It’s commercial. Occasionally, an indie game will make it into retail, even if it’s limited and/or local. I know the Penumbra games were available on disc somewhere, to give an example.
I personally don’t make a “real” distinction between indie vs commercial. Fun games are fun games. But in practice, there’s a slight distinction. Mainly in how I find out about them, indie games get less exposure. That said, I actually don’t visit big gaming sites anymore, I get most of my news from forums, so this has leveled out a bit, but not totally. I learn about new indie games from our indie game thread, or browsing the Steam greenlight section, or sometimes from other sources. The Penny Arcade Report also has some nice reviews sometimes.
Then there is the fact that “indie” is classed as a genre. In theory it shouldn’t be, but in practice it is, just like animation is classed as a genre in film. Although I don’t find this a problem, since it can be convenient.