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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Early hours of Tuesday morning, of which i was drunk my mate told me that he had murdered someone a few years ago and as i was drunk i thought he was joking so i walked off and said to him doubt it. So i call him up last night in the pub, i was drinking coke and he was doing some bingo calling somewhere and i asked him again if what he told me was 100% truth, and he said it was all true and he would rather not talk about it again. I'm all ripped up inside and feel sick. I havn't seen him since he told me, it makes the awkwardness between me and my female mate of what happened at the weekend seem like nothing and now it is going to be awkward talking to him now as he is capable of killing. Don't know what i can do, i can't tell anyone else about it either otherwise i will most likely lose all my friends and so will he. And i have to see him tonight down the club on duty and i sit by him at the top table.
  2. Men Behaving Badly - Series 4 4th series of the hit sitcom, one of my personal favorite series as well 9.5/10
  3. My biggest guilty pleasure is gaining a measure of retribution on people who seriously piss me off. And when i mean seriously, i mean seriously. Please read my weekend post in the How was your Day thread to understand why. I have other pleasures, which will be revealed later.
  4. Day is currently going good at the moment, it got a lot better when i was told that i get a 4 day week and that girl who i ranted on about earlier is going away on the weekend, peace and quiet all round for me for 4 whole days, bliss. Am planning something huge, something i havn't done in 3 years and that the last person who really pissed me off suffered badly. It's a 3 stage plan which involves stage one part 1 in having a night out tonight with my mates minus the female one. And as she is going away on the weekend, i should have a great weekend and hopefully pull someone over Easter.
  5. Agreed, everyone cares about St Davids Day, St Patricks Day and St Andrews day. When it comes to the day of the English Saint, St George, i see no celebrating except with me and my mate who drink an English Beer or 3 that night anyway. Happy St Patricks day anyway to all the Irish, i will celebrate as well with a Guinness in return that you celebrate St Georges Day with an English Beer.
  6. Weekend, lets see Friday Work was good, finished a great deal of stuff and had lunch out at a pub. Came home later, got changed and went out with a few mates at the Measure, which is great to go to on a Friday night. Having a few drinks and a laugh and next thing i knew, i got my female mate feeling me and my other mate up then taking him outside and trying to get on with him, which refers to attempting to play tongue hockey and trying to give him a bj, which he told me later on when he came back in after pushing her away because she was a little drunk but enough sober to keep herself in control. He tells me she is crying of which i go and see if she is ok, next thing i know she asks me to kiss her of which i say ok, but only on the cheek. Of which she turns it into tongue hockey and i got everyone in the bar cheering when i come back in, guess they saw it all. Even got a pint bought for me as well. Then later on she tells me she loves me and always has for a long time, she also told me when she was sober that she tells the whole truth when she has a drink. By 1am, i had enough and left her at her place and headed home, gave her a goodnight kiss and went home. Called my other mate who refused all that she attempted to me and we stayed up with a few cans drinking until 5am. Saturday 9am, got up and went into town and bought a new pair of shoes and some shirts and shorts. Came back to my female mate coming up the road heading to mine. She then apologizes and says she made a fool of herself that night. I then asked her if what she said was true last night and she said it was 100% true. Went to hers and decided to go clubbing that night in Chepstow. But before that, watched all the rugby at the club. Arrived in town at 8:30pm, got asked for ID in 3 places when buying drinks before heading to liquid at 10pm. Night started off fine in Liquid, until 11pm when she was bragging to everyone that she shagged me Friday night and we were a couple, which pretty much nulled my chances with all the single females that night. I got punched in the face because i was English, she ignored me all night and made out with 19 guys while i couldn't pull anything more than a £10 note out of my wallet, no girls would talk to me as they believed her 100%. Got seriously pissed off at 12:30am because no-one would talk to me after what she was saying about me that night, so pissed off that i left the club took my coat and my stuff and walked the 10 miles home in the rain and wind, took me 2 hours but i made it. She called me at 3am and asked if she had annoyed me or ignored me in anyway that night to cause me to leave, of which i said yes in everyway possible now leave me along you f'n biatch. Put phone on silent, sent a text to her that i am at a mates that night so don't even think of looking for me and went to bed. Sunday Got up 5 minutes before a cash count at my club, of which i had to do with my mate Rob. Told him about the whole night, and he was pleased that i left her alone in town, told my mate Andrew and he was pissed off at me until i told him the reasons and then he calmed down and was pleased that i left her. Once again, she was calling my phone and i ignored it everytime. Until i had no choice but to walk past her house at 3pm, and she came running out in her PJ's asking me to come into the house and speak with her, i ignored her until the alley then turned back and we had a good long chat of which she apologized for everything and promised to not do that again (when have i heard that before). Spent the afternoon with her, then came home. Preparing to go out tonight for a quiet pint at the club as i speak. Ranting over and done with, finally.
  7. Men Behaving Badly: Series 1-3 Currently seen 3 of the 6 series, worst of all 3 is the first one. Harry Enfield doesn't suit his own part, let alone the series. The sit-com picks up when Neil Morressy joins in series 2 and when it crosses over to the BBC in series 3. Good sit-com so far, 8.5-9/10 for all 3.
  8. I get Official Xbox Magazine, and now and then the Official Nintendo Magazine and Top Gear magazine.
  9. I'm quite good at this sort of thing, so i passed the passing bit but i didn't see the bear until later, so failed on that part
  10. Tis a bit blowey outside, but at least it has calmed down a bit down in South Wales at the moment. It was so windy on Monday night, that my mate had to cling onto my arm otherwise she would have blown away, i'm the right size and weight so i didn't budge in the wind at all.
  11. Great sig, Avril Lavigne is hot so it gets a pretty hot 10/10
  12. Day has been good so far, only trouble is my foot which is slightly swollen towards the toe end, will most likely see a Doctor again about it on Tuesday/Wednesday when i get some time to do so. Told work that the tablets i am on causes me to get angry and more agitated quicker than usual of which they didn't believe me until i shouted at someone in a tone of voice they never heard before. Completed much of the work that i had to complete, just a few more things to complete and i will be happy work-wise. Tonight, i am off out for a pint or two
  13. My room, finally. Sorry there is no voice over as of yet, my speaker on my phone wasn't turned on.
  14. Nothing much happens when i'm out partying, except if i have had a bit too much i sing to my pint glass. Got video proof as well on my mates phone, he should be sending it over later. My mates randomly dance to songs and attempt to sing to them as well, poorly in most cases. I have once told a drunken person that the chinese across the street was a brothal and he went in their and got banned as far as i know.
  15. Liar Liar Jim Carrey stars as the Lawyer that cannot lie. Brilliant movie and one of Carreys best as well. 10/10
  16. My weekend has been ok, i think Friday Took the day off work, did a few things like see a Doctor. Found out i got a swollen tendon and a damaged nerve in my left foot so i got some tablets for that to ease the pain, which is working slowly i think. Went into Newport to get some more things for work, new shirts, shoes etc. Took me an hour to get everything. Nearly got banned from Subway because i was taking my medication which i got earlier (it has to be taken with food to avoid indigestion and stomach upsets), took me 10 minutes to get through to them. Came home, got ready and went into Chepstow clubbing, video is below of part of the night, got mega bored as you can guess from it. Came home at 2:30am after chatting to mates on phone for an hour, person who i went with got a bit paranoid and thought she had lost me. Also remembered why i don't like clubbing too often as well. Saturday A lot different today, got up at 11am after a nice sleep in, ears were still ringing from last night. Spent the afternoon chilling out watching movies round a mates house, decided later on that it would be nice to go to a quiet pub and play some pool. Had a good night and nothing out the ordinary happened, it was a typical Saturday night out, just with me and less alcohol. Sunday Sunday, well what else do i do except prepare for the week ahead, may take some more time off work to heal up properly as my foot is currently killing me. Which reminds me to tell them in work that this medication will make me more agitated and easier to make angry. Went to my local club, had a meeting and did the counting of takings that day. Came home and about to go to mates house to pick up some DVD's i lent her.
  17. Mine had a problem of not rewinding, a simple un-plug and turn back on again sorted that out.
  18. I think Sega are curious to see how many people still own a Dreamcast and that nothing much will happen come the 10th anniversary. It will be interesting to see if anything does come of this nearer the time. I used to own a Dreamcast, but sold it on ages ago. Wish i didn't now.
  19. Basically, i have one key for the front door and one for the back door. I have a fob for entry to the club and a keyring of sorts which weighs my pocket down to show i have my keys on me.
  20. That is going to be huge once it is complete and from looking at the smaller scale model, it is going to be out of this world. Hope it holds together long enough and hope strong paper/card is uses to make it last longer.
  21. Good news on the 360 price cuts, it will be interesting to see how this affects sales for both the Wii and PS3, hopefully taking more PS3 sales away from them. And just did a short stint on Vegas where me and my mate completely pwnd a bunch of Americans who were all cocky little so and so's. Did the Casino level, i hid at one end of a corridor my mate at the other and just let them come to us, suckers.
  22. Happy Birthday EchoDesiato, have a good one as well.
  23. I personally think that the guy/girl who promises to split with the other contestant then tricks them and steals the whole prize is an asshole really. What i hate the look of is the face of the person who stole it all, half the time they have a smug look on their face which says it all really doesn't it. I feel sorry for the contestant who put the split ball up and i half expect them to hit the other one, but the one who split isn't greedy like the one who stole and sometimes you do see a face of guilt from the contestant who stole. It is these types of gameshows i don't like if one of them is greedy, and i always like it when both split the pot.
  24. Extra lives and continues sound very tempting to bring into real life, and does invincibility and the Save and Load method.
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