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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Ah, on contrare mon frere. Two nights.
  2. I've already revealed my targets, because this game is going fucking nowhere.
  3. So basically we're going into the night again without a majority vote... Yay.
  4. I've always been concerned that at the beginning you have Zebra/Antelope bowing down to him, knowing full well he's probably going to eat them/their children.
  5. Was amazed when it was actually Bolton.
  6. They should remix the series. Flesh out Ages/Seasons, go Master Quest style on the dungeons, and make the third which they should've done for the third spirit.
  7. Silence, go make that "forgotten RnB singer of the early 00's" thread you promised. Your input is not needed here. :p
  8. I'll take that as a yes
  9. Does the CD have the nice orchestral finish? EDIT: Scratch that. Mine has arrived, I see it does. Does anyone know how to get the media information for it so it isn't just unknown artist/album/track. I tried using Windows Media Player to find it but it's coming up with nothing close.
  10. Makes me ride my bike faster to/from work.
  11. So his career is going well? No reason not to go as him then.
  12. If that like rofl'ing?
  13. C'maaahn! I'll Make a Man Out of You is an amazing inspirational song.
  14. Another reason for people to believe this is just ReZ. I bet Claire doesn't give a two shits about stupid ass whales the Prov Donk.
  15. So you know Madeline is dead... The only person who would know that... IS THE KIDNAPPER! I don't know why you're having trouble with this. Many movie actors/characters have died.
  16. It has happened in my past, but I never told anyone about it. Especially in lazy-ass typing.
  17. This. And people who actually say "lol", they're not laughing. Those who type it and its many variants are rarely laughing, and they're never rolling on the floor.
  18. No one feeling The Black Cauldron?
  19. Direct yooou, to meeee. Sharing together... Redirectory!
  20. Your "lack of noticing" someone being killed concerns me. Anyone playing, even lazily wouldn't neglect getting such b-b-b-b-base knowledge.
  21. That's why I voted Esequiel, I'm getting bored.
  22. Never said it wasn't. But it's true that people use epic in non-epic situations, such as the examples he cited.
  23. Pull your tongue out of my arse boy, I haven't got time to hate you.
  24. The only time epic can apparently be used: http://thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=epic However, if it used by the right voice it can be acceptable. For example Patrick Stewart in the Money Supermarket ad.
  25. I revealed I am Karma.
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