
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