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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. I'm looking forward to this. I think I'm hearing positive reactions so far, and I think I'll just blindbuy this when it's released on blu-ray. I'm hoping this will be to the old Westworld what the Battlestar Galactica series is to the old one. I can barely remember the film, apart from Yul Brynner's iconic face, but as far as I remember it was a pretty simple action / thriller cat & mouse chase.
  2. So.. That really took no time at all to get spoiled, haha (I'm 1 season behind). It's good that I'm not as invested in this as say, Game of Thrones, or I'd be really upset right now.
  3. Ah, I was just wondering, but the domainname sounds like a plausible cause. I didn't set "remember me" and usually only have one tab open. I'm not sure how to exactly recreate it as it happened sporadically, not all the time, so I don't know the exact circumstances.
  4. You should not be thinking about what it means to be a man, you should be thinking about what it means to be you.
  5. I was totally expecting such an anwser.. I tend to click that rather than the breadcrumb navigation to get back to the forum overview, I find it easier. Get on it you lazy git! I demand an explanation and solution. I'm a paying customer dammit.
  6. Sometimes clicking "forum" in the main menu logs me out immediately. ?
  7. It's looking good. There's also a teaser poster out there. Really looking forward to it and Dr. Strange next week! Edit: Might as well embed it.
  8. Bit late but.. Ryu did a good number on you, didn't he?
  9. https://www.penny-arcade.com/news/post/2016/10/12/nintendo-pinny-arcade I was under the impression a Mario pin like that already existed, I thought I was a Club Nintendo item perhaps.. But I couldn't find it anywhere, so I must have imagined it. I really want one.
  10. Although they haven't announced a specific role, Sigourney Weaver is the villain in The Defenders.
  11. And I actually loved Jessica Jones. Luke Cage had its moments and had some good ideas, I mean, I loved seeing Charles Bradley and Sharon Jones to name something positive, but overall it's just badly executed. I am still looking forward to Iron Fist and Defenders though (not to mention Dr. Strange). Iron Fist is coming 17 March.
  12. Watched the rest. Overall.. I can't recommend it.
  13. It does, but it takes a long time (I'm starting ep 9 right now). I'm somewhat enjoying it, but it's definitely the weakest of the Marvel Netflix shows.. I kept watching hoping it got better, because I certainly liked some idea (like the style and music), but it was not executed as well as the other shows (I personally don't find the pacing or writing good). Episode 7 (yes that far in) was the first where I actually kept watching because I wanted to know what happened next. If you want general spoilers:
  14. Never heard of this until it popped up in my Spotify weekly discover. I'd like to describe it as.. A Swedish Kate Bush-like voice with a modern electronic synth sound? As for the videos, I don't know what the fuck's going on, and I generally don't care about music videos.. That said, that's some gorgeous cinematography.
  15. Here it is: Tiny Metal
  16. I'm about to go, but there's an Advance Wars-like game on Kickstarter, thought some people might like that. I'll post a link tonight.
  17. Because I like Watchmen, and don't think it should've ever been integrated in the DC universe at all. It was its own story, and should not be continued. I feel like that's exactly missing the point. Anyway, stuff like this is exactly why I don't read US comics. Too much stuff going on, and a backlog of 60 years of comics. Characters just can't die, they continue, being rebooted over and over. I can handle the MCU, since it's using the film medium, it's inherently limited by various factors, ensuring it will never reach the scale of the comics universe. It's why I liked The Watchmen. When the film came out, I heard about the comic, and how good it was, and since it was a standalone, I could read it, enjoy it, and be done with it. Read an article about all the stuff Rebirth references, and I can not enjoy something if I have no clue about 75 % of the stuff going on.
  18. Did Gwent have its own thread? Anyway, I don't have The Witcher 3 yet, I want to play it in all it's glory when I upgrade my videocard, hopefully early next year. So I haven't actually played Gwent yet, but I'm interested. Stress test is today. I'd like to download and play it, but King's Quest episode 4 is also today.. So I'm not sure if I'm able to download it withing the few hours I have left, I believe the test is until midnight, checking now, and yes it is. Think I'll wait for the beta test then.
  19. So.. I normally don't venture out here, but I've just learned they're integrating The Watchmen (a.k.a. the only Western comic I've ever read) into the DC Universe. I mean, are they fucking retards? Oh wait, yes they are. Zack Snyder better not make the same mistake in the DCU. Though he probably will at some point.
  20. The upgrade is also available for people with retail copies. If you can find your receipt. Let me clean out my closet and see if I can find this mythical document.
  21. It's on an island in the Frioul archipelago, Pomègues to be precise. If you ever want to visit it when you're in Marseille, it's an half hour boatride, and the ferry departs from the old port, which you can see on the last picture. Tickets are around 10 euros. The lookout is an old WWII bunker. Deserted? Not at all, but it was low season, and there weren't that many tourists. I think the far majority were locals coming there for a swim. The water was incredibly inviting, and I really wanted to dive in, but I wasn't exactly prepared for swimming.. Anyway, I think the locals just quickly try to find a "free" inlet (inlet is what you call them I believe?) to go swimming, not many people actually go there to take a walk, so there weren't actually that many people on the 2.5 km long road. Plus some people actually come using their own boats, like you see on one of the pictures, there are plenty around the island, including one expensive looking yacht. This island also had one or 2 tiny dedicated beaches, the other big island actually has a few people living on it.
  22. Came back from Marseille last week. Didn't actually take many pictures, even though I intended to. I even brought my analog camera, but I didn't use it, except for that one time when I put on my naughty shoes (.. that's a Dutch expression) and asked if I could take a picture of a hot waitress. Anyway, the ones I took were mostly snapshots, but these are the ones I liked (after some slight editing of some). Coincidentally, these are all taken on an island in the coast of Marseille, so here's a snapshot to prove I've actually been there:
  23. You mean in the Throat? Or the flats / market area before it? Anyway, I can't remember, and I don't know what you find worthwile. I use almost no equipment, so I sell everything. That trip back to get the penguin was actually worth it to sell all my stuff. In The throat: You already got the praxis point.. There are a couple of sniper rifles, you can find the passwords to Marchenko's and that guys computer. And the codes to the lockers at the top. I'm pretty sure I got a few bottles of neuropozyne somewhere, but can't remember where exactly. And there's of course all the explorer experience. You can also talk to that guy you rescued in the prison by the way. Well, if you rescued him that is.
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