same thing happened when mortal kombat in magazines(no internet for me then:angry: ).
'KOME to your doom' or 'KHOOSE your Kharacter'
gamesmaster mag was the worst for this
This is without doubt the most sh1t program on tv.How can u like a program that started the reality tv craze which is destroying tv.Programs like these are the reason briliant programs like futurama got cancelled in america
They and silicon knights left around the same time.There was no ds and the gamecube was failing badly at that stage so nintendos future didnt seem bright!
those snew generation of smily crap things that say OH MY GOD!No WAY and SAY SOMETHING!
all of which make me want to perform chinese water torture on the creator!
what is it with nintendo and repetion things!
every mario and zelda game: princess gets captured
every pokemon game:collect badges
every metroid:fight ridley
still i love it
i think its probably more girls that dont care about graphics!MY NIECE(5 YEARS OLD)plays 2d mario games and 2d sonic games and loves them and is very good at them!
i really dont believe this.All the console games shown at e3 were tip of the iceberg for their consoles(except 360 i suppose)
It happened in the past sure.Imagine if resident evil 4 came out at gamecubes launch.
well in that case.Over 100 million playstion owners are there!It would really have helped the psp sales by including more extras.All it takes is a silly feature in lets say a grand theft auto and players would lap it up.Thats just a stupid example but u know what i mean.PS2 can help the psp sales but i seriously doubt the psp can help the ps3 sales!since the gba didnt help gamecubes sales(and the gba is more popular than the psp)
i cant understand that.I always knew licenced games were crap.Always.
Its mostly parents fault for buying those games for them.I think kids really do value gameplay over graphics in general!
id like to be able to trade and share games and talk about the latest console with my friends and other casual gamers.It does matter.Im not a complete nintendo fanboy i equally love sega and have nothing against microsoft but sony are nothing without third party and the psp makes me sick.If playstation wins again ill puke on my keyboard and send it to youtube.