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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. It's my personal (but not realistic) Oscar favourite, and one of my favourite films of 2016. Visually not nearly as impressive as Kubo, but I actually didn't like the story of Kubo that much.. This is funny and (bitter)sweet, and just excellent. But I guess you'll have to wait. Maybe one of the original Japanese Ghibli blu-rays? They have awesome covers and they all have subtitles. Want to get them myself one day.
  2. https://www.amazon.fr/VIE-COURGETTE-Blu-ray-Gaspard-Schlatter/dp/B01LM1DUMU/ref=sr_1_1_twi_blu_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1485295585&sr=8-1&keywords=ma+vie+de+courgette Edit: Doesn't seem to have subtitles. Dunno if that's a problem. Edit 2: Oh and it's not out yet.. 22-02
  3. He's specifically asking for Nintendo games (I'm assuming "Ninty" is short for Nintendo, and he's using Fire Emblem as an example). Looking through my collection, on Wii I also like Fragile Dreams and Another Code (never played the DS game, but I assume that's good too). I also loved Tales of Symphonia, though not everyone seems to like the game for its story. Regarding Fire Emblem though, I liked the story for path of radiance / radiant dawn, but it never was the main selling point for me.
  4. I'll come up with some more later (probably), but first thing that springs to mind is Silent Hill shattered memories. Oh and Eternal Darkness.
  5. "Return to the battlefield!!" --> Game Over. Or there will just be some mountains or ocean in the way.
  6. Such a long wait.. Nothing else from the Direct interests me, except for Echoes, but I don't have a 3DS.
  7. Hori seem to be releasing a stick. There also seem to be more fighters coming for it. Personally I'm not fond of the HD graphics.. Something about the new HD graphics and old artstyle clash for me. Moreover, I really can't stand the HD UI elements on top of the old sprites if you play the old version. Most likely not getting this. I already have some version of SF2 on VC, and I'm not willing to pay a high price for this version. If this were an HD remake of SF3 however..
  8. Well, I can't stand How I met your mother, but you should watch Freaks & Geeks. It has a bunch of familiar faces.
  9. From the director of The one I love. Trailer is a bit too vague for my liking, so here's the premise: Scientists discovered proof of heaven, and millions of people simply commit suicide in order to get there quicker. That's the situation when Jason Segel's and Rooney Mara's characters in the trailer fall in love. Coming straight to Netflix on 31-03-2017 apparently.
  10. Watched it, and found it pretty mediocre. Some very interesting ideas, but also a constant feeling that they haven't fully though out anything in the show, and a poor pacing. A show of 13 episodes doesn't need fillers, you're doing something wrong. In the middle of the season they achieve something that would be perfect for a season finale, but they end the season with an awful cliffhanger instead. I'm not sure, but I think Amazon Prime video is better in the UK. They launched the service in a lot of countries which didn't have the video service previously only recently. It's also only the video service, we don't have the actual Amazon Prime service. In fact we barely have a Amazon at all. Dutch Amazon only sells E-books. Instead, you log in to this site: http://www.primevideo.com - Content is abysmal. This is my main issue. There was only The man in the high castle that I really wanted to watch, and I've watched that. Liked it so far, but the fuckers haven't even released season 2 yet. It should be available, since it's on the US Amazon Prime. It's obviously not an licensing issue. There are a few "maybe" series, but nothing I'm in the mood for, plus I have too many of those on Netflix already. Things like Mr. Robot, and Transparent, for example. And if I am not impressed with the library, than this will be worse for other people. People here usually download stuff so they've seen most stuff already. Lots of people here complained about Dutch Netflix's library as well, whereas I was satisfied with that, since I never download stuff. - Interface. I don't use apps, I just use the site, and although it's clear they've tried to copy Netflix, it's just not as good. I have to manually click the next episode if I don't watch all of the credits, and they list all seasons separately, which is just retarded. - 2 things I personally don't have issues with, but I hear other Dutch people complain about: severe lack of localization. Most stuff doesn't have Dutch subtitles. And lack of a Dutch payment option. A lot of people here (apparently) don't have a credit card. This all shows it was a rushed launch, and I can't see this do anything but fail.
  11. I haven't commented on this since the reveal.. And God damn, that last presentation was lame. Overall I'm disappointed. But I "missed out" on WiiU due to lack of money (I actually still have a backlog of Wii games, which funnily enough is larger than my backlog of WiiU games), and I pre-ordered this one since I want to play Zelda and Zelda looks better on Switch. The more logical alternative would be to buy a WiiU now since the time couldn't be better, including the few games I want for it. But like I said, Zelda looks better on Switch (in general, so far), and is the priority. Disappointed in the tech.. Would have liked something more powerful (it's again behind the other consoles I've heard?), though that's not an big issue. What I hate more is that Nintendo often takes one step forward, then two steps backwards, they don't stick with their direction. Introducing motion controls with the Wii, and doing a pretty good job at it, but sacrificing a LOT of power. Ditching motion controls with the WiiU pretty much, introducing an extra screen (completely forgotten about DS connectivity here), didn't do much with it (I believe), hardware in general is underpowered again, they're constantly playing catchup. Now with the Switch, they've ditched the extra screen again (..unless they give developers the option to use the screen simultaneously with a TV), and brought back motion controls, but in some convoluted way. Although I guess I should wait for a hands-on, but so far I'm not at all impressed with the "Joy-cons". I also really don't care for the portability feature, Most likely I'm not going to use it, apart from the very rare occasional multiplayer party. Then there's the launch line-up.. <sigh> It's basically only Zelda for months. Not getting 1-2 switch, not getting arms. Arms should be a minigame imcluded with 1-2 switch, and 1-2 switch should be included with the console. Missed out on Splatoon (so far), but with the payed online service.. I'm most likely not getting it. Splatoon looks like fun, but it's something I want to mainly play in multiplayer online, and I'm not getting a subscription for just 1 or 2 games. So it's basically waiting for Mario after Zelda. I've always supported 3rd party, but I mostly go for the interesting (timed) exclusives. Skyrim I'll buy on PC if I want it (like any other multiplatform) FPS or RPG. That Square Enix RPG on the other had, that's what I want. Plus more of Travis Touchdown, hell yeah! Luckily the complete lack of interesting games during and following launch suits me, as I won't have the money to buy many games anyway, Zelda and some PC games will suffice. Basically they rushed to get this out, and that's a mistake. They should've waited for better hardware and an actual compelling list of launch games (..apart from Zelda). With the overall feeling of disappointment, I still pre-ordered it, for Zelda like I said, and after missing out on WiiU, it's exciting to get a new console again.
  12. The trailer doesn't give anything away regarding gameplay. According to the site, it's a 3rd person adventure. Looks unlike anything else from Daedelic, I also like their point & click adventures.
  13. Oh well, it was a German film, I felt it was appropriate.
  14. Absolutely hated it. Nothing really happening, unlikeable characters (dad's an idiot, daughter a bitch), and the "humour" was dreadful. My brother walked out, I stayed for the only highlight in the film, when that brunette took off her clothes.
  15. Well, I started the thread.. Let's say you'd better prepare yourself. Where did you see it? Or does it have a normal release in the UK? I'm hoping one of the festivals here will show it (I'm kind of expecting it). I'm looking forward to that one.
  16. Nocturnal animals ♥♥♥♥♥ Great. Toni Erdmann ♥♥♥♥♥ Almost 3 hours of Deutsche Scheiße.
  17. Haven't updated this for months, but I wanted to list my favourites of the year. Shockingly, I've seen less films than last year, I've disappointed myself yet again. Anyway, my favourites of 2016, with the complete list below. I didn't include the usual stuff, mostly short film collections, but also a remastered TV show released in cinemas here, the German show Heimat (which was great by the way). Favourites 2016 Men & chicken Miss Hokusai Spotlight Zootropolis Captain America: civil war The nice guys Me and Earl and the dying girl @ReZourceman Their distance Ma vie de courgette Captain fantastic Honourable mentions (a selection of 4 stars) Les ogres They call me Jeeg Robot The witch WOULDST THOU LIKE TO LIVE DELICIOUSLY?? En man som heter Ove The daughter Arrival Perfetti sconosciuti Moana La la land
  18. "If found please return to Rummy."
  19. It's strange how (at least in that video) the inside looks better on WiiU, and the outside looks better on Switch.
  20. Well that would be weird indeed. Plus she's already playing a background character in the current trilogy, which I believe they want to expand on in the next films. Carrie Fisher had already filmed her scenes, so it won't really affect VIII, though they're limited in their ability to reshoot scenes if necessary (and if Rogue One is an indication..). But I wonder what they'll do for IX, and what their plans were. I'm sure they haven't written more than a plot outline for IX, but whatever they had, it involved Leia in a way, so they have to deal with Carrie Fisher's death. Unlike Tarkin and young Leia, this is not a situation where you want a replacement actor, or a CG one.. Carrie Fisher's performance is too fresh in our minds. An off screen death is the best thing they can do.
  21. It's fun scrutinizing that video for gameplay details. I really don't like the sound of switching classes on the fly, this messes up role playing, but other than that they seem to have taken some positive cues from ME3 multiplayer. You seem to be limited to 3 skills in your loadout, and this worked perfectly in multiplayer. I mean, why have access to several skills if you're only going to use your favourites and the best ones.. And they seem to have incorporated skills from ME3 multiplayer you never got to use in singleplayer, like a flamethrower. It's easy to see why they would allow you to switch classes with this in mind, this is to have players make an easier switch to multiplayer and vice versa. Got a cool build in multiplayer you'd like to try in singleplayer? Now you can, while in ME3 you never got to play as a Meleeing Volus lunatic biotic god, a torching Vorcha, or an unkillable Geth Prime gunning down everything with a minigun that doesn't stop. While I'm sure you still won't be able to play as a Volus, Vorcha or whatever, I expect a lot of skills will make it into the game that emulate ME3 multiplayer playstyles, the flamethrower is already one of them. I've been pausing at every skill in the menu. They split up some of the passive skills in previous game into smaller one. In the video you can see one to increase tech damage, one to increase the effectiveness of tech skills, and one to upgrade your teammates. There are some familiar skills: Overload Incinerate Energy Drain Tactical cloak Cryo beam isn't the same as Cryo Blast, but I assume it's close enough. Assault turret is probably also close to something we've already seen though I hope it's gotten an upgrade. I hope it's closer to what the enemies actually deployed. New ones are: Invasion Remnant VI Flamethower Flak cannon And the mentioned passives. Invasion is a tech skills that sounds similar to biotic skills in ME3 multiplayer, where you deploy a swarm of machines as a debuff, and it will spread to nearby enemies. Remnant VI seems to summon a robot, the Geth equivalent of ME4. It seems to fire missiles and can repair itself, and cloak. It's switched out in the loadout for an upgraded flamethrower. Flamethower is showcased in the video, and similar to ME3 mp. Flak Cannon seems to be a direct damage skill. They're limited (like grenades), but seem to automatically refill themselves. The animation makes it seem like it uses the gun, though this was the case with other skills in ME3 as well. Wonder if they home in like ME3 homing grenades, though this seems to be more instant. The weapon looks like the Falcon "assault rifle", though I don't think I've really used that weapon in ME3.
  22. Steam sale: (I've barely touched this yet, so I can't comment on it apart from the fact that simply viewed as a game it's terrible) Outisde of Steam (sale): Now if I can get my system to run properly again I may be able to play this. Received for Christmas:
  23. Billie Lourd looks more than her mother when she was young than most actresses, and I'm sure she's capable of delivering that one line Leia had. But my main point was that I preferred to see a real actor in place of the CG character, I thought Billie Lourd would be perfect in Leia's case, but it could be someone else. My brother suggested Charles Dance for Tarkin I believe, which I think could work. The thing is, I think using CG characters is a bit condescending towards the viewers, we're not stupid, and we understand sometimes actors have to be replaced. Mention his name and we're all up to speed. I can't imagine why they go to so much trouble since just replacing an actor must be much cheaper and easier than the CG solution (which requires the special effects, a voice actor, and perhaps a motion captor actor). But like I said, I didn't mind the end result, it was good enough. I might have objected if either character had a more substantial role, but it works for the limited screentime they had. Rogue one had a lot of problems, and the CG characters wasn't one of them. My main issues are the bad editing in the first half, and especially the bad (or rather non-existent) character development. You practically learn nothing about any of them, including Jynn Erso, then all of them die, and I feel nothing. I don't care. The robot's dialogue was cringeworthy (writers were trying too hard to make him "cool" / likeable), the Krennic dude was constantly undermined by others to be a respectable bad guy. Then there are of course the generic cool dude with a staff and cool dude with a big gun duo, having no other reason for being on screen than simply looking cool while beating up storm troopers. Oh and Saw Gerrera.. Being there only to serve as a tie-in to the cartoons. I've heard they cut a flashback scene with Saw and Jynn, which boggles the kind, because that's the kind of stuff that's missing from the film, and something I would have liked to see. What was good was the action in the 2nd half. A cool and more elaborate portrayal of what war was like in the Star Wars universe. The dog fights were cool, and more nostalgia inducing than anything seen in A force awakens. But that's the only thing I liked, and at this rate I don't have any high hopes for VIII.
  24. I will eventually. I'll also try Dirk Gently. I don't have much time to binge much at the moment, so I'm currently watching something on the newly launched Amazon prime video (well, newly launched outside the US). I started a trial subscription to see what the content was, but forgot to cancel it. There's only one thing on it I'm interested in, and that's The man in the high castle. I'm watching that now, and will probably cancel my subscription right after, though I might wait for season 2 for The man in the high castle, since apparently that's not available yet. I don't know what Amazon was thinking with this launch of its service wolrdwide.. It's terrible. Or at least it's terrible here, I don't know if it's better in the UK. But that's why I don't want to open a separate thread for it.
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