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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Reminds me of Bruce Lee, he'll bounce back just as quickly
  2. What can I say. I pimpsmacked the fuck out of it when I was a kid. One of the first games I remember playing.
  3. Painting. .
  4. After completing the game I checked what "hard pogo" was. It was exactly what I was doing the whole game.
  5. Although that was cool, I prefer the hardcore sidestrafe Asbel did. doesn't seem to do it in this game.
  6. Hmmm... people with different fonts... a sign perhaps.
  7. Well I'm convinced. Vote: Mr-Paul
  8. I was at Frankie and Benny's and had some cheesy chips but it had some of that spicy nacho cheese. I'd never had it before. I has the cravings for more. Does anyone have recommendations?
  9. To give the dragon mega-evil eyebrows.


    Show us your 'stache.
  11. The amount of effort gone into this...
  12. SHARING IS FUCKING CARING. Just done the Bermia Gorge. Things starting to pick up now. Wish I had more monies. It's hard trying to pimp my team up.
  13. I'm like to be a fusion of Alt+F4 and kill people. Failing that, caps lock so I pimp people up.
  14. Was @Cube's "associate" theory correct? I had no associates.
  15. Came across this map, thought it rather interesting. From http://twistedsifter.com/2013/08/maps-that-will-help-you-make-sense-of-the-world/
  16. Letting their child sing Cher Lloyd was proof enough.
  17. This is what you get for fisting Klaus early in the game. I am happy with the mafia win.
  18. You mention him when you send it to him! OR HAS @Yvonne ALREADY SENT IT TO @MoogleViper AND HE HAS SENT IT TO SMÉAGOL ALREADY?!
  19. On the chance it was just a fluke I thought I'd give it a go. Apart from having the shit Travis song I had to try the first link to the vagina smelling results. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120626205143AAzCSQi "Thongs are terrible because the ride germs back and forth from the rectum right into the vagina and are very unsanitary." It makes it sound like a carpool for bacteria.
  20. Is there somewhere on the Lilium Orb which can make me strafe/evade around my opponent instead of just being able to jump back/up?
  21. You could easily bang something out Phonejacker/Yahtzee style. It's mainly print screens to the sound anyways.
  22. I first thought this was going to be a prank call thing like Phonejacker/me with an Arnie soundboard. Sadly not. Not your best work. You're better than this ReZ. Like a Phonejacker/animated thing? Maybes.
  23. I try resendings.
  24. @Yvonne GO!
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