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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. what?a speaker lets out sound a microphone lets in sound.i believe the mic and speaker will be seperate but then again the speaker does sound pointless on its own.
  2. the only thing likely is the camera.miyamoto confirmed face mapping in wii sports so that must be how it is done. i would dream of a simple dev tool for the average person though *fingers crossed* microohone will happen.id bet my house on it(even though its not mine)
  3. that was just a speaker.mic is still just a rumor!
  4. cheaper than 360 and ps3 more like!Im happy with the price so long as this time round they have a proper players choice collection like the platimun ps2 collection.players choice always arrive too slow.mario kart double dash is STILL full price!
  5. id bet its a buit in microphone in the controller.ALL signs are telling us this.wii kareoke etc
  6. im new to this place if there is a better place for this to be poasted please move it. i want to know what do u think of the show.Some regard it as a disrace to the excellent games im a huge fan of the 1st series(indigo) and the 2nd(orange islands)
  7. it seems unlikely that they would charge that much.I think the price will reduce slightly before release just like the ps2 did.But a GRAND!
  8. hey!first post and all that Ya but im guessing most of u people live in uk(im irish)so u would know that the hype the ps3 is getting from the extreme casual :lol:i cant wait to see their faces when they realise the price
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