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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I was talking to one of the people on the produce department, and this was when they made the second reduction. On one occasion he saw someone grab a load of stuff after the first reduction - effectively reserving them for when the second reduction came along and saying "Oh you missed that one", but the chap refused to reduce them since he'd been holding on to them. The customer, not happy his master plan had been thwarted, threw the stuff back on the shelf and walked off.
  2. Toyko Drift sucked so much balls it was unreal. But the whole drifting concept was impressive, especially in the tight spaces. I've only seen the first and didn't think it was bad. But haven't touched the series since (I don't consider Tokyo Drift part of it since it blows too much)
  3. And how did you manage to gather that?
  4. You mean Humperdinck didn't win last year?!
  5. I think I'm growing a new tooth also... Coulda sworn I've already had my wisdom teeth out. This one will probably have to come out too, too far back.
  6. I don't think I do sorry Sad bastards waiting for ages then rushing in for the reduced veg like angry vultures. The same people every night.
  7. If you go black tie you'd be the only one who wasn't playing an instrument who was wearing a suit. Jeans and t-shirt are all you need.
  8. What the fuck has this got to do with your teeth?!
  9. Can't remember if I posted this already )I think I already did( BUT YOU'RE GETTING IT AGAIN. Actually filmed in our store. Fucking sad bastards.
  10. So basically one of the latter levels [last but one], I've never been a big fan of time trial shit, even if it's for an online leaderboard.
  11. The depressing thing is that Eevee is exactly where the sweaty fingers are going to be. That Eevee aint going to last beyond six months MAX. It's completely twisted. No one EVER looks at the underside of the console. It's like having a pretty design underneath your Gamecube*. You're not going to turn it upside down just to show it off. But if the alternative is wallpaper from a dentist in the 70's it might just be forgiveable. *Or whichever part of your Wii/U faces the floor, they're so interchangeable.
  12. Hardcore Bumping Action. Completed this a few days ago. Whilst a nice game I think it could've been heavily approved by suggestions by me ¬_¬ made above. And I only got the final upgrade after I completed the game According to the Yahtzee review catching all the Boo's just offers a time trial level. Is this true for those who have done so? If so I think I may be done with the game.
  13. Decided to give it a go so I had something to watch whilst I ate my bowl of Frosted Wheats. It was still pretty boring. The whole cursor-nipple censorship was disgraceful.
  14. I got to a bit into the "stay in the green zone" before giving up. The fuck?
  15. That Gogoat was slow as fuck! You could run faster than that bad boy. BUT STILL WANTS. Y pisses on X.
  16. We have those at Tesco on the sausage rolls. £1.49 from £1.50. But the text is so small on the original price so you don't notice.
  17. Becoming a Silver Fox like Schofield is a dream few will attain. Consider yourself lucky.
  18. Don't they have to give you some form of reasonable notice, get you to physically sign a new contract with these new hours before they thrust them upon you? Luckily on my end it's just the overtime that's been cancelled. About 18 hours worth, which when working 25 hours a week trying to save for a mortgage deposit is a big hit. We all think it's the tram works going on in Beeston crippling the business. Another sexy Tesco moment is we all got a "personal" letter from one of the heads of Tesco asking us to fist the Price Promise shit to EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER. I'm pretty sure everyone knows by now what it's about. But the amazing thing is in the second sentence - "When I'm shopping with my wife at Sainsbury's or Marks and Spencers" = fuck my own supermarket, I'm going to the competition.
  19. Could you get some sort of compensation from this? Glad to hear you played Thomas Was Alone. Bithell is a nice chap. I still maintain he owes me a drink though. The one I bought for him was way more expensive* than the one he got in his round. *Was a bottle of Hooch, we were feeling retro.
  20. Taste matters.
  21. My girlfriend acknowledges that I knock one out to porn. Plus she knows I've been too a strip club whilst we were going out (for a friend's birthday). She was kinda mad that I didn't tell her, which I technically did. She sent me a text asking if I was a club, I said yes. S'not my fault ¬_¬ But she knows I'm too cheap to enjoy it fully.
  22. Because it's sex. Compromise dammit. Plus you may be able to win her over to something more permanent. But you missed out on some possible action/relationship potential because you were too frigid.
  23. Clearly, naturally you get them to sign some form of contract agreeing that a relationship will last before you drop trow. It's the potential to where it can lead. Casual sex lead to my girlfriend and I going out. And we've been together for over four years now.
  24. If you'd gotten jiggy with the girl you wouldn't have needed your house keys. Failing that, use a fucking taxi?!
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