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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. The original Legend of Zelda - I'm a fan of at least a little direction in games.
  2. Right, I'm taking you to a casino and a strip club Serebii.
  3. Ergonomically there's nothing pleasing about a pocket watch. Aesthetically, fuck yes to the max, but to say a pocket watch is more ergonomic than a wrist watch is plain sillies. The annoying thing is, it looks fucking awesome and I want one, but I can't see me taking outside of the house for fear of it breaking. I shift stuff around a fair bit of work with enough stuff in my pockets to worry about a watch and when out with the gang I either have both main pockets taken up with wallet and phone. Fucking hell... that turns ITV +1 into... ITV +2?!
  4. I'm messing with taking Peach...
  5. So you killed last night then?
  6. I agree with Peeps, you have a trend of saying "Here's a claim with no basis. Trust me" a fair bit in mafia games. You want us to trust you with the information you have? Give us a taste. Because you might not be here tomorrow.
  7. I bought my girlfriend Epic Mickey for Christmas whenever it came out, and we watched the beginning scenes on my Wii. The plot is fucking stupid. You have to go through all that not because some tyrant has had a master plan for years, but because Mickey Mouse was a disobedient little shit.
  8. Considering they expired 4 years ago, I hope you got a good price.
  9. You son of a bitch Esequiel. I may a cheeky picture of a someone (I think it was Al Gore) with thumbs up for this moment and I've deleted it.
  10. It's not up to ReZ's standards, but still not a bad attempt.
  11. Jet Force Gemini - Heard lots of good things and picked it up at a car boot sale for a fiver. Just did nothing for me. Halo series - When I got a 360 I bought a group of regular Xbox games, two of them being Halo 1 & 2. Was really looking forward to it as I had to wade through the ocean of jizz people had fired out over this game but found myself unimpressed. It was an OK shooter, but it didn't stand out as anything. Mass Effect - Not sure what people saw in this too. Maybe I just wasn't interested to begin with. I probably will give it another chance in the future. Super Paper Mario - Meh. Advance Wars - I bought the original after buying Dual Strike, I got so used to using the stylus that using the D-pad was a chore. Final Fantasy VII - Superficially the graphics turned me off this one. I know, sillies.
  12. Funny you should target me, because I targeted you (from Dannyboy's list). I've discovered you may look like you're a follower more than a schemer... But there seems to be more to you. You're observation skills are rather accurate. So if you targeted me... What did you observe?
  13. I shall remember this insolence for later mafia games. Mark my words
  14. Derp derp on my part :'( Coincidence! The episode on now has the scene from the original post.
  15. American Dan double bill on BBC Three now.
  16. So you're saying you're not either of the two gay newsreaders? Reggie works at the CIA with Stan, he's a koala with a human brain transferred over, like Klaus. I don't there is to be honest, just people who are nuisances. Except when Roger goes on another one of his alternate identity ramblings.
  17. Who's This, gave it away as being Reggie, the sexy Koala. Who offers Koala-ty ty-eym-eeym-eeym. Clearly Jimbob dance with him. On a side note I'm curious as to the power "They would be so envigorated that if they were lynched the following day they would recieve one more day in Langley Falls", so if she was lynched day 4, she would end up dead by the end of day 5?
  18. GIFTED!? How did you... persuade these people?
  19. Voice only if true hopefully. Dude's too short for Vision.
  20. Which shop?! Lego says it not available until August.
  21. How does that work? At the stores I've worked at you can't stop the suspected thief until after they've left the store to begin with. Because up until that point they technically haven't done anything wrong.
  22. For the love of God please don't have groups of legendaries again! We got shafted a mafia because of your predictability in that area (Dialga/Palkia)
  23. Okie dokie! But isn't the Queen mafia and lynching is a good thing?
  24. Completed this yesterday. Awesome game. Froze at one point near the end which shit me up as I've heard of people losing their saves after such things and I didn't have the energy to go through it again just yet. Died many times, several unneccessary, but still awesome.
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