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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. First result for Graze "here at graze we select the healthy foods that actually taste good and handpick your very own snack box. delivered to any UK address for just £3.49" ReZ you pussy. On a side note, I'm technically a published artist! pr0 designs mentioned in Pokémon World magazine.
  2. But did it have the buttery biscuit base? The thing about the waffle was that but AH BUT HAHAHA BUTUTUT BUT BUTBUT BUT It needed to be a little bit deeper.
  3. ReZ got a proper hard on when he had to draw ovary. And who was it who drew the president for resident? Genius.
  4. Does not giving a shit mean the same thing?
  5. The message of these images is: Sheen has the skillz.
  6. Christ... Someone deletes my awesome Rummy/Kitten/Puppy/Bunny post and this is the shit that happens. Well done Ashley.
  7. Oooh which ones?
  8. Here is the King Waffle. What pissed all over ReZ's £3 for one scoop of frozen yoghurt. FUCK YEAH.
  9. Impregnate me Spermboy. I'm in.
  10. The unknown elf Grunch could be a rather camp looking Dobby.
  11. The "official" term is "time and a half", which technically would be £10.50 since they're ramping up basic wages for certain bands to £7. No doubt they'll find some excuse for not doing it though.
  12. Potential job remix! May transfer over to main store for more hours, but it's late nights. 10pm - 7am four days... Would be sad to leave my petrol station but some people just aren't pulling their weight over there.
  13. I would say in iSketch also, but it'd be one big penis jamboree.
  14. ReZ wouldn't be able to film and participate at the same time. He'll probably use a stand.
  15. She only did that because Harry confirmed Draco was alive and safe. If Draco was dead she wouldn't give two shits. The last two films confirm what pussies the entire Malfoy family are. I had high hopes for Jason Isaacs being one badass, but as soon as Voldemort returns he forgets to shave and looks like he's about to shit himself. Along with all the other Death Eaters. The pr0'est villian in this movie is Goyle. Taking shit from noone and dying in a literal blaze of glory.
  16. Maybe this is why Claire is here. To find Prov Donk.
  17. Strange chair suddenly changed to a Mystique avatar/sig combo... A hint perhaps?
  18. Bollocks to them. They can have Billy and other brothers.
  19. Tis true, I despise Brand to the max. But he managed to beat his addiction, if I'm reading that correctly. And (to my knowledge) nothing big has happened to Winehouse to prompt her to relapse (Unless you count being booed off stage by your fans at a concert because you turned up drunk) whereas Brand had that radio shizzle with Wossy and he still came out alright addiction wise. Those that blame her upbringing for becoming addicted to whatever are missing the point. If we blame someone's past for everything they did wrong, many wrongdoers could evade punishment. Someone saw a rape and became a rapist themselves? Let them off the hook! No. It all comes down to restraint. Winehouse clearly didn't have any/enough. But we're blurring two lines into one here. Sympathy/lack of for her dying and how much of a crack-whore she was. Granted they are linked though, but not as much as it seems people are implying. So here's a picture of a kitten and bunny, now go people, post somewhere else!
  20. I'll take Alec Baldwin.
  21. Too much gums on them.
  22. Yeah, if memory serves it only takes off the experience on the level you're at. For example, say you're on level five, 100 EXP points to get to level six. You're on 99 EXP and you die. You lose those 99 EXP points. It doesn't take you back to level 0/1.
  23. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=100000184855485
  24. I don't Mcoy would stand for that. Mcoy would play Mcoy. He'd kill anyone else who'd try. James Franco? I'm seeing that, same hairline also. We'd need to give Franco some dentures though, his teeth are way too small to capture chairs winning smile.
  25. She didn't respect herself in life. I fail to see why I should respect her in death.
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