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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Perhaps @Paj\! would like to join, if he still can, @Jimbob?
  2. Dance Apocalyptic
  3. Oh. Good.01234567890
  4. Sméagol


    Oh wow, that from a studio whose only other game is Deadlight.. Anyway, after viewing the trailer for a second time with sound, it now also reminds me of Fragile, with the ghosts, stick fighting and piano music.
  5. So that’s a no to new dungeons then? Disappointing, though I’m still interested in the game I guess. Pictures on Miiverse sounds like fun though.
  6. I suggest testing the cable between your PC and the router. Connect it to another device and see how the connection holds up. And try another cable on your computer.
  7. Dude, that’s not the belt you will be wearing with your outfit on that picture in the forum users pictures thread where you said something along the lines of “maybe I need a belt”, is it? Because that would be the wrong belt. Next time, I’ll choose a belt for you!
  8. Ah, missed opportunity there. You should’ve changed your name to JonSt DeDeDe. The extra St would give your name extra flair.
  9. It’s commercial. Occasionally, an indie game will make it into retail, even if it’s limited and/or local. I know the Penumbra games were available on disc somewhere, to give an example. I personally don’t make a “real” distinction between indie vs commercial. Fun games are fun games. But in practice, there’s a slight distinction. Mainly in how I find out about them, indie games get less exposure. That said, I actually don’t visit big gaming sites anymore, I get most of my news from forums, so this has leveled out a bit, but not totally. I learn about new indie games from our indie game thread, or browsing the Steam greenlight section, or sometimes from other sources. The Penny Arcade Report also has some nice reviews sometimes. Then there is the fact that “indie” is classed as a genre. In theory it shouldn’t be, but in practice it is, just like animation is classed as a genre in film. Although I don’t find this a problem, since it can be convenient.
  10. Sméagol


    Oh hey, maybe they can use some of that stuff for Wind Waker HD . Looks awesome, even though I have no idea what it’s about (didn’t have sound on).
  11. @Jimbob @Cube Aww.. I want to work some more on it, but I guess it’s time to pass it on.
  12. (not my picture, I use pink nail polish exclusively) My favourite of the 5, although I haven’t tried the apple pie one. The tiramisù one is disgusting.
  13. I’ve been eyeing this one for some time: Kentucky Route 0 A point & click advenure which seems to put the focus on characters rather than puzzles. Or so they say. Love the artstyle. Oh, and it’s episodic, the first 2 (out of 5) chapters are available. [Kentucky Route 0] This one I saw on another forum recently: Papers please This looks so depressing.. I like it. You play an immigrant inspector and you decide who can cross the border and who don’t. [Papers please] And you can get the free beta [here].
  14. Those are looking good drahkon, especially the last one. I’d like to get them, but with one of my videocards seemingly blown up, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea . I also have 2 indie games I’m interested in, but I’ll post them in the indie game thread later.
  15. I will ask Ashley to delete my account. Goodbye cruel world.
  16. It would be a good time, as I’m quite busy most of the rest of the month, but I’m free next few days.
  17. My first (and last real) experience was Pocket Monsters green. It must have been just before or not long after it was released here (well, red and blue that is). I picked charmander. I can’t remember my final team, but it included Charizard and Mewtwo at the very least, I’m pretty sure it also included Kadabra, Haunter and Dragonite. If I have to guess the last one, I’d say Gyarados, but that would mean I didn’t use the legendary birds.. Perhaps I didn’t. Since I don’t understand Japanese, the fossile was random for me, I “chose” Kabuto. At the time, I wanted the other one, but if I had to choose now, I’d go for Kabuto.
  18. I had ideas for a similar themed mafia a long time ago, but abandoned it. It was (to be) a unicode mafia. So I’m very curious to see what you’ve done with the roles!

  19. So, the title should be international (food) cravings or something? Because I have general cravings all the time! Anyway. It’s been a long time since I was abroad, and I can’t really remember anything specific. Although, one thing I guess! A certain type of bread made in Österreich (or Austria) called Kipferl. Couldn’t get enough of it. Last year I tried a Japanese soda drink called Calpis, apparently it’s Yoghurt-based. I can get it here, just not that easily. I also love Pocky, Japanese candy. The standard version is just chocolate on a stick, but there are a lot of varieties (not all of them good however). The standard variety is actually sold here in The Netherlands under a different brand. However I can get the original and some of its other varieties here as well. Lastly, when my mother returns from The Phillipines she sometimes brings some Polvorón with her. They’re extremely dry and powdery, yet I love them. Apparently they’re originally Spanish, but they’re hugely popular there it seems. I can get the standard flavour here I found out, but I can’t find the other flavours. There’s peanut, cashew and coffee to name a few. Edit: I’m not sharing the Oreo love by the way. I mean, they are ok, but there are plenty of other cookies available which are better.
  20. [first look] [pre-order @ Amazon.com] I thought we had a general Firefly thread? At least a recent one? The only general thread I could find was from 2005. Anyway, this will do.
  21. Gah. Mail service fucked up, I haven’t received my order from juno.co.uk from over 2 weeks ago. According to Juno.co.uk, it should be somewhere in The Netherlands. But it’s not here. I’m also having computer troubles for the first time in 4 years.. Noooo!!!! My poor computer.. It seems to be a videocard, but it may be the PSU or even motherboard, I have to do some testing when I have the time. But no PC gaming for me for the foreseeable future.
  22. Looks cool. But I’m going to punch whatever screen is in front of me next time I hear that sound.
  23. Painted Chun-Li sculpt I’m actually not liking the look of her face now it’s painted. It may be just the angle, but if it’s not, I hope they will improve this for the final product. Pokéball replicas You can get them [here]
  24. Yeah, I was aware, the non-mention sticks out like a sore thumb . But thanks anyway @MôôgleViper.
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