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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. This, as well as "peng" for something positive, "bum" for something attractive and "yard" for a home.
  2. On the first night, yes. See, this is what pisses me off about you Esequiel in mafia threads. You make demands about people, most of the time unfounded and ask us to trust you with no logical backing. And the moment people start asking about your abilities - You tell us "not to worry" and not to concern ourselves. You want to know what someone did last night, don't worry about what they did last night. This kind of behaviour is simply not helping.
  3. Why target Danny twice?
  4. Plus the Water Temple, the fact that it's been remixed to be easier doesn't exactly help.
  5. Vote Esequiel.
  6. Jordan's tits... The fuck?!
  7. Am I doing the Suicune tactic? No. No extra redirection, just the flat out stuff I've mentioned, because nothing can be gathered from the writeups so I'm trying to get the ball rolling on shit we've been doing.
  8. This is horseshit because I made you target ReZ on night 1.
  9. I wish to clarify something for myself on redirecting a redirector. Player A wants Player B to target Player C. But if Player X redirects Player A to Player Y, would that mean Player A is now redirecting Player Y to target Player C?
  10. Cut the "I think" bullshit and give us that tangible evidence you're sitting on and trying to make it look mysterious.
  11. The Yahtzee Review: Shittier than expected. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/3780-The-Legend-of-Zelda-Ocarina-of-Time-3D
  12. I believe it was. But I can't say with certainty... I shall consult her.
  13. No proper mention of Final Fantasy IV? It introduced the ATB system as was general storyline awesomeness.
  14. I can't see this going anywhere so I'll say this. I redirected Jay to Chair last night.
  15. Tis a pr0 game that Vesperia. Got it on release for only £25-30.
  16. Not going to add the word Stun in there a few times? :p
  17. Buy it youself you cheap git.
  18. He asked us to trust him.
  19. A friend bought UV ones for a night out and she seemed alright with them. Looked great with the flourescent light on them.
  20. Thank fuck that's not the case then kiddo.
  21. I'm in fuckers.
  22. http://www.google.co.uk/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-GB%3Aofficial&channel=s&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=500&q=%22you+say+I+come+from+new+york+city%22&btnG=Google+Search Helpful I think you'll find.
  23. Just because you know it is who he says it is, doesn't mean he wants to come back.
  24. I thought that was obvious :S
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