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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I would have loved to come along to this, and would have if my employment hadn't fallen through. So as i havn't got finances secured or a job to be fair i pulled out as well.
  2. Hmm, that could pose a problem. Is it gameplay footage by any chance, can't watch it in work.
  3. He was in a wheelchair though for a while when he looked so so weak.
  4. I played the demo of this the other week and i have to admit it does play well, but it was a tad easy to knock out the opponent. Is there a difficulty setting on this because i swear the demo was set to easy?. If there is, i may look into picking this up because i enjoyed the demo so much.
  5. Happy Birthday dude, have a great day!!
  6. This sounds like an excellent case for this gentleman Seriously all that over a flippin jacket. Don't pay anything at all, it isn't your fault you were only doing what you thought was right. It is partially in a way Jacks fault for mistaking your jacket for his and the girls fault for picking up a random jacket when you said hand it over to lost property. Ollie should see this and not be ranting at you, but at the girls who if they have handed the jacket in to charity should fork out the £70 required for Jack to purchase a new jacket. You, my friend are in the right.
  7. Star Wars is good, but i don't have the money to purchase that for you my friend.
  8. Yeah tis a standard letter, my latest blog really does clear my head of frustrations. Mainly full of profanities and all that. As i said, i look on the bright side now.
  9. Oh well, i now rejoin the ranks of the unemployed as of Thursday next week i believe. I had a letter stating that i am to attend a dismissal meeting that day on the grounds of redundancy. Something did catch my eye in the letter, it stated that i chose not to exercise my right to appeal. Which i bloody did. Sod Fairfields, i got 2 years of experience and 2 years service and this is how they treat me.
  10. Rain, whats rain??. Havn't seen a drop of rain where i live for weeks.
  11. I believe that the Postman may have been kidnapped by Chavs, or was robbed. One way or the other, who knows.
  12. I quote this part for warandchaos I see it as grievence for me not being able to do my work. I am still employed with the company and as a director said in a meeting "still employed to work my role as normal". So if i can't do that, what do i do except complain. To clear this part up. The redundancies are occuring due to the fact that contracts are being lost to rivals who can produce the same goods we can for cheaper. We have enough work to tide us over, but won't be making a huge profit as forecast. I am not recieving any work due to the "high risk" status. But everyone else who is at high risk is still getting work to do.
  13. My team sucks, i get a goal or two but thats it. I do like my new midfielder, he's the damn scorer
  14. I would be up for a leaderboard as well, if one ever was created. And i hope no-one would cheat their scores either.
  15. I recently installed GIMP onto my computer in the hopes of doing my own photo editing and stuff like that. Only trouble is, i havn't a clue how to use it. Anyone got any pointers on how i can get started with this?
  16. Good morning to all As many of you are aware, i am facing the threat of redundancy from work. I recently had an appeal hearing as to why i believe my independant scoring sheet score (the sheet was used to assess everyone in the company and to make a fair decision on who is at "high risk"). I am currently writing a grievence report up because as of late since being put at "high risk" i havn't been doing a lot except browse the net. Below is the report/letter i have written so far. This is roughly what i am handing in to my boss's boss. This is open to discussion.
  17. True, i understand. I didn't see a need to create a thread for one of the questions. Now that i think about it, a GIMP thread would be a good idea. I shall commence immediatly.
  18. Happy "late" Birthday
  19. Legally they can't. If you choose to cancel, they can only charge what was agreed in your contract as and when a contract is cancelled. This can be a months rate or something like that.
  20. True, always hate seeing high scores that are impossible to even come anywhere near. It ruins the fun. We should create our own leaderboard on here instead. Would be fairer.
  21. For my mate, saved him a few bob Probably the next best thing to seeing him live!.
  22. Thats a darn good cheap HDMI cable there, i think i payed about £6-£8 for the one i got at home. Ok, its a gold plated one used for the Blu-ray.
  23. Happy Bithday Raining and McPhee, have great days
  24. Jimbob


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