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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Awesome 3D effects.
  2. Those lovely little N-Europe chat room raids was good honest trollin' no cyber bullying at all.
  3. Loved the ending.
  4. I explained why, he pissed me off. I was unsettled by his previous accusations in the face of full disclosure and decided to teach him a lesson. It got my lynched, true. But it was worth it!
  5. You have enough Lego to build yourself a new car right?
  6. I have been meaning to replay Vesperia, which I actually did start but put to one side as newer games were coming out, I think it was Tomb Raider or The Last of Us. I'll plug my 360 back in when this is done and get back to you.
  7. We have a group on Facebook called the Pokémon TCG Trollfest. Where basically we all take the piss out of each other for misplays etc. I hope that noone would consider it "cyber bullying".
  8. Vote: Magnus Peterson
  9. I shan't deny. I didn't notice that
  10. Who could forget this Christmas classic: http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Dinosaur-That-Pooped-Christmas/dp/1849417792 They were actually selling this at work during the festive season.
  11. Fuck 'em all. I gave them everything.
  12. Yep. I mainly find myself going out at weekends occasionally but that's normally for special occasions. This Saturday I'll be out for a mates birthday and she's hired out a kareoke booth at Walkabout (those lil rooms are awesome) but I don't really "seek out" going out. My girlfriend and I go to a local pub we play darts for on a Sunday night for the pub quiz but normally we just buy two 15 can boxes of beer and chill at home with a film which will inevitably lead to a visit to fillmybelly and some food ordered. I do see/hear some of the youngsters going out and having a good time and I sometimes feel jealous, but I know that were I to go out and join them. I wouldn't enjoy it as I once did.
  13. I've just been to go see this. Was amazed by how busy the cinema was, s'what you get on Orange/EE Wednesdays. Much better than I thought it would be as it started off a lil slow. End of credits scene blew my mind though.
  14. Tis a pr0 game. Mike Bithell still owes me a drink when I bought us a bottle of Hooch. It didn't taste that nice but it's the thought that counts.
  15. I certainly am.
  16. . .Yes. .
  17. I did not. I do not.
  18. To expand on Odwin's post - the World's most retarded greenhouse climbing frame hybrid. More points please.
  19. This I can confirm.
  20. Ok, straighten it.
  21. Leave the tie on...:awesome:
  22. THE FUCK?! Can't believe you gave him Caps lock after I demanded it and predicted the power.
  23. Two/three kingdoms on verge of war. Mysterious girl. Crazy girl. Man with hidden past/reputation known to others but not really to the player (at least for most of the game) Starts off with mythical monsters but always descends into mechanical robots at the end. That's not to say that other RPG's aren't as predictable.
  24. They do need to start moving away from the whole "warring kingdoms" ideal. It's getting stale.
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