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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Finished playing a game called Final Horizon earlier this week. Think of it as an updated version of Tower Defense, it did have some nice trophies which i was happy to get. Not a challenging game as such, relatively easy to do.
  2. No, i did such that myself. Prefered using the bow over guns, more stealthy and more satisfaction.
  3. I restrict myself to a few games at a time on the Vita, got a 16gb card and have about 8gb left. Got Rogue Legacy downloaded (took the mick, cheers to my crap Wifi at home). Going to try and get my PC set-up as a Wifi access point over the weekend, because currently when it takes 6 hours to download a 400mb file you know something is wrong. What i've played of Rogue Legacy, it's good so far.
  4. Tesco are/were having a clear-out, including WiiU 32gb models for under £100
  5. I'm not even going to risk it to be fair, it does sound tempting to do though.
  6. Sony Online Entertainment now called Daybreak Game Company LLC So, Sony have sold Sony Online Entertainment, had a name change to Daybreak Game Company. The company will be independant (aka multi-format) and will continue it's line of MMO titles. Thoughts
  7. I'll give it that, at most.
  8. I let my Amiibo go at it over the weekend, needed to level them up for a small tournament in a future Streetpass event. Them 8 player stages are interesting to say the least.
  9. That 4th movie (of which shall not be named) shouldn't exist.
  10. I've no regrets of choosing a Mega Drive over a SNES back around 95/96. It was the go-to console of that era, and i loved each minute of playing it. Had many late night sessions, and my friends loved playing on it when they came over. Some highlights of my time of the Mega Drive include. Sonic the Hedgehog Quadrilogy (1, 2, 3 and Knuckles) This series of games were awesome. I found the 1st Sonic in a car-boot sale at a market (which came complete with that legendary cheat code allowing level selection). Spent so, so many hours playing it and getting all the Chaos Emeralds. Ended up borrowing Sonic 2 and Sonic and Knuckles from my cousin (who ended up giving both to me as he was selling the console to get a PlayStation) and picked up Sonic 3 for my Birthday a few months after getting Knuckles. Learning the awesome power of the "lock-on" feature between 3 and Knuckles, that was great. Learning that both these games combined to make the full game that it was meant to be was something. And then learning that both Sonic 2 and the original Sonic had features doing the lock-on (Sonic 2 being played as Knuckles, Sonic having the special stages). So many memories. Streets of Rage II More on the 2nd than the 1st, it was the perfect 2 player co-op game whenever i had friends over. I loved it, and it was always a race whom played as Axel and Max. Other games worthy of a mention are Ecco the Dolphin, Micro Machines (the one with the extra 2 control ports in the cartridge), Golden Axe, World Cup Italia 90 and Super Hang On. All fantasic games. I did have that 1 game my Mum loved playing, which was Columns. Didn't have a Saturn or a Dreamcast as i went back to Nintendo's home consoles with the N64 and Gamecube, kind of regret not going down that route over Nintendo. May have to dig out the ol Mega Drive (it's in my attic somewhere), give it a clean and fire it up.
  11. Just need the spade now, anyone got one about yay high? @Animal, I never listen to Radio 1 myself. Because of the reason you say, the consistent overplaying of certain artists over others.
  12. Next week, if we are in the same group we must select all the Rainbow Roads.
  13. I should be ok for the next race.
  14. I would say it's a bit of both. It's sad to see a company whom 20 years ago had a console in millions of homes, then leave the console business and go 3rd party. To now going PC, mobile and digital only meaning 300 job redundancies/retirements. Feel sorry for those whom could lose their jobs, but at the same time it serves them right. Bad financial decisions, rushing out games quick with so many bugs (Ubisoft anyone?). Hopefully they can pull themselves back this method, but it will be hard to do.
  15. So that's where he went. Josh Matthews threw insults at JR recently over twitter, not the wisest of moves.
  16. That 2nd theme, much more like it.
  17. Wow, that's certainly noticeable. I did hear that the load times between Galaxy 2 digital vs retail isn't noticeable, but this certainly is.
  18. So much love in group 1 for SNES Rainbow Road, decent enough track.
  19. Green food colouring and laxative, got ya. Will be a fun experiment.
  20. For that price, i'd go for it. I doubt it will be free until maybe Christmas.
  21. Can't get a better deal than that.
  22. Surprising, but useful patch. I've just let my Amiibo loose on 1 of the 8 man Smash stages, it's enjoyable to watch them all fight it out.
  23. Epic battles at the back of the field, very exciting stuff.
  24. Quite an interesting line-up next month. Certainly will look into Rogue Legacy
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