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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Wow, impressive stuff there. I'm heading up to HR2 slowly but surely. Edit: Has anyone else been having issues hosting a room, i seem to show up on people's lists as "unavailable" when i'm doing the hosting, but i am able to join other people's rooms.
  2. Sure thing, i'll be on around then. You opening a room or shall i?
  3. Of course, the more the merrier i say. What sort of time(s) are you on from in the evenings?
  4. Managed to get my hands on a full set of Jaggi armour (needed some G-Jaggi claws, which i got this morning on my way to work) and a nice new switch-axe which delivers 592 damage (before it's even been upgraded). Probably finish off the level 2 quests on single player this evening on my way home, then hope to reach HR-2 (maybe 3) this evening online.
  5. Well, work helped out with the majority of this via vouchers for doing a project. So only ended up paying around £9 for it earlier. Got a free poster as well, which was nice.
  6. That is indeed 1 tough nut to crack, it's worth it in the end. I've decided on going down the switch-axe route for a while, it's working out quite well for me in terms of me staying alive longer and slaying more monsters without dying. Did a few online hunts/gather quests earlier. In the middle of fishing, i was attacked by a rather nasty little creature which was more than a match for me as it decided to get a few strikes in whilst i was bringing in the catch.
  7. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Still loving the dynamic weather, it's so beautiful to look at. Results in many crashes. Edit: Sent some club challenges out last night, enjoy. Probably will get beaten quite easily, but hey ho.
  8. Got an online room set-up for those interested, the password is 3321
  9. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Why can't they admit the PS+ version is not coming out.
  10. Hunting on the way to work, sweet. Been hunting lots of Jaggi to get materials to get the Jaggi armour set sorted out, which i'm 1/2 way through. I'm planning to be online between 8pm and 11pm tonight so keep an eye out for me, the more the merrier i say.
  11. Started First Light earlier today, having this based upon my favorite power of Second Son makes this more so good. I do like the challenge mode that is included with the game.
  12. Going through deciding what weapon i'll go with for a few hours, unsure between the katana, bone axe and lance. May just switch between all three. Doing a few fetch/gather quests at the moment, quite liking the new climbing ability.
  13. I will certainly be online tomorrow night from 8pm until 11pm, havn't been hunting today as i've been determined to get First Light done before The Order next week. Anyone wishes to add me for hunting, my I'D is on the left there.
  14. Finished Dead Kings yesterday before heading out. It was interesting, more of the same really. As in lots more bugs, which was a pain.
  15. Progress made, not only have made back the progress i lost earlier. I've now made it to the Swamp Temple, but saved as the battery on the 3DS was going. Got 5 hearts going in, acquired a few masks as well. Didn't realise that some events i could have done on the N64/VC edition
  16. Cheers, will need that. Just realised that the game has a new save system in place and forgot it was there. Just lost 2 hours of game time.
  17. Just started a session, sigh forgot the 1st stage was a lot of waiting around for the Clock Tower to open to recover the Ocarina.
  18. This is an incredible game, put in a few hours this morning. Quite handy having a feline to assist in the single player missions. Will be available tomorrow for some online hunting if anyone else is up for that.
  19. Remember to download the free MH4U starter pack from your house.
  20. Put the 16gb MicroSD card in, after the transfer found it only had 4,500 blocks left. Wondering how in the heck that happened, turned out i forgot to format the card of the old data :-(
  21. A lot of people i know have cancelled the Network because of that very issue. It's not good if it keeps buffering at all, it still buffers on the US version and that's been out over a year.
  22. I had an issue with DPD this afternoon, and also the Royal Fail. First time the Royal Fail ask me for ID to collect Majora's Mask. I mean, they've never asked before and didn't ask the lady in front of me. Thought that was a bit cheeky, but hey ho put a complaint in on that. DPD, well that chap didn't want to deliver my 3DS. Chose to sit in the van and write an "attempted" delivery note and put that through the door instead. Luckly i intercepted and got the package, but that is pure laziness really. And @S\.C\.G, that moon theme
  23. I was planning on coming online, but this transfer process is taking the mick. My own fault really, i had the chance to copy the data over via the PC but didn't.
  24. I'm transferring my content wireless, so far reaching the 75% mark in just over 2 hours. It's moments like this i feel Nintendo need to come to the 21st Century and do Cloud transfers. Still, watching the Pikmin is enjoyable.
  25. DPD chap became a bit of a dick, he showed up in the time slot i was advised. But as it happened once or twice before, he just sat in the van for a while then came out with a slip to put into my door. Managed to intercept just as the slip landed on the mat, got the chap to get the parcel out of the van (guess he couldn't be bothered). Of course, i've complained to DPD who couldn't say sorry enough. Anywho, just charging it up before i transfer my stuff over.
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