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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls Brilliant sequel starring Jim Carrey as the Pet Detective who makes a mockery of his clients. This time, he is in Africa finding a bat. Humor throughout, typical Jim Carrey style as well. 9/10 The Condemned Stars Stone Cold Steve Austin, brilliant and brutal movie complete with violence, blood and explosions. Basically, movie is about 10 convicts on an Island who have to kill to be last man/woman alive to get off the Island alive and free. Better than i thought it would be 9/10 Thirteen Please, i want my hour and a half back. This was the most disturbing thing i have ever seen in a long time. Basically it is about a 13 yr old who is an A-grade student and her move into taking A-grade drugs and basically being a slag. It has self harm. And my mate who showed me the movie says it is her favorite movie, how????. I can't give it more than a 2/10, and it only got a 2 because the music was ok.
  2. Day has been good so far, work was great as it always is. Nice and busy which is what i like to see, makes time go quicker. Did quite a bit today, and still got plenty left for tomorrow as well. Now watching a movie, before heading out once again for a drink or 3.
  3. Can't agree more really, sometimes the only way for someone bullying you to stop is to hit them back, because bullies only seem to pick on the weaker people, so by hitting them back you prove to them that you ain't weak. And as for that video, how in the blue blazing heck can someone do that without feeling remorse for the victim. If that was my mate who was beaten like that, then i would go out and find the person responsible and permanently insert their teeth into the back of their throat, but if a female attacked then i wouldn't do anything.
  4. Bought this yesterday £9.99 from HMV
  5. Well, i just mentioned to one or two mates during a convo that she told me a few times she is depressed and paranoid, she has told all her mates this as well so i don't see a problem with that side of things, and also it was a little of talking about her behind her back sort of things as well, which is what she told me yesterday when we were sorting things out between us. She told me from now on to tell the truth and say things to her face about her, which i started yesterday when she asked a few questions about who else has been saying things behind her back and what was said. I think really she takes things a little over-the top as it were with things and she needs to calm down. Anyway, the bank holiday weekend was technically the worst i've had in a long time. Not only with the whole thing between me and linzi, but also problems between me and Jemma, Rob, Andrew and Dave, all of which are solved now, the worst two problems were Jemma and Linzi which took a combined 16 hours to sort out everything. Hopefully, things are back to some sort of normality and we will be fine.
  6. My Top 10 in descending order 10 - F-Zero GX This was graphically one of the best looking racers to grace the GC, and also one of my favorite racing series. The only thing that let it down was how frustratingly hard it was, which in some ways improved the game quality and made it last longer. 9 - Super Mario Sunshine The water-based Mario platformer reaches 9 in my list. It was a good game to play, and had some ingenious level and sprite locations. Some good moments i had included watering Petey Piranha and using the rocket nozzle. 8 - Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones The third and final installment of the Sands of Time Trilogy, and personally the best of all three. Beautiful level designs and views, the stealth kill addition was brilliant and it added a challenge to acquiring level-ups easier from the sand gates. 7 - Soul Calibur II This is the only one of the series i played, and it looked amazing. The addition of Link to the GC version was brilliant and he suited the game unlike Sony's and Microsoft's additional characters. Hours were spent on this game to get everything. 6 - The Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition The game disk that just about everyone wanted as it contained 4 of the finest Zelda games in existence minus A Link to the Past. A brilliant free-bee from Nintendo this was, and i could finally complete Majoras Mask 100% which i never did on the N64 5 - Metroid Prime Just one word can describe this game, amazing. Never had i seen Metroid look so good in 3D and i was glad that Ninty and Retro canned Raven Blade otherwise this probably wouldn't have been as good as it was. 4 - The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker The game that shook everyone into a frenzy of rage and turned out to be a brilliant game that had everything Zelda fans loved and more. Countless hours were spent sailing over the ocean visiting islanders, collecting maps and items. 3 - Super Smash Brothers Melee The game that made me buy a GC in the first place, many hours were spent with me and my mates trying to find who was the best fighter. Had many laughs as well. 2 - Metal Gear Solid - The Twin Snakes Who would have predicted seeing Snake on a Nintendo console in the game that started the franchise. Brilliant game, brilliant graphics and all over excellent. Still remember my console crashing every time i spent more than 30 minutes on the game, and getting frustrated all the time as well. 1 - The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess My number one game, it was destined for the GC and i waited and waited then it came out and it was and is the best game for the GC, even though it was the last game as well. Like that song goes, save the best til last.
  7. Was a little snow down here in South Wales, but other than that nothing other than wind and rain.
  8. Another way for good old Vince to make Wrestlemania more star studded, i see this match not having a clear winner but more like Big Show man-handle Mayweather instead of having a Boxing Match
  9. I've never tried it as such, but one or two of my mates have tried it and use it now and then whenever the someone who has some comes down.
  10. Ok, last night was in fact a terrible night. First thing, my mates don't even call me until well after 9:30pm, tell me where they are going and to meet them there, of which i say oh f*****g great, little known to me that she was next to them and the phone was on loud speaker. So i head up to meet them, she is in bar and they are outside. Then get a call from another mate to meet him at the club, of which i go to do so right away. He tells me someone has told her something i said about her to her face and she wants to as it were, kill me. So we head up to the measure, with my mate telling me to only talk to her if she talks to me. I get the drinks in to them all except her, and she moans. Then a little later, i start asking around to who said this to her and it was one of my mates. Anyway, to cut a long story short, me and her ended up having a verbal fight in the bar with me winning and her crying off somewhere and no-one going after her. Now to finish sorting out the rest of my problems with everyone else, including my ex.
  11. Congrats on three years Rez. I was planning on staying in tonight, but now am off out this time to sort myself out. Just came off from talking to my ex, which was a bad idea now i look back on it. She just bought all the memories back which took me 3 months to get over it. And also my mates don't give a monkeys about me.
  12. Jimbob


    Welcome back dude, and good luck doing up the house it does sound like it needs work from your description. And also, hope everything goes ok for the funeral.
  13. £12 from Woolworths And also, 3 new shirts 2 of them for work and 1 for nights out
  14. Now that is impressive stuff. I have to hand it to you, you have done a marvelous job there. And i am pleased you had the patience to do it as well, because i don't think i would have enough patience to make something like that. What is next on the list of giant paper models then.
  15. Last night was a brilliant night, until SHE showed up. Seriously, i haven't spoken to her since Wednesday 19th at 11:30pm until Friday 21st at 9:15pm and between them times, i was good and happy because she wasn't annoying me as she always does. Last thing i said to her on Wednesday was when she asked what time i am going to the pub, i said when i am good damn ready. Then, she called me a few times over the next 2 days, of which i didn't answer the phone to her once. Had a night out on my own on Thursday, which i needed. So, back to Friday. Brilliant night, then she showed up of which i can't stop her from doing so and she said a few things to really annoy me and wind me up, between all the talking i was taking shots back, think i had 10 aftershocks and 3 tequillas and lime, so i was a little pissed by 9:45pm. And then the funny thing is, she asked me to go outside with her for 5 minutes alone. So, what did i do i walked off out the back door and walked to another pub and didn't tell anyone where i went. She makes me physically sick these days now, and it took me a week to be sick of her. And then, my mates found me in the local club 15 minutes later alone watching the pool. They wanted to know where i had gone to, and as i was explaining, she showed up once again which caused me to down the 2 pints i had and disappear once again at 10:30, this time more drunk. No-one knew where i had gone and my phone was ringing consistently from all my mates ringing it, inc her. Got home about 1am, went straight to bed and no-one has seen me since 10:30pm last night. And today has been good so far as well, did all the housework, washing, hoovering and i had to clean up the garden debris from the strong winds we have been having.
  16. Mine arrived on Wednesday, haven't had time to play on it as of yet. Still busy finishing the first one, which i am nearly there on i think. Should have a chance over the weekend to play this.
  17. Its just me and a few others in work today, well by a few i mean 4. And it is very quiet. So quiet in fact that i have spent most of the morning on the phone to my mates and generally plodding along with my work. Seriously can't wait for 4pm to arrive 2 hours and a bit to go from now
  18. Ok, got given a shed load of work to do tomorrow which will be interesting to see if i can do all of it in one day, be a challenge.
  19. Or Adrian Chiles. Who else isn't doing much these days who could be placed presenting the F1
  20. Makes me laugh a little bit, BBC drop Neighbours to Five and get Formula One back after what was it now, 12 years or so. A much better program and one that i may start watching again. Just have to wonder who they will use to present it, and will some of the presenters who lept to ITV come back to BBC.
  21. Yesterday, i did my club duty with my "murder" friend, all went ok and neither of us said anything to annoy each other. I didn't say anything to annoy him but some people sensed a little tension between us because neither of us looked eye to eye. Today, well i got 1 more day and 2 1/2 hours before i get 4 days off. At least i get double pay and a day in lou of which i am taking on the Tuesday to get myself the 4 days.
  22. I don't mind helping people and doing good deeds, in a way they actually make me feel good inside that i have done something to benefit others which is enough satisfaction for me.
  23. We've been mates for about 3-4 years now, met him through another mate. He has lunged at me with a pool cue and gets angry at the littlest of things, always storms off in a strop and threatens everyone who annoys him. I'll try and leave it a couple of days, but everyone is going to figure there is something between me and him and they will try to dig it out of one of us. May try again on Friday when i see him on his own and try to get to the bottom of this.
  24. Yeah, it has been on my mind all day long, worse than ever when i wasn't talking to anyone. I don't know, he got upset when he told me Tuesday morning and again in the evening. May have been an accident or he just really hated the person who he killed. Positive, he never lies about anything thats why we are such good mates Believe me, there is only one person can piss him off enough and that my friends is the girl who was all over me on Friday night last week. The only thing i could do really is stay clear of him and sit else where and walk home with someone tonight and don't be alone with him.
  25. Austin Powers - Goldmember Third movie in the trilogy, one of the funniest as well. A bit oot with the mole, but still quite a good series of events. 9/10
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