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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. and Zool for number 4 have to think about the rest
  2. 2: tomb raider 4: zool 6: doom
  3. Matt Cardle is more proof than shows like XFACTOR just don't work in the real music world. ON these shows people tend to vote for the most "likeable" person. In the real music world, to be truly successful you have to be aggressive and have personality. If any of that in shown on xfactor they'd be called pricks and would be voted off. It's in short such a fail of a show for what it tries to do,. I'm done with it anyway.
  4. Ah come on of all his covers( that is most of his songs it seems) This isn't close. Sweet dreams is pretty decent and tainted love is totally better than the original. destroys the original awesome solo in the middle.
  5. yes...I liked the first one. It was a decent action movie. Badass movie .. haha
  6. *Crosses fingers for spammer of the year*
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_Video_Game_Awards#2009_Awards Here are the results.( I know the link says 2009 but trust me on this) IN short. Game of the year = Red dead redemption
  8. I usually find REALLY shit jokes funny.. 1-Q. Why have Taliban woman been waxing their muff? A. Because they hate Bush.. 2-There were 2 eggs frying in a pan one of the egss says to the other "gee its pretty hot in here" The other one looks back and says "OMG! a talking egg!" 3-A girl walks into a supermarket and buys the following: - 1 bar of soap - 1 toothbrush - 1 tube of toothpaste - 1 loaf of bread - 1 pint of milk - 1 single serving of cereal - 1 single frozen dinner The checkout guy looks at her, smiles and says, "Single,huh?" The girl smiles sheepishly and replies, "How'd you guess?" He says, "Because you're ugly"
  9. everyone drinks bulmers/magners and im kidding with the other part..
  10. BOOOOO! none of that generic stuff. You have to mix and match. It may be an early death but meeeh.
  11. http://www.gametrailers.com/episode/bonusround/412?ch=4&sd=1#comments_top nominees: red dead redemption Mass effect 2 black ops god of war 3 halo reach
  12. that's awesome looking
  13. Super mario all stars + world is even better sure. At the very least they could have offered this too.
  14. jesus captain falcon shit on my dreams
  15. Went looking for a part-time job today. I'm just realising it's far too late to get Christmas work now. It used to be a lot easier a few years ago. Very disappointed.
  16. My main problem with the report is that it did NOTHING. I never got angry at the show nor did I feel happy at it... It just stated a lot of things I think people already knew, even parents.
  17. 10: The Wand of Gamelon
  18. OK i've won my own with the Peeps anyway. Put me through to next round in tornament or whatever Good game it was too Tat was me challenging you on chess.com by the way. I'm Mikey
  19. My dad taught me the game but I don't play it all that often. The only thing I know for sure is the proper opening but that's about it.Been playing against other guys on the app and I'm about average really.
  20. Still undefeated girls Let me know if you wanna game
  21. I agree again. You should have more incentive to continue playing into a game rather than 1)Unlocking everything in a game, 2)completing it 100%, 3)beating other player's scores etc. I said it has POTENTIAL but the way it's looking, it's gonna to be more multi-player focused in the future......which bites. I wouldn't say it has a BRILLIANT storyline but when I younger I LOVED playing the original metal gear solid to find out what happens next in the story. It was an experience I get a lot of the time from books but rarely in movies. ME OPINION
  22. Take a piss into the sink.....very unladylike behaviour
  23. Sure NOW that's an overstatement. It's mainly because we're still in the Bmovie quality of storytelling. The potential for games as storytelling tools in the future is overwhelming though. It IS closing the gap on what's left for the reader/viewer and in this case player's imagination though compared to what books offer if you get me.
  24. Great party games, shit one player games If you like party mini-games then you can't get any better than this on the wii. The first was one of the best wii launch games.
  25. Let's not take it away from Tomb raider. The first one revolutionised 3d adventure games BUUUUUT after that.......am hit and miss.
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