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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. I think the animation is as good as you need it to be to be fair. You don't wanna spend your life animating it. Your intro is pretty good. maybe in the long run remaster the song but whatever. It looks good anyway.
  2. Unless i see some dramatic improvement with next gens console I don't think i'll be getting it. I've lost interest in console gaming somewhat. Nintendo aren't up to scratch and I love my games to be unique and to be fair nobody does that quite like the nintendo systems. Added to the fact that I'll have very little money to blow. it could be a goodbye to console gaming for another while. But I hope I have a few more years left. The 3ds I will most certainly be getting. I love handheld gaming still. It still innovates and improves gameplay... The wii just "innovates"
  3. Isn't this rather like christianity or religion in general? Like " if you are bad you will go to hell!" I don't agree That santa should be taken away but isn't it incredible that kids will believe ANYTHING their parents will tell them? Isn't it no wonder that hatred of cultures and wars last generations upon generations.
  4. Ya I see where Oxigen-waste is going with his point though. Sometimes I would know a game is good even if I might not enjoy it as much as others. Most FPS games aren't for me for instance. While I KNOW COD games are fantastic games in their own right it isn't MY favourite game. A lot of people have this "If I don't like it then it = shit" attitude. It's the wrong way of judging things. Not speaking OW if this isn't what he meant. This is how I feel personally.
  5. So it's super smash bros brawl versus whoever wins Zelda and final fantasy? ..........why is smash bros there lol. OH fuck it I could be asking a lot of questions here I give. I would be happy enough if MM wins. though I'm sure most people who voted at this point are doing so purely because they are zelda fanboys and probably have.t played the game but I'll roll with it
  6. I hadn't played it actually. Always kicked myself for missing that one. It came out at a time where I lost a tad bit of interest in ps2 games and moved onto xbox and gamecube. Oh well my loss. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/197344-final-fantasy-x/57562357 fun topic on it...Ugh some people
  7. final fantasy X could win?.. seriously ? Was it because X-2 was so bad that it made X look like a classic? i'd suggest we try a poll on N-europe but picking 10 nominations sure would cause arguments.
  8. You know that our generation is just as disrespectful if not worse. We constantly tend to bitch about what kids like on the internet, things that clearly aren't aimed at us to like in the first place. Fact is every generation hates the one after it. Ignorance and nostalgia are part of it. "I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now, what I'm with isn't it, and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me.it'll happen to YOU!"
  10. haha you fucking mess Been a while since I was THAT drunk... To new years !
  11. 4: the simpsons game? 12: mortal kombat special forces( i hope the kharacters wasnt a typo lol) 16: super smash bros brawl? all COMPLETE guesses lol
  12. Uncharted 2 is pretty darn close to be fair. I don't like gears of war because it has no soul. The whole game is like 2 colours. Uncharted was gorgeous scenery.
  13. I know it's hard to give it a bad review when it's the classic mario titles and it's cheaper than most wii games But seriously reviewers need to be harsher on this. I've seen sonic mega collection getting 8 and 9/10 at the time and that was a well put together collection. I haven't played this version but it's apparantly unchanged from the original. Don't be afraid to give something a 6/10 if it doesn't fulfill what it's supposed to do. Nintendo power gave this game a higher grade than donkey kong country returns. Don't be ridiculous.
  14. OK I like the idea of ballz. It's inventive enough. I don't hate it as much as Ashley( at least I take that it that's who little donkey is) It has promise. From this video anyway, It could probably do with a backing soundtrack. i think that would help with the awkward silences.... or just stop the awkward silences... Awkward silences kill comedy... seriously.
  15. I agree it was a good show. I don't blame the show at all for the order mind you. Perhaps they should have considered "exactly" what is a toy though. Something like halo is 16+ meaning that kids shouldn't be playing it. so Meh.
  16. This generation is just boring. I mean don't get me wrong I was bored at pieces in the last generation too but at least I had the gamecube for an alternative gaming experience. The wii hasn't delivered as much for me. I simply don't like the wii-mote controller all that much.
  17. I'm glad MM got through. It's my personal favourite zelda title because it's so radically different. You have to take into account how much a game offers too. I think comparing what portal does with the second outing with be more fair to resident evil 4.
  18. With halo they kinda mentioned the xbox but really focused on halo. BUt for super mario it was the franchise. Didn't mention any consoles at all.
  19. Number 1 was lego, 2 was monopoly, dungeons and dragons 3 and I think the wii was number 4. Can't remember much after that. I fear for the depraved childhood of kids if they can actually say "OMG HALO IS THE BEST TOY EVER"
  20. Anyone else watch this? Just finished there. It was a fun watch but the top 10 was very hit and miss. Would you believe people actually voted Halo and Super mario as toys. HALO!?
  21. ...dying fucking dying whyba am i still up.. good night thouh
  22. He talks an insane amount of shit, more than any other artist up their own arse and I gotta admit I'm not the biggest fan of his music.BUT I can admit He is an extremely talented songwriter and musician though.
  23. resident evil code veronica x for 7
  24. 8.final fight streetwise
  25. Whatever like. Brawl is Melee with more stuff... Whatever makes people feel more hardcore I suppose:hmm: I'm just happy Prime is there. 1:But can you seriously say with a straight face that Halo is better than Uncharted 2... They really shouldn't even be compared to be honest but in my mind Uncharted rapes it. 2: portal isn't really a full game is it? Nevertheless good as it is I'll kill everyone if it beats resident evil 4 3: I'll DEFO kill everyone is Wind waker beats Majora's Mask! 4: and final fantasy X is simply shit WHY do people like it lol Ha a lot of killing to be done . A load of controversial opinion there.
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