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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Conan O’Brien has a bit on his show where he “reviews” games. Here are a few: [skyrim] [Resident Evil 6] [Retro Atari games] [Halo 4] That last one is funny, because apparently he actually did some voicework for Halo 4, along with his sidekick from the show, Andy Richter. He’s also done [a bit] of the actual recording session. Finally, not intended as funny, but that bit has [a behind the scenes]. You can also see Conan’s cute assistent, who apparently plays Wii.
  2. What kind of music?
  3. I want to join.
  4. I’m probably seeing that film. Europa Report looks interesting! And I’ve seen that trailer of Sharknado.. I’m intrigued. Some weeks ago I saw The Iceman and Pacific Rim. If you want moustaches @MoogleViper, The Iceman is for you. Jokes aside, this was a very intriguing film about a hitman played by Michael Shannon (and including some ridiculous hot jailbait ). Pacific Rim was mindless fun. Just don’t put any thought in it, any at all, and you’ll be fine. Like why the hell they didn’t use all that concrete for the wall to fill up that entrance . Would have loved to see more of the other Jaegers though, especially that Russian one. Last few days I’ve seen Disconnect and The Bling Ring, and Safety not guaranteed. I personally liked all 3 of them, but I liked Safety guaranteed the best (Aubrey ). Sweet and funny. Disconnect was a nice drama with Jason Bateman and Andrea Riseborough, The Bling Ring is the new Sofia Coppola, with Emma Watson. That last one had a similar theme as Springbreakers I felt, but was more entertaining. I’m going to see more films the coming days, I have some catching up to do.
  5. Yeah, the ones Ike mentioned. Personally, I’ve bought most of my figures from [HLJ], and never had any problems with orders, except for one which they cancelled on their end because of high demand. [HobbySearch] also seems to be good, but I have only one experience with them (but everything arrived fine). [CDJapan] is another, they are very reputable, but I haven’t ordered any figures from them (yet), they’re slightly more expensive, but they seem to take great care of packaging orders. I did order some Headphones from them, and again, they arrived fine. Also, I assume you’re aware, but in case you don’t: you’ll need a credit card. I don’t know which shops accept paypal or other methods. About custom charges: as these are big, legitimate business, they do things officially, which is to specify what’s in the package and what its value is. Which means you’ll always get hit with custom charges. At least I do, here in The Netherlands. I’ve learned to live with it. The thing is, even with the customs charges, you’re cheaper off. Just take it into account. Just compare £ 50,- plus shipping to € 26,- with shipping and some customs charges. Furthermore, at least in The Netherlands I can order something with a value of up to € 50,- or something wihout needing to pay customs charges. I imagine you’ll have something similar in the UK. Lastly, 2 additional shops: In the past, I’ve ordered games / consoles, and DVD’s from [Yesasia]. They’re also good, but very expensive. However, they seem to have some weird business construction where they ship orders through Germany. I never had to pay any customs charges with my orders from them. I don’t know if that’s still the situation, and if that also applies to the UK. Another advantage they have, is that they’re not a popular choice for figures. If something’s sold out everywhere else, you have a chance they may still have it. Finally, there’s an European shop, [Archonia]. They’re generally more expensive, sometimes not, sometimes to a ridiculous degree, but since they’re European (Belgium), you’re guaranteed to not having to pay customs charges. For your convenience, I’ve listed the productpages of Figma Link for each site I mentioned. http://www.hlj.com/product/MAX06243/Act http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10189772 (but I see they’re not accepting any more pre-orders) http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detail.html?KEY=NEOGDS-88223 http://www.yesasia.com/global/figma-the-legend-of-zelda-skyward-sword-link/1031027138-0-0-0-en/info.html http://www.archonia.com/mangashop/en/article/160294/the+legend+of+zelda+skyward+sword+action+figure+-+figma+link+re-issue+wave+02/
  6. It looks cool on the people who can pull it off. I’m not one of them, but for myself I prefer the clean shaven look. Unfortunately I’m lazy, so I don’t shave that often. I should get someone to do it for me.
  7. Regarding that: http://www.l4d3.ru/
  8. Haha @Rummy, thanks! Now I need to buy a controller..
  9. I’ve already said before, I’d love a female doctor personally, but obviously his or her performance is my primary concern. Oh, and someone in the Youtube comments pointed out something funny. On IMDB, check what his character’s name is in World War Z. Conspiracy! Edit: Also, I hope he gets to keep his accent.
  10. I like the look of him, and I’m sure he’s more than capable (well actually, I did see a film with him, but I forgot all about it ). Looking forward to see an older and perhaps more sophisticated doctor.
  11. I bought this on vinyl. It’s making me happier each time I hear it..
  12. I loved it as much as the first. Another cool set of bosses, and some very cool setpieces, which in some cases get even better in their “dark” version. The only thing I have to critique is the keyhunting, but even that is quickly done,as far as I can remember. So, there you have it. One person who think it’s ok, one person who didn’t like it, and one who did. You’re on your own.
  13. No, that’s the newer version that’s around $ 300,- . Bigger and more detailed I assume, but I would like to see some better shots. Anyway, can’t afford it when it’s released (I think September), so it doesn’t matter. Edit: It’s bigger by a large margin (yeah yeah..). http://www.darkhorse.com/Products/23-042/Mass-Effect-18-Normandy-SR-2-Ship-Replica http://www.tfaw.com/Profile/Mass-Effect-18-Normandy-SR-2-Ship-Replica___423150
  14. Well cheap is relative. What I had in mind when I said that was simply a set of basic soldiers like this one: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod1490007 € 20,-. Of course, I need painting supplies as well. But as a one-off project that’s certainly doable. I don’t actually play the game, so I have no interest in collecting a massive army, so I wouldn’t need to spend a lot. Edit: plus, since I don’t play the game, I can sell ’m afterwards if I’ve done a decent job.
  15. I tried to like Fallout 3, but those dreary subway sections all look the same. Each vault gets less interesting the more you’ve seen. But I’ll try to properly finish that game one day. Edit: I love water temples. I think it’s hilarious somebody always mentions them when Zelda is being discussed.. And I think it’s hilarious that the majority (it seems) hates them and / or find them difficult. That said, I have the same problem with sewer levels and “flesh-hell” levels. I haven’t finished System Shock 2 yet because that level I’m in is so unappealing, luckily the rest was awesome.
  16. Yeah, I forgot about them (the manufacturer), eventhough I saw their latest Enterprise (NX-01) and that other ship from the last film on Tomopop. They look incredible, but all they made me do was think “I want a high-detail replica of the Enterprise-E”, which they don’t seem to have. Some of the other Enterprises would be cool too though, but they’re a bit.. over my budget. Anyway, I think you’d like this one? It’s certainly more affordable :p.
  17. Ehm yeah. As a kid, I usually destroyed my toys or my brother’s eventhough I didn’t do it on purpose. Casualties of war include the Transformer Silverbolt, that MASK car Ramar posted, a Robotech jet, several Lego sets (all lost in “the big bucket”, where legosets go when they die), and various anonymous stuffed animals. Some toys of my brother I wrecked include He-man, some Turtles and I think there are more. What I do have left are various Transformers in various conditions. None of them even have the sticker, but some of them are still relatively complete accessory-wise. The most famous one of them would probably the lead of the Headmasters. I didn’t have any of the “really” oldskool G1 Transformers. Some legosets survived, I have a few oldskool Lego space sets that are displayed on my shelf (but collecting dust unfortunately). I think I’ve posted a photo of those before. I also have an old Monchchichi, and my most prized possession regarding old toys would be a Märklin trainset. No box or anything, but still complete and in working order. Maybe I’ll make some photos if I clean my room out, and can find all of them in their boxes. As seen in the 2 collectable thread, I collect new toys now . I totally made up for not owning the old G1 Optimus Prime by buying the Master Piece . I would buy more of those, but they’re expensive . Soundwave is about to be re-released I think, but I already had some pre-orders lined up.
  18. I think it’s a year. I lost some earlier this year. I was checking my points whenever the newsletter came around (it tells you when points will expire), then I didn’t check one month, and I lost most of them. I hadn’t many left to start with, 1200, but that was enough for at least some Nintendo points .
  19. Those are just announced figures, so these are prototypes. They will be painted later (which also means there’s a possible chance they can still screw them up). If I had to paint them myself, I wouldn’t be as interested.. I’d like to try my hand at garage kits or painting models in general someday, but then I’ll start with cheap warhammer figures, or even make my own clay figures.
  20. That’s funny, I posted this on Facebook a few days ago. I love the song, but apart from that, this is actually my favourite video of all time. Edit: So, it’s actually not a thing you like and everybody hates .
  21. Haha, now I’ll have to look for ’m! Seriously though, first episode, I was “What the”, but he’s actually great.
  22. No Game of Thrones, but pretty good.
  23. I personally want this to be as broad as possible, but I guess I should narrow it down as to not to interfere with other threads like the pocketwatch thread too much. So post here the non-Nintendo games * / anime / movies merchandise and toys you have, or want. I’ll include designer toys. Old, new, whatever. * As Nintendo related collectables can be posted [here]. I’m going to break my own rules immediately by stating I’ve recently purchased a Pullip: Yes, I bought a doll. Deal with it! I’ve wanted one for years, but never got around to it, as they're quite more expensive than the average pvc figures. But when that cute little witch came around, the time was right. On a sidenote, I have plans for her.. It happens that my father wants me to test his old camera. I hope to take some pictures soon. Anyway, the reason I started this thread because there were some other game-related pvc figures announced which took my fancy, but they’re not Nintendo-related so don’t fit in the other thread. Labrys from Persona 4 arena is looking cool: But I already pre-ordered Mitsuru who was also looking hot and awesome. The Dragon Crown beauties are all getting figures. Based on the artwork, I prefer the witch (I seem to have a thing for witches), but so far I’m not amazed by the sculpt. The elf on the other hand, is looking good: Then this. I’ve only played Silent Hill: shattered memories, so I don’t know any other characters, but god, this figure of Heather looks amazing: But damn, the poor girl looks like she could use a hug.. There are also figures coming of those nurses. They look awesomely disturbing. Of those 3 I’m seriously considering getting Heather. Some of you may be familiar with the Jaina Solo figure.. I pre-ordered her re-release. To go alongside her, is Mara Jade, who is looking sexy as hell: Slated for February I think, and looking like an instant buy to me, eventhough I barely know anyone from the expanded universe. I’ll leave you with an anime-related Nendoroid. It’s the colossal Titan from Attack on Titan in chibi form, which is just hilarious. I have not seen the anime (I rarely see any anime), but I think I’d like this one. Unfortunately, I’ve been spoilered a bit by watching some videos on Youtube. For some hilarious photos of miniature titans eating even smaller humans, you can visit [this blog].
  24. They’re still readily available for pre-order on the internet. I’d get them there if I were you, much easier. Get them from the Asian sites as well, £ 50,- seems like a rip-off (that’s apiece?). Ok, here we go: After Lloyd and Xellos, we get Collette! Made by Kotobukiya, and slated for somewhere in 2014. Makes me confident we’ll get Sheena as well. Fucking awesome: Nintendoroids! A Luigi and Windwaker Link Nendoroid are on their way! I’m officially dubbing them Nintendoroids. I’ve always wanted a Nendoroid, I think they’re cute, but I never got around to it. Well, apart from the Tachikoma Nendoroid I have. And I bought the Iron Man Nendoroid for my brother’s birthday.. Anyway. This is old news, but I haven’t mentioned this 1/6th scale Link action figure: Made by Medicom for their Real Action Heroes line. Slated for November. Chun-Li’s sculpt has been revealed: Looks awesome. Slated for January. I think that’s all the Nintendo-related stuff I’ve seen from Wonder Festival 2013. Anyone opposed to an “other collectables” thread? Because there’s more awesome stuff I’m looking forward to. Or does such a thread already exist?
  25. I had not heard about that game, but had a quick look. It seems to have more of an simulation angle. This is about exploration, but also survival. You’re playing an astronaut, and there is a story involved.
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