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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Okie dokie! But isn't the Queen mafia and lynching is a good thing?
  2. Completed this yesterday. Awesome game. Froze at one point near the end which shit me up as I've heard of people losing their saves after such things and I didn't have the energy to go through it again just yet. Died many times, several unneccessary, but still awesome.
  3. Vote Cube I'm starting my revenge vendetta against him early.
  4. I can access confidential files to get "detailed" shit. Alot of what I/Smeagol got has already been revealed one way or another. Gimme a target to investigate tonight and I'll try to get some "detailed" shit on them.
  5. I can get info on peoplesings.
  6. I'm gonna give the topic a once over when I finish work later. So please bear with me.
  7. But since you're in Germany now you've gotta wait until it's fully translated into German. Serious question though, how are you chaps pronouncing Pi'illo? I'm bouncing between "Pee-Low" and "Pee-illow"
  8. I dunno, but it sure beats the Skylanders Giant's advert they wouldn't stop playing.
  9. You should be! If it can get you a discount? I think Green Flag does something like that "If we bullshit you around, free monies for you"
  10. Do you chaps have it on the little chain as well? It looks very nice and would love to own one, but don't see the point personally.
  11. It's temptedings... But £80 for the main extra attraction being the figure isn't sealing it for me.
  12. They keep playing an advert for the Star Wars blu-ray collection at work, and it's mighty tempting to purchase since I hear it almost non stop for at least an hour. But one thing troubles me which I don't know where else to ask (couldn't be bothered to make a new topic) Does this collection have the CGI Yoda in Episode One instead of that God awful puppet?
  13. In there like swimwear!
  14. In an RPG with only two characters I don't see how you'll have that problem. The moment you get a better pair of dungaree's, sell the old ones. (Assuming the other Bro has the same/better)
  15. CAN YOU FEEEL... ZEE PASSIONS?! Much enjoyment being had.
  16. It looks like you've kidnapped the guy, he looks petrified.
  17. You could've put your hand on yout knee, like that terrified Asian dude did.
  18. I'm sure there are creams for such ailments.
  19. Troubles my arse. Fire every time.
  20. I've not had them shout when trying to stealth it up. But there have been occasions where a guard would easily have seen them but didn't. Was rather thankful for that. Still working through this. It's like a modern Half Life.
  21. That too. Evolution as a whole. Single cell lifeforms suddenly thought "Let's double this shit up", and it goes crazy shit from there.
  22. I think you missed out on a hot night of action if you stuck it out.
  23. But if the light is in the bottom one as you says, does that mean you could stack them in such a way that the top/side ones won't light up?
  24. Well if you don't buy the cardigan in time, don't be surprised if some pricks in the next town snap it up.
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