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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. My Dad currently works in the military as a Captain. He's all office-based now, but he did serve in the Falklands War.
  2. I've been getting right back into Rollercoaster Tycoon after i recieved numero 3 yesterday. It does seem better than numero 2, being fully 3D and all that. Hence my silence the past couple of days.
  3. Happy Birthday dude, have a great one.
  4. Jimbob

    Windows 7

    I think it may be, i'm not 100% sure though.
  5. I give to two charities. These are: Cancer Research UK and Action Aid (a charity to help with solving poverty in Africa. I give to CRUK because my grandmother died of lung cancer. I give to Action Aid because i feel to myself it is right to do so.
  6. They should launch this online via a blog or something, or even publish Youtube reviews. The internet is the future, Teletext is the past to be fair.
  7. Sony don't fix their own consoles. Hmm, sounds a tad dodgy to me. Don't M/S and Ninty fix their own consoles??? Anyway, just bought online 5 cue tips Jeans and T-Shirt combo
  8. Jimbob

    Windows 7

    It does look a lot like Vista, but i can't exactly remember what was discussed but i believe it was along the lines of this is what Vista was meant to be like.
  9. I hear a lot of war stories being in an army family, this is the first WW1 insight i've heard this year, i did hear one last year and another 8 years earlier. So in fact, i don't hear a lot.
  10. Damn it!!!!!!!!!! This sounds like a great idea, but due to the slight niggle of being unemployed (thanks to the Labour Party and Alistar Darlings eyebrow dye spending) i cannot possibly afford to go along. Apologies in advance
  11. From reading Dan Dare's post, that has to be one of the most interesting insights into WW1 i will probably read this year. RIP Mr Patch, your memories will live on.
  12. Happy Birthday to the Blue one!!
  13. I shot JR!!!! Na, i've only killed moths, flys, wasps and all that.
  14. I'm still working through Gears 1 atm, shall get into Gears 2 soon enough.
  15. It seems the thankyou button has vanished for me. Its a good addition to the site mind-you.
  16. Jimbob

    Windows 7

    It is quite bad, but not that bad as i had the money hidden in a different account for PC updates. I just had to transfer what they took back into my account to balance it out. This is indeed true, i won't be formatting the old HDD due to it being quite old and stuff.
  17. Tis true, i heard rumours you could get all of Sonic 2's emeralds by the end of Act 2 and all of Sonic 3's by Act 1 of Hydrocity (i know this to be true as i did this once).
  18. Jimbob

    Windows 7

    Comet took the money out of my account, idiots!!. It doesn't come until October.
  19. I have set myself a weekly budget until i can get myself a new job. With JSA and what i have in my bank, i can last about a year before i run out of money, if not longer. I've set it at £120 a week. And what i have left of that goes into a tin.
  20. Had a game off this week, so have put up some form training for the squad
  21. I'm at Nakatomi Plaza. They're turning my car into Swiss cheese! Great movie choiceness my friend.
  22. It seems that people under 14 are more likely to get the Swine stuff.
  23. It was doing the rounds, and i couldn't help but laugh quite loudly when i first layed eyes upon it.
  24. Jimbob

    Windows 7

    Thats interesting to know to be fair, i think MS are expecting high sales for this so are preparing early.
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